The College of DuPage Learning Commons supports the educational goals and purposes of the College. It is a comprehensive center that provides academic support to all College of DuPage students in the areas of Math, Writing, Reading, Speech, and Tutoring Assistance. The Learning Commons staff also assists students with College of DuPage placement test preparation, and Blackboard, MyAccess and student email navigation.
General Rules of Behavior
- Help us to maintain a quiet working environment throughout the facility.
- Put cell phones on vibrate or silent mode. Phone conversations are not permitted, however texting is allowed.
- Respect Learning Commons materials and equipment.
- Beverages must be in covered containers.
- No food may be eaten in the Learning Commons.
- The Learning Commons is an instructional area; therefore, children are not permitted except when accompanying adults conducting business at a service desk (i.e. appointments, requesting info about drop-in or workshop sessions, etc.)
- COD students who would like their parents to assist them at service desks may do so, but parents must wait in the reception area or public space outside of the Learning Commons during tutoring or coaching sessions.
- Children may not be left unattended on campus while the student receives assistance in the Learning Commons.
- Solicitation and/or selling are not allowed in the Learning Commons.
- Refrain from disrespectful and disruptive behavior in the Learning Commons.
- Learning Commons students who fail to abide by established student responsibilities may be asked to leave. The COD Police Department will be called in the event of non-compliance.
Use of Learning Commons Computers
- Student computers are for students receiving support services and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The Learning Commons does not provide free printing services for students.
- Printing by Learning Commons faculty and staff is permitted for Learning Commons activities/courses only.
- Personal laptops may not be connected to the college network. Wi-Fi access is available.
- Personal use of computer equipment or Internet connections (e.g., personal email or personal internet browsing) is considered non-Learning Commons related and will be restricted as Learning Commons use demands. Non-Learning Commons related use must be terminated immediately upon request of staff.
- Game playing and personal (not course-related) chatting are not allowed.
- The Learning Commons is a public place. Exercise discretion viewing text or graphics that may be offensive to others. Display of sexually suggestive images may create a hostile environment for others and may be in violation of state or federal obscenity laws.
- All Learning Commons computers automatically delete new or modified files upon restart. Users are responsible for saving their data on an appropriate storage device.
- Computer users must be prepared to finish and save their work before closing time.
- Access and use of College of DuPage computers and networks is governed by Board Policy #10-126 and the Electronic Communications Guidelines, available on the college’s website.
- The Learning Commons is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Personal items should not be left unattended. Items left will be sent to the main campus lost and found.
Learning Commons Testimonial

College of DuPage student Roma Khan talks about her success using the Learning Commons.
Contact Information
Learning Commons
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2102
Call: (630) 942-3940
Hours of Operation
Mathematics Assistance
(630) 942-3339
Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance
(630) 942-3355
Tutoring Services
(630) 942-3686