Aarestad, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
aarestade@cod.edu |
Abate, Brenda |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
abateb3940@cod.edu |
Abbott, Kimberly |
Enrollment Associate-Admin Assistant III Campus Central |
Campus Central |
abbottk729@cod.edu |
SSC 2261G |
(630)942-4519 |
Abdelrahim, Mariam |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
abdelrahimm@cod.edu |
Abella, Paul |
Assistant Programming Coordinator |
WDCB Radio |
abella@cod.edu |
SRC 1029A |
(630)942-3709 |
Abeln, Kacy |
Assistant Professor |
Speech Communication |
abelnk@cod.edu |
BIC 2E07K |
(630)942-2175 |
Abend, Robyn |
Enrollment Admissions Specialist - Operations |
Admission & Outreach |
abendr@cod.edu |
SSC 2255M |
(630)942-2789 |
Aberman, Kristen |
Laboratory Assistant III - Nursing |
Nursing |
abermank@cod.edu |
HSC 2142A |
(630)942-2572 |
Abernathy, Carmen |
Lab Software Supervisor |
Office & Classroom Technology |
abernath@cod.edu |
BIC 1A08 |
(630)942-4301 |
Abou Elseoud, Fotini |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
abouelseoudf@cod.edu |
Abraham, Philip |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
abrahamp238@cod.edu |
Abrams, Melinda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
abramsm11@cod.edu |
Abughoush, Alaa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
abughousha@cod.edu |
Accardi, Steven |
Professor |
English |
accardis@cod.edu |
BIC 2H05B |
(630)942-2669 |
Ackerman, Patrick |
Financial Aid Representative |
Student Financial Aid |
ackermanp286@cod.edu |
SSC 2276 |
(630)942-2871 |
Actis, Armando |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
actisa@cod.edu |
Adames, Elizabeth |
Assistant Professor |
English |
adamese@cod.edu |
BIC 2444D |
(630)942-3731 |
Adams, Janet |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
adamsj3680@cod.edu |
Adams, Jason |
Associate Professor |
Biology |
adamsja@cod.edu |
HSC 1337 |
(630)942-2272 |
Adams, Vangeliya |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
petkovav@cod.edu |
Adams, Julie |
Manager-Adjunct Faculty Support |
Adjunct Support |
adamsj3@cod.edu |
HSC 1235C |
(630)942-2594 |
Adams, Caryn |
Conf & Event Specialist |
Conference & Events Services |
adamsc751@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06J |
(630)942-3952 |
Adamski, Jocelyn |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
adamskij185@cod.edu |
Adduci, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Geography |
adduci@cod.edu |
Adduci, James |
Associate Professor |
Mathematics |
adducij@cod.edu |
BIC 3437F |
(630)942-2182 |
Aderhold, Christopher |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
aderholdc@cod.edu |
Adochio, Crystal |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
adochioc@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Aguilar, Luis |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
aguilarl118@cod.edu |
HEC 1040 |
(630)942-2000 |
Aguirre, Victor |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
aguirrev1@cod.edu |
Aharrah, Matthew |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
aharrahm@cod.edu |
Ahern, Susan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
aherns@cod.edu |
Ahmed, Raheen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
ahmedra@cod.edu |
Ahmed, Ayesha |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ahmeda558@cod.edu |
Ahmed, Nabeel |
Helpdesk Specialist I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
ahmedn225@cod.edu |
SRC 2012 |
(630)942-2556 |
Ajgaonkar, Shamili |
Professor |
Biology |
sandifor@cod.edu |
HSC 1333 |
(630)942-2123 |
Akagbosu, Eniola |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
akagbosue@cod.edu |
Akamatsu, Anne |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
akamatsua@cod.edu |
Alaidroos, Fathima |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
alaidroosf@cod.edu |
Alaks, Nancy |
Adjunct Faculty |
alaksn@cod.edu |
(630)942-8608 |
Alaks, Katherine |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
alaksk@cod.edu |
SRC 3115 |
(630)942-2796 |
Alba, Abigail |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
albaa506@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Albert, Jay |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
albertj31477@cod.edu |
Albrecht, Orin |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
alerechto@cod.edu |
Albright, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
albrightk@cod.edu |
Alcantara, Sara |
Grading Support Specialist |
Student Records |
avaloss@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-2445 |
Aldworth, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
aldworth@cod.edu |
Aldworth, Jenna |
Financial Aid Specialist - Operations |
Student Financial Aid |
bujarskij@cod.edu |
SSC 2255L |
(630)942-2839 |
Aleem, Yasmeen |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
aleemy@cod.edu |
BIC 1A05C |
(630)942-3517 |
Alex, Nika |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
alexn746@cod.edu |
Algam, Ruaa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
algamr@cod.edu |
Ali, Nishat |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
alin899@cod.edu |
Allen, James |
Professor |
English |
allenj@cod.edu |
BIC 2444A |
(630)942-3421 |
Allen, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
allend150@cod.edu |
Allen, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Suburban Law Enforcement Acad. |
allend71@cod.edu |
Allen, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anthropology |
allenc450@cod.edu |
Allen, Keith |
Adjunct Faculty |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Tec |
allenk384@cod.edu |
Aller, Keith |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Allerton, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
allertons@cod.edu |
Alliss, Susan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
allisss@cod.edu |
(630)942-8620 |
Allsbrook, Fred |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
allsbrookf@cod.edu |
Alsop, Kathrine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
woodallk@cod.edu |
Altilio, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
altiloj@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Alvarado, McKenna |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
fisherm117@cod.edu |
Alvarez, Rosita |
Adjunct Faculty |
alvarezr534@cod.edu |
Alvarez, Gustavo |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
alvarezg390@cod.edu |
Alvin, Julie |
Assistant Professor |
Nursing |
alvinj193@cod.edu |
HSC 2207Q |
(630)942-3772 |
Alwar, Narayanan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
alwarn@cod.edu |
Amador, Francisco |
Operating Engineer |
Facilities |
amadornaterf@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Amato, Justine |
Student Success Counselor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
amatoj472@cod.edu |
SSC 3200 |
(630)942-3566 |
Ambrosini, Terri |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
ambrosinit@cod.edu |
Amos, Steve |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
amoss@cod.edu |
Ancona-Roach, Lisa |
Coordinator, Remote Testing Services |
Testing Center |
ancona-roachl@cod.edu |
SRC 2122 |
(630)942-3372 |
Andersen, Mary |
Student Life Specialist - Marketing & NSO |
Student Life |
andersenm586@cod.edu |
SSC 1117 |
(630)942-2739 |
Anderson, Jeanne |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
andersoj@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Anderson, Sandra |
Professor |
Languages |
martinss14@cod.edu |
BIC 2430C |
(630)942-2174 |
Anderson, Evan |
Laboratory Asst. III |
Earth Science |
andersone1186@cod.edu |
BIC 3501A |
(630)942-3857 |
Anderson, Demetris |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
andersond180@cod.edu |
Anderson, Kristin |
Admissions & Outreach Event Coordinator |
Admission & Outreach |
andersonk1961@cod.edu |
SSC 2239 |
(630)942-2920 |
Anderson, Anthony |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
andersona591@cod.edu |
Anderson, Rachel |
Administrative Assistant V - Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
andersonr34@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-3342 |
Anderson, Suzanne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
andersons514@cod.edu |
Anderson, Jarryl |
Coordinator of Clinical Learning |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
andersonj68@cod.edu |
HSC 1217 |
(630)942-2598 |
Anderson-Patch, Natalie |
Coordinator, Tutoring Services |
Tutoring |
anderson-patchn@cod.edu |
SRC 2121 |
(630)942-3681 |
Andonova, Klementina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
andonovak@cod.edu |
Andrade, Sara |
T a Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
andrades715@cod.edu |
Andres, Katrina Bianca |
Specialized Testing Assistant |
Testing Center |
andresk@cod.edu |
BIC 2A08 |
(630)942-2401 |
Andres, Karla |
Specialized Testing Assistant |
Testing Center |
andresk103@cod.edu |
BIC 2A08 |
(630)942-2401 |
Andrews, Wendolynn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
andrews@cod.edu |
(630)942-3250 |
Andrews, Margo |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
andrewsm240@cod.edu |
Andrews, Caryn |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
andrewsc833@cod.edu |
Andrews, Dean |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
andrewsd3388@cod.edu |
Anlar, Nilgun |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
anlarn@cod.edu |
Annarella, Paul |
Accounts Receivable Coordinator |
Accounts Receivable |
annarellap@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-4472 |
Antipenkov, Viktor |
Graphic & Web Designer II |
Marketing & Creative Services |
antipenk@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-3734 |
Antuna, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
antuna@cod.edu |
Anyichie, Chinonye |
Academic Assistant II - Writing, Reading, Speech |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
anyichiec@cod.edu |
Apavaloaiei, Eliza |
Enrollment Associate-Admin Assistant III Campus Central |
Campus Central |
apavaloaieie@cod.edu |
SSC 2261F |
(630)942-4323 |
Arango, Alexandra |
Administrative Assistant III - Abe/Ged/Esl |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
arangoa3691@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3778 |
Aranki, Joseph |
Professor |
Automotive Service Technology |
arankij@cod.edu |
TEC 1054 |
(630)942-2534 |
Arbet, Christopher |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
arbetc@cod.edu |
Arbet, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
arbetc2969@cod.edu |
TEC 1060 |
(630)942-4208 |
Arcentales, Eva |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
arcentalese@cod.edu |
Archbold, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
archboldt@cod.edu |
Archos, Aristotelis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
archosa@cod.edu |
Ardelt, Margaret |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
ardelt@cod.edu |
(630)942-5800 |
Ardies-Morales, Shawnee |
Aquatics Manager |
Athletics |
ardies-moraless@cod.edu |
PEC 140A |
(630)942-4354 |
Ardoin, Kimberly |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ardoin@cod.edu |
(630)942-2208 |
Arellano, Micaela |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
arella@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Arfeen, Zahid |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
arfeenz@cod.edu |
Aristodemo, Sandra |
Dental Hygiene |
aristodemos236@cod.edu |
Aristodemo, Giovanni |
Dental Hygiene |
aristodemog@cod.edu |
Ariza, Sarah |
Manager, Advancement Services |
Institutional Advancement |
arizas@cod.edu |
Arl, Tyler |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
arlt@cod.edu |
Arlis, Logan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
arlisl523@cod.edu |
Armandi, Richard |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
armandi@cod.edu |
Armas, Felipe |
Assistant Professor |
Psychology |
armasf@cod.edu |
BIC 2556G |
(630)942-2037 |
Armbruster, Patricia |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
armbrusterp@cod.edu |
Armstrong, Jonathan |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
armstrongj99@cod.edu |
BIC 0551 |
(630)942-2742 |
Arnold, Kenneth |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
arnoldk83@cod.edu |
Arnold, Amanda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
arnolda741@cod.edu |
Arnold, Richard |
College Production Coord. & Lighting & Sound Coordinator |
Performing Arts |
arnoldjr.r@cod.edu |
MAC 227 |
(630)942-3198 |
Arnott-Hill, Elizabeth |
Professor |
Psychology |
arnott-hille@cod.edu |
BIC 2556J |
(630)942-3577 |
Aronson, Audrey |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
aronsona@cod.edu |
Arreguin, Sugey |
Administrative Assistant VI |
Office of Provost |
arreguins40@cod.edu |
BIC 3400E |
(630)942-2005 |
Arriola, Giancarlo |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
arriolag399@cod.edu |
Arroyo, Timothy |
Assistant Professor |
Photography |
arroyot@cod.edu |
MAC 273 |
(630)942-3380 |
Arzola, Daniel |
Assistant Supervisor, Box Office |
Performing Arts |
arzolad1100@cod.edu |
MAC 101A |
(630)942-2046 |
Ascenzo, Joseph |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
ascenzoj@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-3880 |
Asif, Alina |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
asifa@cod.edu |
Aspen, Kyle |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
aspenk@cod.edu |
Atallah, Sameh |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
atallahs@cod.edu |
Atkins, Sara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
atkinss1178@cod.edu |
Atkinson, Mark |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
atkinsonm351@cod.edu |
Atri, Denise |
Adjunct Faculty |
atrid@cod.edu |
Augustyn, Phillip |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
augustynp1564@cod.edu |
Aussem, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
aussemj@cod.edu |
Austin, Kimberly |
Senior Academic Assistant-WRSC |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
austink272@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3355 |
Austrums, Florence |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
austrumsf@cod.edu |
Avery, Elisabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
averye@cod.edu |
Avila, Graciela |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
avilag35@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Avila, Alexis |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
avilaa1800@cod.edu |
Avila Garcia, Miguel |
Groundskeeper |
Facilities |
avilam@cod.edu |
CMC 1035 |
(630)942-2319 |
Axt, Carla |
Adjunct Faculty |
axtc@cod.edu |
Axt-Pilon, Alice |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
axt-pilona@cod.edu |
Ayyad, Eamann |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
ayyade@cod.edu |
Azizi, Luljeta |
Adjunct Faculty |
azizil@cod.edu |
Bab, Kevin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
babk@cod.edu |
Badertscher, Robert |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
badertscherr@cod.edu |
Baez Ramos, Rosa |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
baezramosr@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Baginski, Katherine |
Adjunct Faculty |
baginskik@cod.edu |
Bahadory, Mishal |
Adjunct Faculty |
bahadorym@cod.edu |
Bahr, Rebecca |
Recruitment & Transition Manager, CEJA Grant |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
bahrr@cod.edu |
NC 7 |
(630)942-3714 |
Bahreini, Manijeh |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
bahreinim@cod.edu |
Bailey, Stephanie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
baileys303@cod.edu |
Bailey, Christopher |
Professor |
Mathematics |
baileyc105@cod.edu |
BIC 3437E |
(630)942-3035 |
Bailey, Albert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
baileya133@cod.edu |
Bainbridge, Morgan |
Events Specialist |
Performing Arts |
bainbridgem595@cod.edu |
MAC 201B |
(630)942-3004 |
Baker, Craig |
Adjunct Faculty |
bakerc@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Baker, Margaret |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
bakerm297@cod.edu |
Baker, Yoshika |
CE Operations Assistant |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
bakery@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3268 |
Baker, Raymond |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bakerr2350@cod.edu |
Baker, Mara |
Professor |
Art Studio |
bakerm@cod.edu |
MAC 152A |
(630)942-3420 |
Baker, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
bakere168@cod.edu |
BIC 2EO71 |
(630)942-3404 |
Baker, Carlee |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bakerc1266@cod.edu |
Baker, Assia |
Student Conduct and Title IX Coordinator |
Student Services |
bakera478@cod.edu |
BIC 1417C |
(630)942-2491 |
Baker, Valerie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
bakerv2342@cod.edu |
Baker, Megan |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
bakerm1651@cod.edu |
Bakke, William |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bakkew@cod.edu |
Bakker, Anna |
Outdoor Lab/Prairie Manager |
Biology |
bakkera2107@cod.edu |
BIC 0545 |
(630)942-3919 |
Bakouris, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
bakourisj@cod.edu |
Balakrishnan, Sudha |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
balakris@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Baldwin, Kevin |
Lab Software Specialist II |
Office & Classroom Technology |
baldwink@cod.edu |
BIC 1A08 |
(630)942-2575 |
Balestri, Frank |
Assistant Professor |
Horticulture |
balestrif@cod.edu |
TEC 1058 |
(630)942-3498 |
Balestri, Aleisha |
Assistant Professor |
English |
balestria@cod.edu |
BIC 2444F |
(630)942-3291 |
Ballentine, Sunshine |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
ballentines@cod.edu |
BIC 1A06C |
(630)942-3593 |
Balogh, Katie |
WRSA Supervisor |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
baloghk@cod.edu |
SRC 2108 |
(630)942-2084 |
Bambule, Jeffrey |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bambulej@cod.edu |
Bandy, Kayla |
Lead Research Analyst |
Research & Analytics |
arringtonk35@cod.edu |
IRC 1035 |
(630)942-3386 |
Bankston, Gwendolyn |
Director, Total Rewards |
Human Resources |
bankstong@cod.edu |
SRC 2134C |
(630)942-4233 |
Bapes, Constantine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Humanities |
bapesc@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Barchiesi, Gianni |
Assistant Professor |
English |
barchiesig@cod.edu |
BIC 2E09C |
(630)942-2597 |
Bardygula, John |
Carpenter |
Facilities |
bardygulaj@cod.edu |
(630)942-2320 |
Barker, Annette |
Adjunct Faculty |
barker@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Barnes, Devona |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
barnesd1142@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Barnes-Seymour, Eva |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
barnes-seymoure@cod.edu |
Barr, Naomi |
Financial Aid Representative |
Student Financial Aid |
barrna@cod.edu |
SSC 2272 |
(630)942-2708 |
Barraza Zapata, Juan |
Student Accounts Representative I |
Accounts Receivable |
barrazazapataj@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-4427 |
Barrea, Raul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
barrear@cod.edu |
Barrera, Doris |
Administrative Assistant II, Assessment |
Assessment |
barrerad540@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-2235 |
Barrett, Amelia |
Professor |
Theater |
barrett@cod.edu |
MAC 186D |
(630)942-2100 |
Barrett, Brian |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business Law |
barrettb180@cod.edu |
Barrett, Oscene |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
barretto@cod.edu |
Barrett, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
barrettj533@cod.edu |
Barrett, Lisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
barrettl386@cod.edu |
Barrios, Isabel |
Accounts Payable Specialist |
Cash Disbursements/Payroll |
barriosi142@cod.edu |
SRC 2132 |
(630)942-3412 |
Bartels, Laurie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
bartelsl@cod.edu |
Bartelt, Sophie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bartelt@cod.edu |
Barth, Jason |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
barthj1099@cod.edu |
Bartolome, Aaron |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
bartolomea224@cod.edu |
Barton, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
barton@cod.edu |
Bartz, Martin |
Horticulture Lab Coordinator |
Horticulture |
bartzm@cod.edu |
TEC 0025 |
(630)942-3807 |
Basco, Deanna |
Senior Academic Assistant-WRSC |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
bascod1070@cod.edu |
Basham, Emily |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
bashame@cod.edu |
Basich, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Office Technology Information |
reynoldsk320@cod.edu |
Bass, Sayard |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Language Pathology Asst |
basss132@cod.edu |
Bastian, Brian |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bastianb@cod.edu |
Bates, Edward |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
batesed@cod.edu |
(630)942-8629 |
Battaglia, Mark |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
battagliam1409@cod.edu |
Baugh, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
baughj@cod.edu |
BIC 3500 |
Baumgartner, Charles |
Fixed Assets Control Clerk |
Fixed Assets |
baumgartnerc268@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-3486 |
Bavone, Christina |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
bavonec@cod.edu |
Bayer, Olga |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
bayero@cod.edu |
Baymon, Tiana |
Grant Accountant |
Financial Affairs & Controller |
baymont@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-2673 |
Beard, Joel |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
beardj569@cod.edu |
Beauchamp, Jeanne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
beauchampj@cod.edu |
Beaudin, John |
T a Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
beaudinj93@cod.edu |
Beaumont, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Cosmetology |
beaumonte@cod.edu |
Beaver, Judith |
Adjunct Faculty |
Office Technology Information |
beaverj@cod.edu |
Becker, Jillian |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
beckerj117@cod.edu |
(630)942-2154 |
Becker, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
beckerm416@cod.edu |
Becker, Olivia |
Academic Assistant II - Writing, Reading, Speech |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
beckero@cod.edu |
Bednarz, Filip |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
bednarzf@cod.edu |
Beecham-Bautista, Cari |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
beecham@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Beeman, David |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Beemer, Adam |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electro-Mechanical Technology |
beemera@cod.edu |
Behrns, Anne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
behrnsa@cod.edu |
Beilfuss, Jeannine |
Chaparral Fitness Assistant |
Athletics |
beilfussj@cod.edu |
PEC 202B |
(630)942-2633 |
Beirne, Kristen |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
beirnek@cod.edu |
Beirne, Michael |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
beirnem873@cod.edu |
Bekkal, Omar |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
bekkalo@cod.edu |
Beller, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
bellerc@cod.edu |
Belles, Cindy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
bellesc@cod.edu |
Bellezza, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
bellezzac@cod.edu |
Bello, Yvonne |
Administrative Supervisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
belloy@cod.edu |
BIC 1A07C |
(630)942-3051 |
Beloni-Riad, Cassiane |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
beloni-riadc@cod.edu |
Belova, Elena |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
belovae@cod.edu |
Belsanti, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
belsanti@cod.edu |
Bemben, Melanie |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
bembenm@cod.edu |
Bender, Angela |
Manager, Communication & Events |
Institutional Advancement |
bendera893@cod.edu |
BIC 1520D |
(630)942-2469 |
Bending, Christine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
bendingc@cod.edu |
Bendis, Katherine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
bendisk@cod.edu |
Bengaluru Kempegowda, Kavyashree |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
bengalurukempegowdak@cod.edu |
Benitez, Jesus |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
benitezj448@cod.edu |
Benkert, Becky |
Instructional Designer |
Learning Technologies |
benkertb@cod.edu |
BIC 3401 |
(630)942-3732 |
Bennett, Alexandra |
Professor |
Physics |
kopeckya@cod.edu |
BIC 3436G |
(630)942-2435 |
Bennett, Ian |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
bennetti@cod.edu |
Benson, Erica |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bensone71@cod.edu |
Benson, Barbara |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
bensonb674@cod.edu |
(630)942-4750 |
Benson-Meirick, Or'Shaundra |
Professor |
Psychology |
bensono@cod.edu |
BIC 2556F |
(630)942-3572 |
Benzing, Rachel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dance |
benzingr@cod.edu |
Berg, Jean |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
bergj807@cod.edu |
Bergan, Nicholas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
bergann@cod.edu |
Berger, Kathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
bergerk1901@cod.edu |
Berman, Norma |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
bermann@cod.edu |
Berna, Michael |
Lead Syst Anlyst Progrmr |
Information Systems |
bernam@cod.edu |
SRC 2162 |
(630)942-2807 |
Bernard, Aerie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Humanities |
bernarda17@cod.edu |
Bernardi, Barbara |
Adjunct Faculty |
bernardib@cod.edu |
Berry Herrera, Danielle |
Manager-Adjunct Faculty Support |
Adjunct Support |
berryd352@cod.edu |
Best, Michael |
Course Accommodation Aide |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
bestm@cod.edu |
Best, Andrew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
besta431@cod.edu |
Bestrycki, Cindy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
bestryck@cod.edu |
Beyer, Christal |
Reference Assistant |
Library |
beyerc558@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
(630)942-3364 |
Bharwani, Rahim |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
bharwanir@cod.edu |
Bhuiyan, Mohammed |
Library Computing & Support Assistant |
Library |
bhuiyan@cod.edu |
SRC 2021 |
(630)942-2671 |
Biancalana, Elisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
biancal@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Bica, Teri |
Student Accounts Representative II |
Accounts Receivable |
bicat@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-4107 |
Bid, Hemant |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
bidh@cod.edu |
Bielat, Miroslawa |
Adjunct Faculty |
bielat@cod.edu |
ADC 102 |
(630)942-4600 |
Biewer, Alicia |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
biewera1944@cod.edu |
Bifulco, Edward |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bifulcoe@cod.edu |
Billings, Adam |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
billingsa@cod.edu |
Billings, Gabriel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
billingsg@cod.edu |
Bilolikar, Ragini |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bilolikarr@cod.edu |
Binder, Greg |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Lecture |
binder@cod.edu |
Bindert, Daniel |
Station Manager, WDCB FM |
WDCB Radio |
bindertd@cod.edu |
SRC 1030 |
(630)942-3706 |
Binter, Erik |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
bintere@cod.edu |
Bird, Hayley |
Instructional Assistant II |
Learning Commons |
birdh@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3940 |
Birkland, Dawn |
Associate Dean, Business & Applied Technology |
Business & Applied Technology |
birklandd@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06J |
(630)942-3288 |
Blaas, Ann |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
blaasa@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Blackshear, Brandon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
blackshearb@cod.edu |
Blackwell, Janelle |
Homework Help YC/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
blackwellj11@cod.edu |
Blatt, Susan |
Program Manager |
blattsu@cod.edu |
SRC 1111L |
(630)942-2841 |
Blazevic, Lisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
blazevicl@cod.edu |
Blewett, Daniel |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
blewett@cod.edu |
SRC 3136 |
(630)942-2279 |
Blindt, David |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
blindtd@cod.edu |
Blinstrup, Bryan |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
blinstrupb@cod.edu |
Blomquist, Jacqueline |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
blomquistj@cod.edu |
Blue, Grace |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
blueg545@cod.edu |
Blum, Victoria |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
blumv@cod.edu |
Boccassini, Andrew |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
boccassinia@cod.edu |
Bock, Philip |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
bockp@cod.edu |
Boecker, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
boecker@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Boehnke, Robert |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
boehnker@cod.edu |
Bojczuk, Carol |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
bojczukc@cod.edu |
CSC 100A |
(630)942-4888 |
Bolles, Andrew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
bollesa@cod.edu |
Bona, Michael |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bonam@cod.edu |
Bonev, Brian |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bonevb@cod.edu |
Bonilla, Samuel |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bonillas@cod.edu |
HEC 2021 |
(630)942-3336 |
Boone, Charles |
Professor |
Art Studio |
boonec@cod.edu |
MAC 157A |
(630)942-2477 |
Boone, Miles |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
boonem@cod.edu |
Borgman, Jessie |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
borgmanj@cod.edu |
Born, Sarah |
Professor |
Nursing |
borns@cod.edu |
HSC 2207N |
(630)942-2399 |
Bornschlegl, Sean |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
bornschlegls@cod.edu |
Borowski, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
borowskid@cod.edu |
Borucki, Christine |
Library Monitor |
Library |
boruckic317@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2675 |
Bosco, Carly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
boscoc2678@cod.edu |
Bose, Sanjukta |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
boses@cod.edu |
Boshardy, Leo |
Editorial Assistant |
Public Relations & Communicati |
boshardyl@cod.edu |
IRC 1048 |
(630)942-2802 |
Botts, Timothy |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bottst@cod.edu |
(630)942-2208 |
Boudiaf, Chafika |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
boudiafc@cod.edu |
Boulom, Karyin |
Administrative Assistant III |
Support Services |
boulomk@cod.edu |
IRC 1001 |
(630)942-2026 |
Bouton, Tracey |
Adjunct Faculty |
bouton@cod.edu |
Bovey, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
boveyt@cod.edu |
Bowden, Amy |
Senior Academic Assistant-WRSC |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
bowdena632@cod.edu |
Bowen, Debbie |
Adjunct Faculty |
bowend@cod.edu |
Bowers, James |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bowers@cod.edu |
PEC 121G |
(630)942-2714 |
Bowers, Tony |
Associate Professor |
English |
bowerst@cod.edu |
BIC 2H05E |
(630)942-2688 |
Bowers, Shane |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
bowerss1@cod.edu |
Bowlby, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
bowlbyt@cod.edu |
Bowman, Patricia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
bowmanp@cod.edu |
Bowman, Matthew |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bowmanm488@cod.edu |
Bowman, Megan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
bowmanm259@cod.edu |
Boyce, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
boycej60@cod.edu |
Boyd, Adrian |
Financial Aid Specialist - SAP |
Student Financial Aid |
boydad@cod.edu |
SSC 2271 |
(630)942-2247 |
Boyd, Mia |
Assistant Professor |
Cosmetology |
boydm72@cod.edu |
BIC 1471 |
(630)942-2918 |
Boyle, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Geography |
boylem362@cod.edu |
Boyle, Robert |
Assistant Professor |
Automotive Service Technology |
boyler@cod.edu |
TEC 1060 |
(630)942-2138 |
Boyle, Cheryl |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
boylec@cod.edu |
Boyle, Claire |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
boylec184@cod.edu |
Braatz, Elizabeth |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
braatze@cod.edu |
Brackmann, Tina |
Residency Specialist |
Registration Services |
brackmannt@cod.edu |
SSC 2247 |
(630)942-3281 |
Bradley, Patrick |
Professor |
Mathematics |
bradley@cod.edu |
BIC 3D12 |
(630)942-3973 |
Brady, Mark |
Supervisor, Design |
Marketing & Creative Services |
bradym@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-2753 |
Brady, Scott |
Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer |
Financial Affairs & Controller |
bradys310@cod.edu |
SRC 2130L |
(630)942-2219 |
Brady, Theodore |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
bradyt151@cod.edu |
Brancaleon, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
brancaleonj@cod.edu |
Brant, Eric |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
brante@cod.edu |
Brant, Mason |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
brantm406@cod.edu |
Braun, Rita |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
braunr644@cod.edu |
Brems, Brian |
Professor |
English |
bremsb@cod.edu |
BIC 2E09B |
(630)942-2521 |
Brennan, Kathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
brennank356@cod.edu |
Brennan, Renee |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
brennanr167@cod.edu |
Brennan, Christa |
Associate Professor |
Respiratory Care |
brennanc221@cod.edu |
HSC 2202W |
(630)942-2105 |
Brenner, Joseph |
Director, Customer Experience and Support |
Information Technology Srvcs |
brenner@cod.edu |
SRC 2170 |
(630)942-3984 |
Brew, Mary |
Registration Operations Coordinator |
Registration Services |
brewm@cod.edu |
SSC 2235A |
(630)942-3289 |
Brewer, Geraldine |
Assistant Professor |
Nursing |
brewerg847@cod.edu |
HSC 2207A |
(630)942-2318 |
Briggs, Tashena |
Manager, Academic Outreach and Program Development |
Academic Outreach |
briggst449@cod.edu |
BIC 1A02R |
(630)942-2778 |
Briskman, Ari |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
briskmana@cod.edu |
Brodie, Susan |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
brodie@cod.edu |
BIC 1A07A |
(630)942-2343 |
Bromley, Patrick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
bromleyp@cod.edu |
Broniewicz, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
bronie@cod.edu |
Bronkowski, Carrie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
bronkowskic@cod.edu |
Brooks, Robert |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
brooksr1677@cod.edu |
Brooks, Brittany |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
brooksb674@cod.edu |
Brose, Katherine |
Reference Assistant |
Library |
brosek@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
(630)942-3364 |
Brown, Gina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
browng1546@cod.edu |
Brown, Evan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
browne67@cod.edu |
Brown, Jeffery |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
brownj183@cod.edu |
Brown, Kenneth |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
brownk237@cod.edu |
Brown, Brian |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
brownb649@cod.edu |
(630)942-8669 |
Brown, Ashley |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
browna898@cod.edu |
Brown, Karen |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
brownk835@cod.edu |
Bruhnke, Kristen |
Veterans Services Program Coordinator |
Veterans Services |
bruhnkek@cod.edu |
SSC 3387 |
(630)942-3852 |
Brunelle, Roger |
Director, Information Technology Enterprise Architecture |
Planning, Perform & Tech |
bruneller166@cod.edu |
SRC 2164 |
(630)942-2624 |
Brunet, Patricia |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
brunetp@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3339 |
Brunetti, Flora |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
brunettif356@cod.edu |
Brus, Andrea |
Assistant Professor |
Health Information Technology |
brusa235@cod.edu |
HSC 2207F |
(630)942-2242 |
Bryan, Robert |
Technician |
Performing Arts |
bryanr@cod.edu |
MAC 132 |
(630)942-4245 |
Bryant, Tia |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
bryantt138@cod.edu |
NC 20 |
(630)942-4700 |
Bryant, Scott |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
bryants248@cod.edu |
Bryant-Ridgway, Lauren |
Homework Help YC/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
bryant-ridgwayl@cod.edu |
Bryles, Gianati |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
brylesg@cod.edu |
Brzezinski, Cathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
brzezinskic@cod.edu |
Brzuszkiewicz, Amanda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
brzuszkiewicza@cod.edu |
Brzuszkiewicz, Brandon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
brzuszkiewiczb@cod.edu |
Buchenot, Benjamin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
buchenotb@cod.edu |
Buck, Rodney |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
buckr@cod.edu |
(630)942-8627 |
Buck, Jodi |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
buckj1057@cod.edu |
Buckel, Ryan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
buckelr@cod.edu |
Buckler, Andrew |
Associate Dean, Arts, Communication and Hospitality |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
bucklera@cod.edu |
MAC 271 |
(630)942-2596 |
Buckley, Terrance |
Assistant Professor |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
buckleyt@cod.edu |
TEC 1042 |
(630)942-3673 |
Buckley, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
buckleye252@cod.edu |
Buckun, Ann |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anthropology |
buckuna@cod.edu |
Bucur, Anna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
bucura12@cod.edu |
Buczak, Mariola |
Custodial Group Leader |
Facilities |
buczakm@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Budach, Camille |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
budach@cod.edu |
Budney, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
budney@cod.edu |
Budziak, Colleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
budziakc@cod.edu |
Buhmann, Beth |
Division Support Specialist-STEM Division |
buhmannb@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06A |
(630)942-2055 |
Buhr, William |
Music Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
buhrwm@cod.edu |
Buitron, Brigitte |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
buitronb@cod.edu |
Bukowski, David |
Network Analyst IV |
Network Services |
bukowski@cod.edu |
SRC 2171 |
(630)942-2591 |
Buksinska, Beata |
Adjunct Faculty |
buksinskab@cod.edu |
Bundy, Christina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
chhec@cod.edu |
Burfield, Sarah |
Veterans Specialist Assistant |
Veterans Services |
burfields@cod.edu |
SSC 3384 |
(630)942-4526 |
Burgoon, William |
T a Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
burgoonw@cod.edu |
Burhop, Jeffrey |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
burhopj@cod.edu |
Burk, Terese |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
burkte@cod.edu |
Burroughs, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
burrough@cod.edu |
Burrows, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
burrows@cod.edu |
Burt-Nicholas, Laura |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
burt-nicholasl@cod.edu |
SRC 3111 |
(630)942-3907 |
Butkus, Rosemarie |
Associate Professor |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
butkusr@cod.edu |
HSC 2202B |
(630)942-3743 |
Butler, Jennifer |
Division Support Specialist |
Social/Behavioral Sc & Library |
butlerj61@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06B |
(630)942-3802 |
Butler, Kyle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
butlerk234@cod.edu |
Butler, Rita |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
butlerr104@cod.edu |
Butler, Sarah |
Associate Professor |
Psychology |
butlers584@cod.edu |
BIC 2556A |
(630)942-2035 |
Butler, Alison |
Student Accounts Representative I |
Accounts Receivable |
bernovicha@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-2206 |
Buzruk, Anupama |
Senior Academic Assistant-Tutoring |
Tutoring |
buzruka@cod.edu |
Bzdelik, Tyler |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
bzdelikt@cod.edu |
Cabai, Katherine |
Professor |
Surgical Technology |
cabaik@cod.edu |
HSC 2202G |
(630)942-8328 |
Cabay, Susan |
Laboratory Assistant II |
Office Technology Information |
cabays@cod.edu |
BIC 1E01A |
(630)942-2719 |
Cable, Katherine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
cablek@cod.edu |
Cahan, Jackie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
cahanj@cod.edu |
Cahill, Joseph |
Community Service Officer |
Police Dept |
cahillj639@cod.edu |
HEC 1044 |
(630)942-3942 |
Cajthaml, Kimberly |
Registration Associate |
Registration Services |
cajthamlk@cod.edu |
SSC 2235C |
(630)942-4478 |
Calabrese, Morgan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
calabresem4046@cod.edu |
Calafos, Jeffrey |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
calafosj@cod.edu |
Calderaro, Christy |
Health Program Simulation Technician |
Nursing |
calderaroc@cod.edu |
HSC 2136 |
(630)942-4258 |
Caldwell, Rebecca |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
caldwellr34@cod.edu |
Calenberg, Daniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
calenbergd@cod.edu |
Calhoun, Amy |
Internal Marketing & Communications Manager |
Public Relations & Communicati |
calhoun@cod.edu |
IRC 1046 |
(630)942-2927 |
Calice-Mcdowell, Skyy |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
calices@cod.edu |
Callaghan, William |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
callaghanw@cod.edu |
Camardo, Patrick |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
camardop@cod.edu |
Camarena, Alma |
Director, Human Resources |
Human Resources |
camarenaa235@cod.edu |
SRC 2134M |
(630)942-2427 |
Camel-Kula, Candith |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
camel-kulac@cod.edu |
Camerano, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
cameranom@cod.edu |
Cammallarie, Josephine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
cammal@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Camp, Amy |
Assistant Professor |
English |
campa@cod.edu |
BIC 2E09A |
(630)942-3935 |
Campbell, Gabriel |
Professor |
Geography |
campbelg@cod.edu |
BIC 2H06B |
(630)942-2060 |
Campbell, Mary |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
campbellm413@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Campbell, Anna |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
campbella86@cod.edu |
HSC 2220 M |
(630)942-2419 |
Campbell, Elbert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
campbelle284@cod.edu |
Campbell, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
campbellt125@cod.edu |
Campione, Kristina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
campionek@cod.edu |
Canabal, Evelyn |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
canabale@cod.edu |
Canchola-Guzman, Christine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
canchola-guzmanc@cod.edu |
Cannella, Nicholas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
cannellan@cod.edu |
Cannella Jr, Robert |
Technology Lab Coordinator |
cannella@cod.edu |
TEC 2027 |
(630)942-2406 |
Cano, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
canor@cod.edu |
Cantada, Nelson |
Assistant Professor |
Fashion Studies |
cantadan@cod.edu |
SRC 1006 |
(630)942-2363 |
Cao, Michelle |
Registration Assistant |
Registration Services |
caom@cod.edu |
SSC 2235B |
(630)942-3864 |
Capps, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
cappss118@cod.edu |
Capua, Timothy |
Coordinator CPR |
Fire Science |
capuati@cod.edu |
HEC 1030 |
(630)942-4714 |
Carbajal-Romo, Rosaura |
Counselor, Student Success |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
carbajal-romor@cod.edu |
SSC 3349 |
(630)942-3969 |
Cardamone, Kristine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
cardamonek@cod.edu |
Carden, Garrett |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
cardeng@cod.edu |
Cardoso, Jazmin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
cardosoj1698@cod.edu |
Carey, Nancy |
Professor |
Culinary Arts |
careyn101@cod.edu |
CHC 2021F |
(630)942-3378 |
Carlson, Mary |
Professor |
Business |
carlsonm@cod.edu |
BIC 1454B |
(630)942-2465 |
Carlson, Amanda |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
carlsona@cod.edu |
Carlson, Beverly |
Program Support Specialist |
Business & Applied Technology |
carlsonb@cod.edu |
BIC 1436B |
(630)942-2140 |
Carlson, Daven |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
carlsond2489@cod.edu |
Carlson, Brian |
Dean, Arts, Communication and Hospitality |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
carlsonb1484@cod.edu |
MAC 219A |
(630)942-3105 |
Carnalla, Jana |
Assistant Professor |
Respiratory Care |
carnallaj@cod.edu |
HSC 2202R |
(630)942-2518 |
Carnana, Joseph |
Lead Painter |
Facilities |
carnanaj@cod.edu |
CMC 1020 |
(630)942-2320 |
Carpenter, Aisling |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
carpentera221@cod.edu |
Carr, Maria |
Admissions Representative |
International Student Services |
carrma@cod.edu |
BIC 1A07 |
(630)942-2382 |
Carrasco-Unive, Irais |
Externship/Enrollment Coordinator |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
carrasco-univei@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-2788 |
Carreon, Annette |
Administrative Assistant V - Enrollment |
Enrollment Management |
carreona3005@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-3718 |
Carrillo, Erin |
Administrative Assistant VI |
President's Office |
carrilloe42@cod.edu |
SRC 2135 |
(630)942-2203 |
Carrillo, Mateo |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
carrillom31@cod.edu |
Carrington, Robert |
Laboratory Asst. III |
Physics |
carring@cod.edu |
BIC 3E06 |
(630)942-2413 |
Carroll, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
carrollm21@cod.edu |
Carson, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
carsonj36@cod.edu |
Carta, Amy |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
cartaa@cod.edu |
CSC 101 |
(630)942-4900 |
Cartee, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
carteej@cod.edu |
Carter, Erin |
Instructional Assistant II |
Learning Commons |
cartere1702@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3940 |
Carter, Danette |
Testing Specialist |
Testing Center |
carterd2998@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06 |
(630)942-2580 |
Carton, Mindy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
cartonm189@cod.edu |
Carvell, William |
Adjunct Faculty |
Microbiology |
carvellw@cod.edu |
Cascio, Kara |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
casciok@cod.edu |
Case, Dana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
cased@cod.edu |
Casey, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
caseyj@cod.edu |
Casey, Kevin |
Buyer |
Procurement Services |
caseyk650@cod.edu |
IRC 1003 |
(630)942-2355 |
Casper, Donald |
Adjunct Faculty |
casperd@cod.edu |
Cassidy, Joseph |
Assistant Provost, Workforce and Economic Development |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
cassidyj1180@cod.edu |
BIC 3400T |
(630)942-3365 |
Castaldo, Michele |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
schultzm41@cod.edu |
Castellanos, Iris |
Manager, Admissions Onboarding |
Admission & Outreach |
castellanosi92@cod.edu |
SSC 2241 |
(630)942-2397 |
Castle, Stephenie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
castles625@cod.edu |
Castro, Jessica |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
castroj209@cod.edu |
Castro, Miguel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
castrom2425@cod.edu |
Castronova, Stacy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
castronovas@cod.edu |
Catalano, Deborah |
Adjunct Faculty |
catalanod134@cod.edu |
Cavanaugh, Dawn |
Adjunct Faculty |
weeksd416@cod.edu |
Cechini, Cassandra |
Radio Dispatcher |
Police Dept |
cechinic64@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
Cemel, Cedric |
HEC Technology Specialist |
Office & Classroom Technology |
cemelc@cod.edu |
HTC 1006 |
(630)942-3436 |
Cen, Osman |
Adjunct Faculty |
Microbiology |
ceno@cod.edu |
Cercone, Christine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
cerconec@cod.edu |
Cerpa, Jenny |
Assistant Professor |
Surgical Technology |
moorej2352@cod.edu |
HSC 2202K |
(630)942-2544 |
Cervenka, Sara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
cervenkas31@cod.edu |
Cetera, Erin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
cetera@cod.edu |
IRC 1030 |
(630)942-8664 |
Chabot, Maria |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
chabotm@cod.edu |
Chakravorty, Gauri |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
chakravortyg@cod.edu |
Chambers, Ami |
Program of Study Alignment Coordinator |
AVP Academic Affairs |
chambersa@cod.edu |
BIC 3400N |
(630)942-3823 |
Chambers, Ellen |
Adjunct Faculty |
chamberse31480@cod.edu |
Chambers, Devin |
Counselor, Student Success |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
chambersd62@cod.edu |
SSC 3347 |
(630)942-3274 |
Chan, Thomas |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
chant527@cod.edu |
Chan, Wylie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
chanw315@cod.edu |
Chapa, Hilary |
Coordinator, Continuing Education Program |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
chapah@cod.edu |
SRC 1111H |
(630)942-2173 |
Chapman, David |
Graphic & Web Designer I |
Marketing & Creative Services |
chapmand652@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-2023 |
Charles, Tamikia |
Financial Aid Assistant |
Student Financial Aid |
charlest@cod.edu |
SSC 2261K |
(630)942-2053 |
Charles, Jennifer |
Conf & Event Specialist |
Conference & Events Services |
charlesj36@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06H |
(630)942-3953 |
Chase, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Theater |
chasec2549@cod.edu |
Chassagne, Jean-Claude |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
chassagnej@cod.edu |
Chasteen, Robert |
Operations Support Supervisor |
Operations Support |
chasteen@cod.edu |
SRC 2159A |
(630)942-2623 |
Chau, Somphol |
Non-Credit Instruction - Grant Funded |
Academic Affairs |
chaus138@cod.edu |
Chauhan, Mihirsinh |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
chauhanm@cod.edu |
Chavez, Edward |
Dental Hygiene |
chavez@cod.edu |
(630)942-3250 |
Chavez de Caldera, Maria |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
chavezdecalderam@cod.edu |
Cheeks, Edward |
Device Support Supervisor |
Office & Classroom Technology |
cheeks@cod.edu |
BIC 0534A |
(630)942-2554 |
Chen, Tony |
Professor |
chento@cod.edu |
BIC 1F09 |
(630)942-2537 |
Chen, Yen Chen |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
cheny154@cod.edu |
Chen, Wellin |
Academic Division Administrative Assistant V |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
chenw253@cod.edu |
MAC 219 |
(630)942-4209 |
Chepyator, Kayla |
Program Coordinator, Community College Initiative |
International Student Services |
chepyat@cod.edu |
SSC 2564 |
(630)942-2564 |
Chernobrov, Gregory |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
chernobrovg@cod.edu |
Chiappetta, Desiree |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
chiappettad@cod.edu |
Childers, Mary |
Instructor |
English |
childersm@cod.edu |
BIC 2447B |
(630)942-3966 |
Chism, Ellen |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
chisme@cod.edu |
Chlebanowski, Lauren |
Assistant Professor |
Chemistry |
chlebanowskil@cod.edu |
HSC 3341 |
(630)942-2486 |
Choi, Yang Hwan |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
choiy1820@cod.edu |
Chong, Daniel |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
chongd323@cod.edu |
Chow, Dawn |
Associate Professor |
Philosophy |
chowd@cod.edu |
BIC 2E08A |
(630)942-3293 |
Chowaniec, Joseph |
Warehouse Wrkr/Driver I |
Warehouse Services |
chowaniecj@cod.edu |
BIC 0517 |
(630)942-2550 |
Chowaniec, Monica |
Manager, Custodial Operations |
Facilities |
chowaniecm157@cod.edu |
BIC 0551 |
(630)942-2741 |
Chowdhury, Shaheen |
Professor |
Sociology |
chowdhur@cod.edu |
BIC 2557F |
(630)942-2503 |
Chraca, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
chracas@cod.edu |
Christain, Daniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
christaind@cod.edu |
Christakes, Louis |
Professor |
Computer & Information Science |
christak@cod.edu |
BIC 2H07A |
(630)942-2970 |
Christian, Michelle |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
christianm727@cod.edu |
(630)942-4700 |
Christian, Joel |
T a Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
christianj1069@cod.edu |
(630)942- |
Christman, Ashley |
Voc Skills Utility Worker |
COD Centers |
christmana@cod.edu |
Christoff, Catherine |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
christoffc@cod.edu |
Christopher, Diana |
Financial Aid Specialist - Operations |
Student Financial Aid |
christopherd@cod.edu |
SSC 2255G |
(630)942-2844 |
Chybicki, Taylor |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
bockt@cod.edu |
Cianci, Pamela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
ciancip@cod.edu |
Ciardiello, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
ciardiellot199@cod.edu |
Cicchetti, Mary |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
cicchett@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Cicirale, Anna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
ciciralea@cod.edu |
Cios, Maria |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
ciosma@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Cipriano, Trevor |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ciprianot310@cod.edu |
PEC 121E |
(630)942-4324 |
Ciribassi, Elise |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ciribassie@cod.edu |
Cisneros, Jennifer |
Compensation Analyst |
Human Resources |
cisnerosj290@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-2632 |
Claerhout, Mark |
Homework Help YC/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
claerhoutm@cod.edu |
Clancy, Maureen |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
clancym29@cod.edu |
Clark, Robert |
Professor |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
clarkr307@cod.edu |
TEC 0024C |
(630)942-3068 |
Clark, Kelly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
clarkk671@cod.edu |
Clark, Brian |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
clarkb866@cod.edu |
Clarke, Carolyn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
clarkec155@cod.edu |
Clarke, Bridget |
Accommodations Support Coordinator |
Learning Commons |
clarkeb72@cod.edu |
SRC 2111 |
(630)942-3181 |
Clarke, Ksenia |
Adjunct Faculty |
clarkek3@cod.edu |
Class, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Eye Care Assistant |
classm@cod.edu |
Clausen, Tiffani |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
clausent@cod.edu |
Clayton, Richmond |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
claytonr417@cod.edu |
Claytor, Ida |
Off Campus Program Coordinator |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
claytori@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3697 |
Clemens, Kathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Humanities |
clemensk@cod.edu |
Clement, Brian |
Assistant Professor |
Horticulture |
clement@cod.edu |
TEC 0024A |
(630)942-2526 |
Clifford, Timothy |
Associate Professor |
Humanities |
clifford@cod.edu |
BIC 2433A |
(630)942-4263 |
Cline, Zachery |
Groundskeeper |
Facilities |
clinez@cod.edu |
Cluelow, Martin |
Adjunct Faculty |
cluelowm@cod.edu |
(630)942-8654 |
Cluever, Brian |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
clueverb@cod.edu |
Coates, Judith |
Director, Learning & Organizational Development |
Employee Development Center |
coatesj73@cod.edu |
SRC 1107D |
(630)942-3359 |
Cobb, Taeza |
Network Analyst II |
Network Services |
cobbt@cod.edu |
SRC 2171 |
(630)942-2225 |
Coburn, Tracy |
Adjunct Faculty |
coburnt@cod.edu |
Cochran, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
cochrant@cod.edu |
Cochran-Stafira, D |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
cochran-stafirad@cod.edu |
Codina, Cristina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
codinac@cod.edu |
Coerper, Kristian |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
coerperk867@cod.edu |
Cohrs, Catherine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
cohrsc@cod.edu |
Colella-Melki, Rosa |
Professor |
Nursing |
colella-melkir@cod.edu |
HSC 2202J |
(630)942-3445 |
Collins, Raymond |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
collinsr595@cod.edu |
Collins, Anika |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
collinsa555@cod.edu |
BIC 1454D |
(630)942-3961 |
Colon, Orlando |
Laboratory Technical Assistant |
Computer & Information Technol |
colono@cod.edu |
BIC 1E01 |
(630)942-4462 |
Colon Alatriste, Cristepher |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
colon-alatristec@cod.edu |
Colucci, Margaret |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
colucci@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Comstock, Jacob |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
comstockj953@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-3878 |
Conley, Cynthia |
Laboratory Assistant II -Dental Hygiene |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
fiskc@cod.edu |
HSC 1122D |
(630)942-3257 |
Connelly, Daniel |
Laboratory Assistant II - Small Metals |
Art |
connellyd@cod.edu |
MAC 272 |
(630)942-2395 |
Conniff, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
Long-Term Care Administration |
conniffj@cod.edu |
Connolly, Cindy |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
connollyc66@cod.edu |
Connolly, Kaitlin |
Administrative Assistant III |
Homeland Security |
connollyk1116@cod.edu |
HTC 1003 |
(630)942-2183 |
Conrad, Richard |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
conradr652@cod.edu |
Conti, Angelo |
Supervisor, Mail & Warehouse Services |
Campus Services |
contia312@cod.edu |
BIC 0517 |
(630)942-2238 |
Conway, Padraig |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
conwayp557@cod.edu |
Conwood, Michael |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
conwoodm@cod.edu |
Cook, Trevor |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
cookt42@cod.edu |
Cook, Dylan |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
cookd77@cod.edu |
Cooley, Lisa |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
cooleyl491@cod.edu |
NC 20 |
(630)942-4700 |
Cooper, Erick |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
coopere599@cod.edu |
Cooper, Jeffrey |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
cooperj110@cod.edu |
Cooper, Jonathon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
cooperj16@cod.edu |
Cooper, Aaron |
Helpdesk Specialist I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
coopera1379@cod.edu |
SRC 2012 |
(630)942-3075 |
Coppleson, Cordelia |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
copplesonc@cod.edu |
Cornejo, Roberto |
Programmer Analyst I |
Information Systems |
cornejor423@cod.edu |
SRC 2160 |
(630)942-4785 |
Corona, Teresa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
coronat463@cod.edu |
Coronado, Joseph |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
coronadoj214@cod.edu |
Coronado, Monica |
Academic Division Administrative Assistant V |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
coronadom@cod.edu |
HSC 1217 |
(630)942-4078 |
Correa, Yasmeen |
Administrative Assistant III |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
correay494@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3295 |
Corsiglia, Dominick |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
corsigliad@cod.edu |
Cosentino, Katherine |
Administrative Assistant VI |
Planning, Perform & Tech |
cosent@cod.edu |
Cosentino, Kyle |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
cosentinok3@cod.edu |
BIC 1A05A |
(630)942-2942 |
Cosentino, Dominic |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
cosentinod@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Cosgrove, Tarra |
Adjunct Faculty |
cosgrovet1105@cod.edu |
Costell, Allen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
costell@cod.edu |
Cotiguala, Matthew |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
cotigualam@cod.edu |
Courtade, Mathew |
Laboratory Assistant II, Fabrication Lab |
Art |
courtadem3238@cod.edu |
Cousins, Matthew |
Manager, Chaparral Fitness Center |
Athletics |
cousins@cod.edu |
PEC 202A |
(630)942-2956 |
Coussens, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Marketing |
coussensm@cod.edu |
Cowin, Raymond |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
cowinr@cod.edu |
Cox, Christopher |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
coxc1074@cod.edu |
Cox, Rebecca |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
coxr2236@cod.edu |
Cramer, Jordan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
cramerj9666@cod.edu |
Crandall, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
crandallm170@cod.edu |
Cravens, Mary |
Professor |
Sociology |
cravens@cod.edu |
BIC 2557D |
(630)942-2333 |
Creaves, Ellen |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
creavese@cod.edu |
Cremin, Rebecca |
Library Coordinator |
Library |
cremin@cod.edu |
SRC 3120F |
(630)942-2978 |
Cressman, Joseph |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
cressmanj@cod.edu |
Crestani, Mauro |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
crestani@cod.edu |
Cronin, Christine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
croninc248@cod.edu |
Crosby, Tiffany |
Tuition Appeals Specialist |
Registration Services |
crosbyt@cod.edu |
SSC 2235D |
(630)942-3285 |
Crosby, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
crosbyd376@cod.edu |
Crow, Genevieve |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
crowg@cod.edu |
Crowley, Jessica |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Crowley, Meghan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
crowleym211@cod.edu |
Crowley, Amanda |
Reference Librarians |
Library |
crowleya1500@cod.edu |
Cruz, Anabel |
Academic Division Administrative Assistant V |
Social/Behavioral Sc & Library |
cruza251@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06 |
(630)942-2011 |
Cruz, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
cruze725@cod.edu |
Cruz Rivera, Gloriana |
Assistant Professor |
Speech Language Pathology Asst |
cruzg610@cod.edu |
HSC 2202U |
(630)942-2436 |
Cruzalegui, Pia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
cruzaleguip@cod.edu |
Crystal, Faon |
Director, Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes |
Assessment |
crystalf@cod.edu |
BIC 3400H |
(630)942-2266 |
Cumpston, Jennifer |
Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math |
cumpstonj@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06D |
(630)942-3570 |
Cumpston, Ryan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
cumpstonr@cod.edu |
Cunningham, Michael |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
cunninghamm134@cod.edu |
Cunningham, John |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
cunninghamj818@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Cunningham, Jeremy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
cunninghamj1432@cod.edu |
Cunningham, Richard |
Digital Print Operator II |
Print Services |
cunninghamr1818@cod.edu |
BIC 0515 |
(630)942-2299 |
Curtis, Mark |
Provost |
Office of Provost |
curtis-chavezm@cod.edu |
BIC 3400F |
(630)942-3535 |
Curty, Jill |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
curtyj@cod.edu |
Cush, Charles |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
cushc@cod.edu |
Cwik, Lawrence |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
cwikl@cod.edu |
Cygan, Kenneth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
cygank666@cod.edu |
Cygan, Katarzyna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
cygank1215@cod.edu |
Czajka, Patrick |
Helpdesk Specialist I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
czajkap494@cod.edu |
SRC 2012 |
(630)942-2917 |
Dagen, Yvette |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Environmental Health & Safety |
dageny@cod.edu |
CMC 1000 |
(630)942-2996 |
Dakarian, Charles |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
dakarian@cod.edu |
DalSanto, Joseph |
Associate Professor |
Earth Science |
dalsantoj228@cod.edu |
BIC 3C06D |
(630)942-2163 |
Damato, Debora |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
damato@cod.edu |
Damian, Rocio |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
damianr@cod.edu |
Damion, Julia |
Adjunct Faculty |
damionj@cod.edu |
Dan, Lea |
Assistant Professor |
Business |
danl@cod.edu |
BIC 1454C |
(630)942-2063 |
Danaher, Maureen |
Adjunct Faculty |
danaherm2680@cod.edu |
Danan, Maria |
Employment Specialist |
Human Resources |
dananm90842@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-3382 |
Dandashli, Euphemie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
dandashlie@cod.edu |
Dang, Yumei |
Associate Professor |
Mathematics |
dangyum@cod.edu |
BIC 2H09F |
(630)942-2039 |
Daniel, Katarzyna |
Supervisor, Reserves and Distribution |
Library |
daniel@cod.edu |
SRC 2046 |
(630)942-3844 |
Danielsen, Kenneth |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facilities |
danielse@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Danison, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
danisona@cod.edu |
D'Anza, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
danzaj@cod.edu |
Danzy, Christy |
Adjunct Faculty |
danzyc@cod.edu |
Darden, Theodore |
Professor |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
darden@cod.edu |
HEC 1016 |
(630)942-2989 |
Darmora, Smita |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
darmoras@cod.edu |
Daugherty, Jeremy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
daughertyj840@cod.edu |
Dave, Jagruti |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
daveja@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Davenport, Wesley |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
davenportw@cod.edu |
Davids, Maverik |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
davidsm@cod.edu |
Davila, Felicity |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
davilaf@cod.edu |
NC 20B |
(630)942-4700 |
Davis, Felix |
Professor |
Computer & Information Technol |
davisfe@cod.edu |
BIC 1536 |
(630)942-2134 |
Davis, Blake |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
davisb1494@cod.edu |
Davis, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
davisa355@cod.edu |
(630)942-8630 |
Davis, Hershel |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
davish109@cod.edu |
Davis, Alanna |
Administrative Assistant II |
Adjunct Support |
davisa236@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
(630)942-2303 |
Davis, Vincent |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
davisv586@cod.edu |
Davison, Dawn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
davisond158@cod.edu |
Davisson, Deanna |
Professor |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
davissond@cod.edu |
HEC 1027 |
(630)942-2995 |
Dawkins, Richard |
Assistant Athletic Director of Internal Operations |
Athletics |
dawkinsr@cod.edu |
PEC 121A |
(630)942-2308 |
Dawson, Zoe |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
dawsonz795@cod.edu |
Day, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
dayj75@cod.edu |
De Grado, Jourdan |
Specialized Testing Assistant |
Testing Center |
degradojm@cod.edu |
BIC 2A08 |
(630)942-2401 |
De Jesus-Veach, Marlene |
Adjunct Faculty |
American Sign Language Interpr |
dejesus-veachm@cod.edu |
De La Rosa-Sabina, Luis |
Adjunct Faculty |
delarosasabinal@cod.edu |
De La Torre, Eduardo |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
delatorree208@cod.edu |
De Lillo, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
delillom@cod.edu |
De Souza Silva, Kristupas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
desouzasilvak@cod.edu |
Dean, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
terrym100@cod.edu |
Deasy, Daniel |
Manager, CE Operations and Grant Compliance |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
deasyd@cod.edu |
SRC 1111D |
(630)942-4021 |
DeBartolo, Lucia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Cosmetology |
debart@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
DeCicco, Brittany |
Instructor |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
deciccob@cod.edu |
HSC 2325 |
(630)942-2262 |
Decker, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
deckera657@cod.edu |
MAC 255A |
(630)942-3415 |
DeCraene, Leslie |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
decraenel@cod.edu |
Dedmond, Ashley |
Adjunct Faculty |
Marketing |
chana292@cod.edu |
Dee, Terrance |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
deet338@cod.edu |
Deeds, David |
Manager-Adjunct Faculty Support-CTE |
Adjunct Support |
deedsd@cod.edu |
BIC 2501B |
(630)942-3801 |
Deegan, Emmet |
Groundskeeper |
Facilities |
deegane@cod.edu |
CMC 1035 |
(630)942-2319 |
Deeman, Peter |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
deemanp@cod.edu |
TEC 1041 |
(630)942-2548 |
Deflorio, Franca |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
defloriof@cod.edu |
Deinzer, Ellen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
deinzere@cod.edu |
Del Percio, Anthony |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
delpercioa@cod.edu |
DelDebbio, Kathryn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
deldebbiok@cod.edu |
Deleshe, Makenna |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
deleshem@cod.edu |
Delgado, Shannon |
Professor |
Education |
browns109@cod.edu |
BIC 2H01D |
(630)942-3014 |
Delgado, Cynthia |
HR Operations Specialist |
Human Resources |
delgadoc1551@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-2648 |
Demas, Louis |
Manager, Website & Design |
Marketing & Creative Services |
demasl@cod.edu |
IRC 1063 |
(630)942-2256 |
Dennison, Rory |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anthropology |
dennisonr290@cod.edu |
deRosset, Patricia |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
derossetp@cod.edu |
Desruisseaux, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
desruisseauxp@cod.edu |
Deszcz, Joanna |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
deszczj@cod.edu |
Detolve, Andrew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
detolvea@cod.edu |
Dew, Mary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
dewmar@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
DeWan, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
dewanj@cod.edu |
Dexter-Mitchell, Kathleen |
Professor |
Mathematics |
dexterk@cod.edu |
BIC 3436E |
(630)942-3397 |
Dial, William |
Vice President, Human Resources |
Human Resources |
dialw@cod.edu |
SRC 2134F |
(630)942-2621 |
Dias, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Theater |
diasm@cod.edu |
Diaz, Rachel |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
diazra@cod.edu |
Diaz, Yoetzin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
diazy1203@cod.edu |
Dibbern, Gary |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
dibberng@cod.edu |
Diblik, Roy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
diblik@cod.edu |
DiBrita, Donald |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
dibritad@cod.edu |
DiCarlo, Cory |
Professor |
Chemistry |
dicarloc@cod.edu |
HSC 3327 |
(630)942-2761 |
Diederich, Kelly |
Project Coordinator/Student Success Coach PATH |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
diederichk1318@cod.edu |
HSC 3339 |
(630)942-2488 |
Diedrick, Erin |
Program Brand Development Manager |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
diedricke@cod.edu |
SRC 1111A |
(630)942-2061 |
Dierker, Joshua |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
dierkerj@cod.edu |
Diesing, Deborah |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
diesingd@cod.edu |
Dietrich, Daniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
dietrichd42@cod.edu |
Dietrich, Kimberly |
Student Accounts Representative II |
Accounts Receivable |
dietrichk100@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-2206 |
Dietz, Michael |
Professor |
Anthropology |
dietzm@cod.edu |
BIC 2H11E |
(630)942-2553 |
Diforti, Joshua |
Warehouse Wrkr/Driver I |
Warehouse Services |
diforti@cod.edu |
BIC 0517 |
(630)942-2550 |
diLiberti, Julia |
Professor |
Humanities |
dilibert@cod.edu |
BIC 2537D |
(630)942-2578 |
Dillard, Scott |
Adjunct Faculty |
dillards16@cod.edu |
Dilley, Paul |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
dilleyp@cod.edu |
Dillon, Hayley |
Social Media Specialist |
Community Engagement |
macmillanh@cod.edu |
IRC 1054 |
(630)942-2452 |
Ding, Ling |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
dingl139@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Ding, Jinwen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
dingj4@cod.edu |
Dinucci, Pamela |
Academic Division Administrative Assistant V |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
dinuccip@cod.edu |
HSC 1217 |
(630)942-2902 |
DiNunno, Alessia |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
dinunnoa188@cod.edu |
Diosdado, Kateryna |
Adjunct Faculty |
diosdadok@cod.edu |
Dipiero, Joan |
Community Engagement Coordinator |
Community Engagement |
dipieroj@cod.edu |
IRC 1055 |
(630)942-3872 |
DiSilvestro, Janet |
Adjunct Faculty |
disilves@cod.edu |
(630)942-8690 |
Ditch, Willem |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
ditchw@cod.edu |
Ditchfield, David |
Chief Operating Engineer, Facilities |
Facilities |
ditchf@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-4220 |
Divani, Abbas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Engineering |
divania@cod.edu |
Diversey, Sarah |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
diverseys@cod.edu |
Dixon, Larinda |
Professor |
Nursing |
dixonl@cod.edu |
HSC 2207S |
(630)942-3363 |
Dluger, Marc |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
dlugerm@cod.edu |
Dlugopolska, Zofia |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
dlugopolskaz@cod.edu |
(630)942-4800 |
Dlugopolska, Krystyna |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
dlugopolskak@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Dobbins-Flowers, Angela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
dobbinsflowersa@cod.edu |
Dobersztyn, Theresa |
Manager, Procurement Services |
Procurement Services |
dobersztynt@cod.edu |
IRC 1004 |
(630)942-4535 |
Dobrescu, Andreea |
Adjunct Faculty |
dobrescua@cod.edu |
Dockery, Luther |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
dockeryl@cod.edu |
Doguim, Melissa |
Administrative Assistant V |
Student Affairs |
doguimm@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04C |
(630)942-3687 |
Dohe, Neil |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
dohen@cod.edu |
Domina, Nancy |
Testing Specialist |
Testing Center |
dominan@cod.edu |
Dominguez Carreno, Mallory |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
johnsonm895@cod.edu |
Donahue, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
donahuej@cod.edu |
Donahue, Michele |
Adjunct Faculty |
Marketing |
donahuem149@cod.edu |
(630)942-8603 |
Donaldson, Caleb |
AV Repair Technician |
Office & Classroom Technology |
donaldsonc1068@cod.edu |
BIC 0534 |
(630)942-2916 |
Donatelli, Silvia |
Student Mental Health Counselor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
donatellis@cod.edu |
SSC 3350 |
(630)942-3967 |
Donato, Aylin |
T a Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
donatoa187@cod.edu |
Donnahue, Heather |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
donnahueh@cod.edu |
Donnelly, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
donnelly@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Donovan, Elizabeth |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
donovane1167@cod.edu |
BIC 1A03I |
(630)942-3549 |
Donovan, Jeremiah |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
donovanj1000@cod.edu |
Dorado, Yolanda |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
doradoy264@cod.edu |
Dorjath, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
dorjathd@cod.edu |
Dosen, Martin |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
dosenm210@cod.edu |
Douglas, Randolph |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
douglasr120@cod.edu |
Downer, Kelly |
Adjunct Faculty |
downerk@cod.edu |
Downey, Jeff |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
downeyj1410@cod.edu |
Drafke, Alex |
Laboratory Assistant I HVACR |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
drafkea66@cod.edu |
TEC 0002 |
(630)942-2197 |
Drammissi, Erika |
Adjunct Faculty |
Cosmetology |
drammissie@cod.edu |
BIC 1454A |
(630)942-2298 |
Driscoll, Kenneth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
driscollk257@cod.edu |
Droske, James |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
droskej@cod.edu |
Drossos, Li'Anna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
drossosl@cod.edu |
Drugan, Michael |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
druganm@cod.edu |
Drummer, Lori |
Professor |
Dental Hygiene |
drummer@cod.edu |
HSC 2202H |
(630)942-2430 |
Drummond, Douglas |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
drummondd@cod.edu |
Drummond, Stephanie |
Aquatics Assistant Manager |
Athletics |
drummonds346@cod.edu |
PEC 140 |
(630)942-4354 |
D'Silva, Anette |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
dsilva@cod.edu |
(630)942-2039 |
D'Souza, Kenneth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electro-Mechanical Technology |
dsouzak@cod.edu |
DuBois, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
duboism2085@cod.edu |
DuBois, Philip |
Adjunct Faculty |
Long-Term Care Administration |
duboisp2107@cod.edu |
Duda, Jennifer |
Director, New Bureau & Community Engagement |
Community Engagement |
dudajen@cod.edu |
IRC 1056 |
(630)942-3097 |
Duda, Eva |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
dudae215@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Dudley, Derrick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
dudleyd@cod.edu |
Dudzik, Lynn |
Program Specialist - Operations |
Field & Study Abroad |
dudzik@cod.edu |
BIC 3520 |
(630)942-3763 |
Dudzik, Jamie |
Registration Assistant |
Registration Services |
dudzikj@cod.edu |
SSC 2261A |
(630)942-4477 |
Dudzik, Jan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
dudzikj441@cod.edu |
Duffey, Mary Jo |
Administrative Assistant VI |
Office of the General Counsel |
duffeym@cod.edu |
SRC 3110 |
(630)942-2690 |
DuFore, Beth |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
duforeb@cod.edu |
Duggan, Michael |
Counselor, Students With Disabilities |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
duggan@cod.edu |
SSC 3358 |
(630)942-2845 |
Duggan, Jamie |
Credentials Specialist |
Student Records |
jeskj@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-2260 |
Duggan, Debra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
duggand444@cod.edu |
Dulceak, Ronald |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
dulceak@cod.edu |
Dulceak, Tracey |
Program Support Specialist |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
dulceakt@cod.edu |
MAC 294 |
(630)942-2514 |
Dumas, Jeffery |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
dumasj@cod.edu |
Dumas, Daylee |
Administrative Assistant III |
Suburban Law Enforcement Acad. |
dumasd278@cod.edu |
HEC 2034 |
(630)942-2295 |
Dumford, Susan |
Assistant Professor |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
dumfords@cod.edu |
HSC 2207H |
(630)942-2349 |
Dunbar, Jenny |
College Archivist |
Library |
dunbarj412@cod.edu |
SRC 3103B |
(630)942-3720 |
Duncan, Annemarie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
rexroad@cod.edu |
Dunne, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electronics Technology |
dunner@cod.edu |
Duran, Virginia |
Adjunct Faculty |
duranv@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Durbala, Peggy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
durbalap@cod.edu |
Durso, Jacqueline |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
dursoj1668@cod.edu |
Dusik, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
dusikm@cod.edu |
Duvall, Danika |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
duvalld@cod.edu |
Duvall, Kevin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Theater |
duvallk1036@cod.edu |
Duzansky, Jane |
Benefits Specialist |
Human Resources |
duzanskyj@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-3957 |
Dvorak, Maria |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
dvorakm879@cod.edu |
Dvorak-Mola, Carol |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
dvorak-molac@cod.edu |
Dworak, Thomas |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
dworakt@cod.edu |
Dyer, Alisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
dyeral@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Dyer, Jarret |
Coordinator, Specialized Testing Services |
Testing Center |
dyerja@cod.edu |
BIC 2A08B |
(630)942-3202 |
Dyrc, Gabriela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electronics Technology |
dyrcg@cod.edu |
Dyrek, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
dyrekj@cod.edu |
(630)942-3497 |
Dyser, Megan |
Administrative Assistant V, Carol Stream |
COD Centers |
dyserm2906@cod.edu |
CSC 100C |
(630)942-4885 |
Dziak, Jill |
Assistant Professor |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
dziakj@cod.edu |
HSC 2202A |
(630)942-3491 |
Dziatkowiec, Grazyna |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
dziatk@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Dzierzega, Michal |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
dzierzegam76@cod.edu |
Dziurdzik, Maria |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
dziurd@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Eason, Natasha |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
easonn@cod.edu |
Eaton, Adam |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
eatona8@cod.edu |
Eaton, Jaime |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
eatonj2@cod.edu |
Ebbole, Laura |
Office Coordinator, Record Services |
Student Records |
ebbolel@cod.edu |
SRC 2150B |
(630)942-3022 |
Ebersold, Sheryl |
Accommodations Specialist |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
ebersold@cod.edu |
SRC 1144B |
(630)942-3798 |
Edmondson, Brittney |
Student Accounts Representative II |
Accounts Receivable |
edmondsonb@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-3556 |
Edwards, Vicky |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
edwardsv@cod.edu |
Edwards, Trevor |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
edwardst2@cod.edu |
Egan, Nina |
Assistant Manager, Learning Support Services |
Learning Commons |
egann@cod.edu |
SRC 2122 |
(630)942-3324 |
Egedus, Maria |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
alarconm421@cod.edu |
Egge, Gilbert |
Coordinator, Experiential Education and Training |
eggegi@cod.edu |
BIC 3520D |
(630)942-2787 |
Eichholz, Daniel |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
eichholzd@cod.edu |
Eisinger, Carol |
Reference Librarians |
Library |
eisinger@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
Elges, Julie |
Supervisor, Box Office |
Performing Arts |
elgesj@cod.edu |
MAC 101 |
(630)942-3017 |
Elliott, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
elliottj170@cod.edu |
Ellis, David |
Assistant Professor |
Welding Technology |
ellisd86@cod.edu |
TEC 1062 |
(630)942-2527 |
Ellis, Jonita |
CTE Program Improvement Manager |
AVP Academic Affairs |
ellisjo@cod.edu |
BIC 3400V |
(630)942-3228 |
Else, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
elset92@cod.edu |
Elston, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
elston@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Elwell, Geoffrey |
Professor |
Speech Communication |
elwell@cod.edu |
BIC 2E07F |
(630)942-3145 |
Emano, Dennis |
Student Mental Health Counselor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
emanod@cod.edu |
SSC 3352 |
(630)942-3062 |
Emena, Best |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
emenab@cod.edu |
Emerich, Casey |
Professor |
Office Technology Information |
millerc308@cod.edu |
BIC 1427 |
(630)942-2472 |
Emerson, Richard |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Engel, Layne |
Manager, Athletic Equipment |
Athletics |
engell9679@cod.edu |
PEC 114 |
(630)942-2378 |
England, Carolyn |
Professor |
england@cod.edu |
BIC 1544B |
(630)942-4125 |
Enright, William |
Adjunct Faculty |
Political Science |
enrightw@cod.edu |
Ensign, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
ensignc@cod.edu |
Ensweiler, Remic |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
ensweilerr@cod.edu |
Ericson, Melissa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
ericsonm@cod.edu |
HSC 2207M |
(630)942-3938 |
Erkapic, Iva |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
erkapici@cod.edu |
BIC 1A01I |
(630)942-2892 |
Erl, Lisa |
Contract Specialist |
Procurement Services |
erll630@cod.edu |
IRC 1005 |
(630)942-2232 |
Ertz, Jason |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
ertzja@cod.edu |
SRC 3113 |
(630)942-3317 |
Eskilson, Megan |
Front Desk and Housekeeping Assistant |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
eskilsonm@cod.edu |
Esmits, Stephanie |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
dolans@cod.edu |
ADC 106 |
(630)942-4650 |
Estrado, Melissa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Eye Care Assistant |
estradom@cod.edu |
Evans, Karin |
Professor |
English |
evansk@cod.edu |
BIC 2447D |
(630)942-2027 |
Evans, Paula |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
evansp2502@cod.edu |
Evans, Alexander |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
evansa267@cod.edu |
Evins, Eleanor |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
evinse@cod.edu |
Faber, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
fabers171@cod.edu |
Fabos, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
fabosm@cod.edu |
Fabrie, Richard |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
fabrier@cod.edu |
Fabrizio, Erin |
Student Success Counselor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
fabrizioe@cod.edu |
SSC 3200 |
(630)942-3594 |
Fagel, Michael |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Fairhead, Erin |
Reference Assistant |
Library |
fairheade@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
(630)942-3364 |
Fajardo, Rosalva |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
fajardor114@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Fajkus, William |
Administrative Assistant III |
Athletics |
fajkus@cod.edu |
PEC 202C |
(630)942-2479 |
Falkenberg, Amy |
Library Assistant Ii, Reserves and Distribution |
Library |
falkenberga@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-3879 |
Fanami, Opeyemi |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
fanamio@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Fanella, Melissa |
Content Writer/Editor |
Marketing & Creative Services |
fanellam@cod.edu |
IRC 1069 |
(630)942-2780 |
Fanning, Edward |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
fanninge@cod.edu |
Fapso, Bernard |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
fapsob@cod.edu |
Farmer, Vincent |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
farmerv@cod.edu |
Farnum, Anne |
Coordinator, Advancement Scholarships & Lead Gifts |
Institutional Advancement |
farnuma@cod.edu |
BIC 1520C |
(630)942-2315 |
Farooqui, Insha |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
farooquii1225@cod.edu |
Farrar, Stacia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
farrars160@cod.edu |
Farrar, Samantha |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
farrars26277@cod.edu |
Farrell, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
farrellj1241@cod.edu |
Farrow, Ellen |
Manager, Annual and Annuitant Giving |
Institutional Advancement |
farrowe535@cod.edu |
BIC 1525C |
(630)942-4476 |
Fass, Kevin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
fassk@cod.edu |
Fatima, Mahveen |
Library Computing & Support Assistant |
Library |
fatimam@cod.edu |
SRC 2023 |
(630)942-2671 |
Fatima, Farozan |
Remote Testing Specialist |
Testing Center |
fatimaf@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3979 |
Fatina, Barbara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
fatinab@cod.edu |
Favale, Rochelle |
Accommodations Specialist |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
favale@cod.edu |
SRC 1144F |
(630)942-4260 |
Fay, Marianne |
Administrative Assistant V |
Human Resources |
faym296@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-4272 |
Fazio, Mary |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
paynem306@cod.edu |
Fazio, Rose Ann |
Human Resource Partner |
Human Resources |
fazior243@cod.edu |
SRC 2134K |
(630)942-2135 |
Fazzini, David |
Professor |
Physics |
fazzinid@cod.edu |
BIC 3E04B |
(630)942-3349 |
Fee, Eric |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
feee@cod.edu |
Felix, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mass Communication |
felixd93@cod.edu |
Feltz, Catherine |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
feltzc@cod.edu |
Fencl, Scott |
Lab Software Specialist II |
Office & Classroom Technology |
fencls@cod.edu |
BIC 1A08 |
(630)942-2702 |
Fencl, Maribeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
fenclm@cod.edu |
Fenwick, Susan |
Student Success Coach-S-STEM |
Engineering |
fenwicks@cod.edu |
BIC 2H11A |
(630)942-4226 |
Ferguson, Alana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
fergusona275@cod.edu |
Fern, April |
Coordinator, Career Services Center |
Career Services |
ferna@cod.edu |
SSC 3372 |
(630)942-2231 |
Fernandez Cifuentes, Camila |
Program Specialist |
Field & Study Abroad |
fernandezc804@cod.edu |
BIC 3520 |
(630)942-3260 |
Ferro, James |
Digital Print Operator III |
Print Services |
ferroj@cod.edu |
BIC 0515 |
(630)942-2843 |
Ferro, Christopher |
Professor |
Accountancy |
ferroc@cod.edu |
BIC 1448B |
(630)942-2463 |
Fiacchino, Marijo |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
fiacchinom137@cod.edu |
Fiala, Mary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Cosmetology |
fialam14012@cod.edu |
Filice, Alicia |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
filicea123@cod.edu |
Filippelli, Andrea |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
filippellia1528@cod.edu |
Filomena, Joseph |
Professor |
Earth Science |
filomena@cod.edu |
BIC 3C06B |
(630)942-2029 |
Finan, Kathleen |
Professor |
Biology |
finank@cod.edu |
HSC 2323 |
(630)942-3726 |
Fink, Kevin |
Professor |
Mathematics |
finkk@cod.edu |
BIC 3D02 |
(630)942-2743 |
Finlon, Stephen |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
finlons56@cod.edu |
Finnie, Brett |
Lead Carpenter |
Facilities |
finnieb@cod.edu |
(630)942-2320 |
Finno, James |
Counselor, Student Success |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
finnoj@cod.edu |
SSC 3356 |
(630)942-3591 |
Firzli, Joelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
firzlij@cod.edu |
Fish, Cindy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
fishci@cod.edu |
Fish, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
fishj8@cod.edu |
Fisher, Marc |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
fisherm82@cod.edu |
Fisher, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
fisherj775@cod.edu |
Fitzpatrick, Kellen |
Procurement Assistant |
Procurement Services |
fitzpatrickk286@cod.edu |
IRC 1001 |
(630)942-2790 |
Flaherty, Megan |
Reference Librarians |
Library |
flahertym@cod.edu |
Flex, Russell |
Computer Operator II |
Operations Support |
flexru@cod.edu |
SRC 2159 |
(630)942-3813 |
Florek, Anna |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
floreka@cod.edu |
Florin, Jason |
Professor |
Human Services |
florin@cod.edu |
BIC 2536C |
(630)942-2043 |
Flugel, Paul |
Academic Assistant II - MAST |
Math Asst Area |
flugelp@cod.edu |
Flynn, Bonnie |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
flynnb336@cod.edu |
Foglia, Lisa |
Campus Scheduling Specialist |
Curriculum-Central Scheduling |
foglia@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-2030 |
Foland, Clarice |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
folandc@cod.edu |
(630)942-8624 |
Folker, Daniela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
folkerd@cod.edu |
Fonville, Rena |
Adjunct Faculty |
Cosmetology |
fonviller@cod.edu |
Forst, Edmund |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
forste@cod.edu |
Forst, Tauya |
Professor |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
johnsont217@cod.edu |
HEC 1028 |
(630)942-3019 |
Forst, Richard |
Adjunct Faculty |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
forstr@cod.edu |
Fortier, Mardelle |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
fortier@cod.edu |
(630)942-2186 |
Forystek, Aleksandra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
forysteka@cod.edu |
Fosnot, Frederick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
fosnot@cod.edu |
Foster, William |
Budget Analyst |
Budget Office |
fosterw@cod.edu |
SRC 2130J |
(630)942-3484 |
Foster, Baleace |
Laboratory Assistant III |
Chemistry |
fosterb477@cod.edu |
HSC 3316D |
(630)942-2282 |
Fotos, Adam |
Associate Professor |
Humanities |
fotosa@cod.edu |
BIC 2537F |
(630)942-3167 |
Fouskas, Fotios |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
fouskasf@cod.edu |
Fouts, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
foutsr@cod.edu |
Fowler, Misty |
Program Support Specialist |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
fowlerm540@cod.edu |
HSC 1216 |
(630)942-2617 |
Fox, Brian |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
foxb6662@cod.edu |
Fox, Savanna |
Adjunct Faculty |
foxs10@cod.edu |
Frahm, Gabriele |
Instructional Designer II |
Learning Technologies |
frahmg@cod.edu |
BIC 3401 |
(630)942-2357 |
Frank, Marcia |
Grant Program Manager |
Institutional Advancement |
frankm182@cod.edu |
BIC 3436C |
(630)942-4611 |
Frank, Jared |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
frankj583@cod.edu |
Franken, Timothy |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
frankent@cod.edu |
Franklin, Marty |
Programmer Analyst II |
Information Systems |
franklin@cod.edu |
SRC 2160 |
(630)942-3959 |
Franklin, John |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
franklinj241@cod.edu |
HEC 1051 |
(630)942-4278 |
Frankson, Susan |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
frankson@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Frantz, Stephanie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
frantzs@cod.edu |
Frazier, Kevin |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
frazierk913@cod.edu |
Freehill, Dimitra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
freehilld@cod.edu |
French, Dustin |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
frenchd2041@cod.edu |
Frese, Amy |
Marketing & Communication Project Specialist |
Community Engagement |
fresea@cod.edu |
IRC 1048 |
(630)942-2205 |
Frey, Margery |
Project Hire Ed-Apprenticeship Recruiter |
Project Hire Ed |
freym302@cod.edu |
BIC 1D02 |
(630)942-2877 |
Frick, Eric |
Purchasing Expeditor |
Procurement Services |
fricke@cod.edu |
IRC 1001 |
(630)942-2576 |
Fridlender, Irena |
Adjunct Faculty |
Humanities |
fridlenderi@cod.edu |
Fridley, Andrea |
Adjunct Faculty |
fridleya@cod.edu |
Fries, Sanford |
Assistant Professor |
Mass Communication |
friessan@cod.edu |
MAC 291 |
(630)942-2467 |
Froehle, Barry |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
froehleb@cod.edu |
PEC 121G |
(630)942-2724 |
Frusolone, Dominic |
Radio Dispatcher |
Police Dept |
frusoloned712@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
Frye, Tracey |
Executive Assistant to the President |
President's Office |
fryetr@cod.edu |
SRC 2138 |
(630)942-2201 |
Fuechsl, Cayla |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
fuechslc@cod.edu |
TEC 1024 |
(630)942-8382 |
Fuerst, Joshua |
Adjunct Faculty |
Humanities |
fuerstj@cod.edu |
Fuertes, Elizabeth |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
fuertese245@cod.edu |
BIC 1A05I |
(630)942-3262 |
Fuertes, Eric |
Assistant Professor |
Art |
fuertese@cod.edu |
MAC 162 |
(630)942-3061 |
Fugate, Brett |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
fugateb466@cod.edu |
Fuller, James |
Courier Advisor and Advertising Coordinator |
Student Life |
fullerj103@cod.edu |
SSC 1119 |
(630)942-4269 |
Fuller, Shannon |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
fullers2812@cod.edu |
Fultz, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
fultzr@cod.edu |
Fuys, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
fuysm@cod.edu |
Gaca, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
gacaj@cod.edu |
Gadek-Stephan, Monika |
Adjunct Faculty |
gadeks@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Gail, Leslie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
gaill@cod.edu |
Galanes, Lisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
galanesl@cod.edu |
Galazka, Roy |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
galazkar@cod.edu |
Galic, Dusan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
galicd@cod.edu |
Gallus-Price, Sibyl |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
gallus-prices@cod.edu |
Gallyot, Dilyss |
Professor |
Nursing |
gallyot@cod.edu |
HSC 2202S |
(630)942-3238 |
Galovic, Jillianne |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
galovicj@cod.edu |
Galvez, Sylvia |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
galvezs580@cod.edu |
Gambla, JoAnn |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
gamblaj@cod.edu |
Gamboa, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
gamboaj258@cod.edu |
Gamez, Ashley |
Front Desk/Night Clerk |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
gameza982@cod.edu |
CHC 1007 |
(630)942-6888 |
Gandor, John |
Manager, Fixed Assets/Construction/Facilities Ops Accountant |
Fixed Assets |
gandorj@cod.edu |
SRC 2130D |
(630)942-2045 |
Gangoda, Anuththara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
gangodaa@cod.edu |
Ganser, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
ganserm467@cod.edu |
Gant, Sade |
PE/Athletics Assistant |
Athletics |
gants@cod.edu |
PEC 121P |
(630)942-3519 |
Garay, Kris |
Registration Specialist - Dual Credit |
Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment |
garayk@cod.edu |
BIC 3400P |
(630)942-2635 |
Garcia, Salvador |
Supervisor, Multimedia Production |
Multimedia Services |
garcias@cod.edu |
CHC 2023 |
(630)942-2025 |
Garcia, Julie |
Assistant Professor |
Nursing |
garciaj4@cod.edu |
HSC 2331 |
(630)942-4397 |
Garcia, Brianna |
Assistant Business Manager |
Performing Arts |
garciab1132@cod.edu |
MAC 201 |
(630)942-3178 |
Garcia, Lorelie |
Program Manager |
Career/Professional Training |
gachel@cod.edu |
SRC 1115 |
(630)942-2412 |
Garcia, Robert |
Grounds Irrigation Technician |
Facilities |
garciar418@cod.edu |
CMC 1035 |
(630)942-2319 |
Garcia Enriquez, Marcia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
garciaenriquezm@cod.edu |
Garcia-Ortega, Claudia |
Chaparral Fitness Center Supervisor/Personal Trainer |
Athletics |
garcia-ortegac@cod.edu |
PEC 202B |
(630)942-2691 |
Gareis, Patrick |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
gareisp@cod.edu |
Garfield, Robert |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
garfieldr@cod.edu |
Gargula, Kate |
Administrative Assistant III - Abe/Ged/Esl |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
gargulak@cod.edu |
SRC 1111H |
(630)942-2827 |
Garitty, Sarah |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
garittys@cod.edu |
Garland, Wendy |
Program Specialist, Adult Education |
garlandw@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3774 |
Garon, Patrick |
Box Office Assistant |
Performing Arts |
garonp@cod.edu |
MAC 104 |
Garrey, Patricia |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
garreyp@cod.edu |
Garrison, Sheara |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
garrisons156@cod.edu |
Garrison, Steven |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
garrisons1132@cod.edu |
BIC 1A06G |
(630)942-3568 |
Garrity, Connor |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
garrityc1960@cod.edu |
Garstka, Mark |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
garstkam49@cod.edu |
SRC 1140F |
(630)942-2154 |
Garvy, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
garvyj@cod.edu |
Gasca Hernandez, Omar |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
gascaom@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Gasior, Jason |
T a Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
gasiorj@cod.edu |
Gassen, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
gassen@cod.edu |
Gaudio, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
gaudiom@cod.edu |
HEC 1018 |
(630)942-2107 |
Gawron, Barbara |
Associate Professor |
Nursing |
gawronb@cod.edu |
HSC 2202T |
(630)942-2204 |
Gaydurgis, Holly |
Assistant Professor |
American Sign Language Interpr |
parsonsh@cod.edu |
BIC 2H05F |
(630)942-3266 |
Geier, Vicki |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
geierv@cod.edu |
Geiger, Jude |
Professor |
Speech Communication |
geigerj@cod.edu |
BIC 2E09E |
(630)942-2179 |
Geistoraityte, Laima |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
geistoraitytel@cod.edu |
Gekas, Christopher |
Multimedia Developer/Producer |
Multimedia Services |
gekasc@cod.edu |
CHC 2023B |
(630)942-4206 |
Genc, Timothy |
Assistant Professor |
Aviation |
genct@cod.edu |
HTC 1009 |
(630)942-2457 |
Gendel, Sherry |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
gendels@cod.edu |
Genov, Rumiana |
Professor |
Physics |
nikolova@cod.edu |
BIC 3530E |
(630)942-3276 |
Gentile, Gina |
Director, Compliance/Internal Audit/Ethics Officer |
Office of the General Counsel |
gentileg450@cod.edu |
SRC 3110 |
(630)942-2543 |
George, Mark |
Financial Aid Representative |
Student Financial Aid |
georgem580@cod.edu |
SSC 2275 |
(630)942-2829 |
Georgen, Anthony |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
georgena@cod.edu |
Gerace, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Theater |
geracej716@cod.edu |
Gerage, Dana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
geraged@cod.edu |
Gerberich, Victoria |
Laboratory Assistant I - STEM Fuel Garden |
Biology |
gerberichv@cod.edu |
HSC 1331 |
(630)942-2513 |
Gerges, Sam |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
gergess@cod.edu |
Gerken, Kay |
Adjunct Faculty |
Office Technology Information |
gerken@cod.edu |
Gerlach, Debra |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
German, Jeffrey |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
germanj994@cod.edu |
Ghebru, Genet |
Library Computing & Support Assistant |
Library |
ghebru@cod.edu |
SRC 2021 |
(630)942-2671 |
Gibson, Laura |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
gibson@cod.edu |
Giedraitis, Jean |
Assistant Manager, Enrollment Ctr & Student Registration Svc |
Registration Services |
giedraitisj@cod.edu |
SSC 2236 |
(630)942-2687 |
Giedraitis, David |
PC Repair Technician I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
giedraitisd@cod.edu |
BIC 0534 |
(630)942-2934 |
Gieschen, Philip |
Coordinator, Risk Management |
Environmental Health & Safety |
giesche@cod.edu |
CMC 1040 |
(630)942-2993 |
Gieser, Austin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
giesera@cod.edu |
Gilger, Lindsey |
Learning Technologies Specialist |
Learning Technologies |
gilgerl@cod.edu |
BIC 3401 |
(630)942-2762 |
Gilles, Joseph |
Associate Professor |
Fire Science |
gilles@cod.edu |
HEC 1017 |
(630)942-2831 |
Gillespie, Anna |
Media Lab Assistant |
Library |
gillespiea@cod.edu |
SRC 2030C |
(630)942-3069 |
Gillespie, Donna |
Professor |
Languages |
gillespied226@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06A |
(630)942-3513 |
Gillette, Jennifer |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
gillettej@cod.edu |
Gimmell, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
gimmellj@cod.edu |
Gimondo, J Austin |
Assistant Professor |
Horticulture |
gimondoj@cod.edu |
TEC 1059 |
(630)942-2562 |
Giovannoni, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
giovannonim@cod.edu |
Giovannoni, Monica |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
giovannonim568@cod.edu |
Giovenco, Gino |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
giovencog298@cod.edu |
Giovenco, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
giovencom274@cod.edu |
Girolamo, Victoria |
Graduation Specialist |
Student Records |
girolamov@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-3829 |
Giron, Brittany |
Student Accounts Assistant Supervisor |
Accounts Receivable |
shaughnessyb@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-2206 |
Giurato, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
giuratoj@cod.edu |
Giuseffi, Lauren |
Adjunct Faculty |
giuseffil@cod.edu |
Gjata, Edlira |
Adjunct Faculty |
gjatae@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Gladys, Mariusz |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
gladysm@cod.edu |
Glamoclija, Natasa |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
glamoclijan@cod.edu |
Glasgow, Bernard |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
glasgowb@cod.edu |
Glenn, Mark |
Student Success Counselor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
glennm@cod.edu |
SSC 3200 |
(630)942-2168 |
Go, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
gom648@cod.edu |
Gockman, Ashley |
Client Solutions Specialist I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
gockmana@cod.edu |
SRC 2012 |
(630)942-4302 |
Godish, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
godish@cod.edu |
Goines, David |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
goinesd@cod.edu |
Goldberg, David |
Professor |
Political Science |
goldberg@cod.edu |
BIC 2537C |
(630)942-3722 |
Goldberg, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mass Communication |
goldbergj409@cod.edu |
Golden, Heather |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
goldenh@cod.edu |
Golden, Nicole |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
goldenn@cod.edu |
Goldstead, Gail |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
goldstea@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Gomez, Maria |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
gomezm1039@cod.edu |
Gomez de la Casa, Elizabeth |
Manager, Intercultural and Latino Student Initiatives |
Student Services |
gomezdelacasae@cod.edu |
SSC 1121 |
(630)942-3146 |
Gomez-Rubio, Jose |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
gomez-rubioj@cod.edu |
Gonciarczyk, Aleksandra |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
goncia@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Gongola, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
gongolap@cod.edu |
Gonsoulin, Regina |
Adjunct Faculty |
gonsoulinr@cod.edu |
Gonzalez, Colleen |
Program Support & Admissions Specialist |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
prolac@cod.edu |
HSC 1218 |
(630)942-2994 |
Gonzalez, Gabriel |
Academic Division Business Associate |
Business & Applied Technology |
gonzalezg147@cod.edu |
TEC 1034 |
(630)942-2062 |
Gonzalez, Yannieliss |
Administrative Assistant VI |
Facilities |
gonzalezy135@cod.edu |
CMC 1002 |
(630)942-2314 |
Gonzalez, Eva |
Adjunct Faculty |
gonzaleze2@cod.edu |
Gonzalez, Nicolas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
gonzalezn168@cod.edu |
Goodwin, Bret |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
goodwin@cod.edu |
Gordon, Heidi |
Adjunct Faculty |
gordonh281@cod.edu |
Gordon, Omar |
Financial Aid Assistant |
Student Financial Aid |
gordono1916@cod.edu |
SSC 2261O |
(630)942-2870 |
Gorecki, Matthew |
Primary Range Master |
Suburban Law Enforcement Acad. |
goreckim526@cod.edu |
HTC 1008 |
(630)942-3108 |
Gorgone, John |
Project Manager, Campus Facilities and Construction |
Facilities |
gorgonej@cod.edu |
CMC 1039 |
(630)942-4034 |
Goss, Kevin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
gossk@cod.edu |
Gotham, Briana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
gothamb@cod.edu |
Govertsen, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
govertsend@cod.edu |
Gower, Jill |
Assistant Professor |
Art |
gowerj@cod.edu |
MAC 270 |
(630)942-2068 |
Grace, Allen |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
gracea688@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Gracias, Andreas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
graciasa@cod.edu |
Graczyk, Dana |
Chaparral Fitness Assistant |
Athletics |
graczyk@cod.edu |
PEC 202B |
(630)942-2633 |
Graff, Dan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
graffd@cod.edu |
(630)942-2107 |
Grage, Joseph |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
gragej@cod.edu |
Granados, Tonya |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
granadost@cod.edu |
Granatowski, Monika |
Adjunct Faculty |
granatowskim@cod.edu |
Granberry, Jill |
Professor |
English as a Second Language |
granberr@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06C |
(630)942-4270 |
Granger, Korry |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
grangerk@cod.edu |
Granger, Claire |
Enrollment Associate-Admin Assistant III Campus Central |
Campus Central |
grangerc@cod.edu |
SSC 2261E |
(630)942-4293 |
Grant, Capper |
Adjunct Faculty |
Paralegal Studies |
grantc@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Grauman, Jillian |
Professor |
English |
graumanj@cod.edu |
BIC 2H05A |
(630)942-3261 |
Grauman, Dale |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
graumand@cod.edu |
Graunke, Alissa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
graunkea4@cod.edu |
Gray, Kenneth |
Professor |
Psychology |
grayke@cod.edu |
BIC 2556C |
(630)942-2223 |
Green, Ellen |
Assistant Professor |
Health Information Technology |
greenel@cod.edu |
HSC 2202F |
(630)942-2549 |
Green, Douglas |
PC Repair Technician I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
greend@cod.edu |
BIC 0534 |
(630)942-4041 |
Green, Matthew |
Professor |
Sociology |
greenm8420@cod.edu |
BIC 2557E |
(630)942-2287 |
Green, Edward |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
greene862@cod.edu |
Greenbusch, Heather |
Administrative Assistant V |
Financial Affairs & Controller |
greenbuschh@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-2234 |
Greene, Jennifer |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
greene@cod.edu |
BIC 1A05G |
(630)942-2969 |
Greenwood, Hamilton |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
greenwoodh15@cod.edu |
Grenzow, Sally |
Reference Assistant |
Library |
grenzow@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
(630)942-3364 |
Grider, Matthew |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
grider@cod.edu |
Griffin, Aris |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
griffina1270@cod.edu |
Griffin, Catherine |
Non-Credit Instruction - Grant Funded |
Academic Affairs |
griffinc1387@cod.edu |
Griffith, Andrew |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
griffitha16@cod.edu |
Griffith, Zachary |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
griffithz1247@cod.edu |
Grigoletti, Daniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
grigole@cod.edu |
Grisham, Isaac |
Network Analyst IV |
Network Services |
grishami@cod.edu |
SRC 2171 |
(630)942-2951 |
Groh, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
grohj@cod.edu |
Gross, Sheri |
Manager, Veterans Student Services |
Veterans Services |
grosss384@cod.edu |
SSC 3389 |
(630)942-2444 |
Grossman, Alexander |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
grossmana41@cod.edu |
Groves, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
grovesk@cod.edu |
Grumbles, Scot |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
grumbless@cod.edu |
Grygleski, Michael |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
grygleskim@cod.edu |
Guarino, Michael |
Lead Student Accounts Representative |
Accounts Receivable |
guarinom7173@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-2206 |
Guenther, Anne |
Assistant Manager, Learning Commons |
Learning Commons |
guenthera51@cod.edu |
SRC 2115 |
(630)942-3948 |
Guerin, Magalie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
guerinm@cod.edu |
Guerra, Andre |
Associate Professor |
Economics |
guerraa178@cod.edu |
BIC 2H09E |
(630)942-2157 |
Guillen, Carlos |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
guillenc@cod.edu |
Gumm, Bryan |
Radio Dispatcher |
Police Dept |
gummbr@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
Gunawidjaja, Ray |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
gunawidjajar@cod.edu |
Gunderson, Kyle |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
gundersonk112@cod.edu |
HEC 1040 |
(630)942-2000 |
Gunn-Stevens, Renetta |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
gunn-stevensr@cod.edu |
Gunto, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
guntod@cod.edu |
Gupta, Shelly |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
guptas6965@cod.edu |
Gupta, Swarup |
Network Analyst IV |
Network Services |
guptas40@cod.edu |
SRC 2171 |
(630)942-2784 |
Gush, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
gushth@cod.edu |
Gustafson, Christin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
gustafsonc381@cod.edu |
Gustis, Steven |
Executive Director, Advising and Career Services |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
gustis@cod.edu |
BIC 1A02G |
(630)942-2099 |
Guther, Steven |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
guthers@cod.edu |
Gutierrez, Juanita |
Financial Aid Specialist - Operations |
Student Financial Aid |
gutierr@cod.edu |
SSC 2255H |
(630)942-2730 |
Gutierrez, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
gutierrezr1@cod.edu |
Gutowska, Renata |
Adjunct Faculty |
gutowskar@cod.edu |
Guzman, Rita |
Adjunct Faculty |
guzmanr990@cod.edu |
Haase, Linda |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
haasel@cod.edu |
Haden, Justin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
hadenj@cod.edu |
Haegele, Lisa |
Manager, Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Program |
Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment |
haegelel@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04R |
(630)942-3692 |
Haen-Darden, Stacie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
haen-dardens@cod.edu |
Haensel, Kim |
Administrative Assistant III |
Police Dept |
labellek@cod.edu |
HEC 1040 |
(630)942-3988 |
Hagopian, Hagop |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
hagopianh@cod.edu |
Hailu, Fasika |
Administrative Assistant IV (Temporary) |
Student Life |
hailuf@cod.edu |
SSC 1116 |
(630)942-3849 |
Hainline, Kristi |
Academic Testing Services Supervisor |
Testing Center |
hainlinek@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06A |
(630)942-4365 |
Hale, Colin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
halec@cod.edu |
Halikias, Shannon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Library & Information Tech |
halikias@cod.edu |
Halilic, Elmedin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Respiratory Care |
halilice1891@cod.edu |
Hall, Arthur |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
halla9507@cod.edu |
Hall, Natalie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Library & Information Tech |
halln619@cod.edu |
Hall, Shameica |
Accountant II |
Central Accounting |
halls115@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-2678 |
Hall, Andrea |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
halla688@cod.edu |
Halla, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
hallam9289@cod.edu |
Hallberg, David |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
hallbergd@cod.edu |
Halligan, Gerry |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
halligan@cod.edu |
Hambel, Nathan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
hambeln@cod.edu |
(630)942-6206 |
Hamdan, Deena |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
hamdand@cod.edu |
Hameed, Tazeen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
hameedt25@cod.edu |
Hamler, David |
Accounts Receivable Coordinator |
Accounts Receivable |
hamlerd@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-4568 |
Hamman, Kelly |
Administrative Assistant V |
Business Services |
griffeyk@cod.edu |
IRC 1007 |
(630)942-4722 |
Hamrick, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
hamrick@cod.edu |
Hand, Kelly |
Reference Librarians |
Library |
handk175@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
Hanlet, Pierrick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
hanletp@cod.edu |
Hanley, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electronics Technology |
hanleyj706@cod.edu |
Hann, Martha |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
hannma@cod.edu |
Hanna, Matthew |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hannam37@cod.edu |
Hannon, Marie |
Adjunct Faculty |
hannonm30@cod.edu |
Hanns, Karen |
Adjunct Faculty |
hannsk@cod.edu |
Hanson, Michele |
Specialist, Testing Proctor |
Adult Continuing Education |
hansonm1341@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3697 |
Happel, Christina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
happelc1052@cod.edu |
Haqqani, Syeda |
Adjunct Faculty |
haqqanis6@cod.edu |
Haque, Lubna |
Professor |
Chemistry |
haquel@cod.edu |
HSC 3335 |
(630)942-2110 |
Harabasz, Monica |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
harabaszm@cod.edu |
Harbottle, Luke |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
harbottlel@cod.edu |
Hardee, Justin |
College Transfer Coordinator |
Student Services |
hardeej@cod.edu |
SSC 2233 |
(630)942-3977 |
Hardy, Thomas |
Associate Professor |
Biology |
hardyt503@cod.edu |
HSC 1341 |
(630)942-2127 |
Harling, Colin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
harlingc@cod.edu |
Harrington, Rebecca |
Program Manager, Career Services |
Career Services |
riversr@cod.edu |
SSC 3370 |
(630)942-2458 |
Harris, Martha |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
harrism572@cod.edu |
Harris, Maxwell |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
harrism501@cod.edu |
Harrison, Laura |
Adjunct Faculty |
Medical Assistant |
harrisonl965@cod.edu |
Hart, Kelly |
Administrative Assistant III |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
hartk3692@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3297 |
Hartle, Claire |
Graduation Support Assistant |
Student Records |
hartlec@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-2456 |
Hartnett, Smiljana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
hartnetts@cod.edu |
Hartoonian, Leslie |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
hartoonianl@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2106 |
Hartsaw, Kristin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
hartsawk@cod.edu |
Harvey, Anna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
harveya71@cod.edu |
Harvey, Evan |
Admissions Representative |
Admission & Outreach |
harveye288@cod.edu |
SSC 2265 |
(630)942-3898 |
Haskell, Edward |
Fixed Assets Accountant II |
Fixed Assets |
haskelle691@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-3487 |
Hasse, Debra |
Business Solutions-Senior Manager |
Career/Professional Training |
hassed@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-2679 |
Hatzos-Skintges, Catherine |
Homework Help HS/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
hatzosc@cod.edu |
Haughney, Colin |
Warehouse Wrkr/Driver I |
Warehouse Services |
haughneyc@cod.edu |
BIC 0517 |
(630)942-2550 |
Haukland, Brandon |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
hauklandb@cod.edu |
(630)942-4600 |
Haun, William |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
haunw@cod.edu |
Hauschildt, Chase |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hauschildtc1449@cod.edu |
Hauser, Denise |
Administrative Assistant III |
Student Records |
hauserd55@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-2340 |
Haushahn, Herbert |
Operating Engineer |
Facilities |
haushj@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Havens, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
havens@cod.edu |
(630)942-8639 |
Hawando, Mesgana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
hawandom@cod.edu |
Hawk, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
hawkm@cod.edu |
Hawkins, Tara |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
hawkinst551@cod.edu |
HSC 2202M |
(630)942-3565 |
Haworth, Joyce |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
haworthj@cod.edu |
Haxhiaj, Arianita |
Testing Specialist |
Testing Center |
haxhiaja326@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06 |
(630)942-2580 |
Hayashi, Adam |
Associate Professor |
Biology |
hayashia@cod.edu |
HSC 2327 |
(630)942-3064 |
Hayes, Timothy |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
hayest55@cod.edu |
Hayes-Carver, Jesse |
Senior Academic Assistant-Tutoring |
Tutoring |
hayes-carverj@cod.edu |
Haywood, Russell |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
haywoodr323@cod.edu |
Hazard, Robert |
Associate Professor |
English |
hazard@cod.edu |
BIC 2447F |
(630)942-2402 |
Hazelton, Caitlin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
hazeltonc@cod.edu |
Heavens, Craig |
Manager, Information Systems |
Information Systems |
heavens@cod.edu |
SRC 2165 |
(630)942-2795 |
Heberg, Jordan |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hebergj@cod.edu |
Heffern Ponicki, Maureen |
Associate Professor |
Political Science |
heffernponickim@cod.edu |
BIC 2537A |
(630)942-2012 |
Heid, Dirk |
Manager, Building/Grounds |
Facilities |
heidd@cod.edu |
CMC 1016 |
(630)942-2574 |
Heintz, Tamara |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
heintzt@cod.edu |
SSC 3249 |
(630)942-2154 |
Heintz, Shaun |
Laboratory Assistant II-Graphic Design |
Graphic Design |
heintzs@cod.edu |
Heise, Jeffrey |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
heisej@cod.edu |
Heitman, Ryan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
heitman@cod.edu |
Hejna, Nancy |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hejnan@cod.edu |
Hels, Charles |
Mail Clerk |
Mail Services |
helsch@cod.edu |
BIC 0535 |
(630)942-2249 |
Helwig, Susan |
Administrative Assistant II, Transfer Center |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
helwigs@cod.edu |
SSC 3227 |
(630)942-3286 |
Henderson, Debbie |
Manager, Enrollment Center & Student Registration Svcs |
Registration Services |
henderso@cod.edu |
SSC 2254 |
(630)942-4231 |
Henderson, Kristina |
Manager, Student Retention & Engagement |
Student Life |
hendersn@cod.edu |
SSC 1118 |
(630)942-2510 |
Henderson, Todd |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
hendersont95160@cod.edu |
Hendricks, Nicole |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hendricksn@cod.edu |
Heneghan, John |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
heneghanj272@cod.edu |
Hengler, Dianne |
Lead Student Accounts Representative |
Accounts Receivable |
henglerd@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-3347 |
Henningsen, Timothy |
Professor |
English |
henningsent@cod.edu |
BIC 2H05C |
(630)942-2276 |
Henry, Tara |
Adjunct Faculty |
henryt70@cod.edu |
Henson, Linda |
Health Program Simulation Technician |
Nursing |
hensonl@cod.edu |
HSC 2136 |
(630)942-2539 |
Henson, Michael |
Assistant Professor |
Computer & Information Science |
hensonm1236@cod.edu |
BIC 1544D |
(630)942-3611 |
Hermanek, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
hermanek@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Hermes, Matthew |
Radio Announcer/Operator |
WDCB Radio |
hermes@cod.edu |
SRC 1010 |
(630)942-4200 |
Hernandez, Shannon |
Coordinator, Student Life (clubs and Office Operations) |
Student Life |
hernan@cod.edu |
SSC 1128 |
(630)942-3054 |
Hernandez, Monica |
Program Manager |
Business Development Center |
hernandezm68@cod.edu |
IND 243 |
(630)942-3041 |
Hernandez, Jesus |
Helpdesk Specialist I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
hernandezj228@cod.edu |
SRC 2012 |
(630)942-2781 |
Hernandez, Marshall |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
hernandezm2892@cod.edu |
Herrera, Gonzalo |
Off Campus Program Coordinator |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
herrerag@cod.edu |
Herrera, Veronica |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
herrerav740@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2675 |
Herrera, Marylu |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
herreram464@cod.edu |
Herzog, Robert |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
herzogr3401@cod.edu |
Hess, Anne |
Senior Academic Assistant-WRSC |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
hessa183@cod.edu |
Hess, Kathleen |
Associate Professor |
Chemistry |
hessk132@cod.edu |
HSC 3337 |
(630)942-2420 |
Hetelle, Jon |
Financial Systems Analyst |
Cash Disbursements/Payroll |
hetellej@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-2634 |
Hewings-Little, Laurie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
hewings-littlel@cod.edu |
Hibbler, Dion |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
hibbler@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Hickenbottom, Dontae |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hickenbottomd@cod.edu |
Hickerson, Linda |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hickersonl@cod.edu |
Hickey, Kevin |
Senior Accountant |
Central Accounting |
hickeyk158@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-2239 |
Hicks, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
hickse1179@cod.edu |
Higgins, Terry |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
higginst702@cod.edu |
Highland, Stephen |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
highlands@cod.edu |
Hild, Benjamin |
Academic Assistant II - Writing, Reading, Speech |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
hildb@cod.edu |
Hill, Joseph |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hilljos@cod.edu |
Hill, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
hillja@cod.edu |
(630)942-8633 |
Hill, Jennifer-Anne |
Professor |
Mathematics |
hillj504@cod.edu |
BIC 3436F |
(630)942-2034 |
Hill, Joshua |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hillj577@cod.edu |
Hillman, Joel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
hillmanj@cod.edu |
Hillock, Elisa |
Assistant Professor |
Graphic Design |
hillocke@cod.edu |
MAC 252A |
(630)942-3418 |
Hilvert, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
hilvertc@cod.edu |
Himmelbauer, Kirsten |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
himmelbauerk@cod.edu |
Himpelmann, Matthew |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
himpelmannm@cod.edu |
Hinkhouse, Louis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
hinkhousel@cod.edu |
Hinton, Allison |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
hintona@cod.edu |
Hinton, Philip |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hintonp@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-2181 |
Hintz, Joshua |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
hintzj@cod.edu |
Hisson, Donna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
hissond@cod.edu |
Hitchcock, Lois |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
hitchcoc@cod.edu |
Hlava, Bridget |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
hlavab@cod.edu |
(630)942-8603 |
Hlotke, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
hlotke@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Hlotke, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
hlotkej@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
Hodges, Michael |
Administrative Assistant III - Abe/Ged/Esl |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
hodgesm1550@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3863 |
Hoering, Joshua |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
hoeringj@cod.edu |
Hoffman, Elizabeth |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
hoffmane3823@cod.edu |
CSC 101 |
(630)942-4900 |
Hoffmann, Robert |
Assistant Professor |
Nursing |
hoffmannr@cod.edu |
HSC 2202X |
(630)942-2160 |
Hogan, Lorraine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
hoganl396@cod.edu |
Hogan, Adam |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
hogana104@cod.edu |
(630)942- |
Hogate, William |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
hogatew@cod.edu |
Hohlman, Mary |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hohlmans@cod.edu |
Hojnacki, Daniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
hojnackid@cod.edu |
Holecek, Ashlie |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
holeceka@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-4943 |
Holes, Todd |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
holest@cod.edu |
Hollowed, Leslie |
Paralegal & FOIA Officer |
Office of the General Counsel |
hollowedl@cod.edu |
SRC 3110 |
(630)942-2609 |
Holmberg, Melvin |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
holmbergm@cod.edu |
Holmes, Tracy |
Senior Academic Assistant-Tutoring |
Tutoring |
holmest184@cod.edu |
Holmwood, Elizabeth |
Academic Division Administrative Assistant V |
Business & Applied Technology |
holmwoode@cod.edu |
TEC 1034 |
(630)942-4283 |
Holvey, Patrice |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
holveyp@cod.edu |
Holzle-Frega, Denise |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
holzle-fregad@cod.edu |
Homelvig, Kristina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Office Technology Information |
homelvigk@cod.edu |
Hoogerheide, Steven |
Academic Assistant II - MAST |
Math Asst Area |
hooger@cod.edu |
Hopkins, Kevin |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hopkinsk807@cod.edu |
Hopper, Joseph |
Coordinator, Events Production |
Performing Arts |
hopper@cod.edu |
MAC 130 |
(630)942-2913 |
Horan, Gerald |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
horang@cod.edu |
Horn, Susan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Paralegal Studies |
hornsu@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Horn, Denise |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Information Technology |
hornd224@cod.edu |
Horn, Zeljka |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
kampelz@cod.edu |
(630)942-4650 |
Horstman, Mary |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
horstmanm@cod.edu |
Horvatin, Lisa |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
horvatinl@cod.edu |
BIC 1A01A |
(630)942-2078 |
Hossain-Kumar, Tasneem |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
hossain-kumart@cod.edu |
Hotsinpiller, Erica |
Professor |
Mathematics |
hotsinpillere@cod.edu |
BIC 3E11 |
(630)942-4504 |
Hou, Harry |
Professor |
houhain@cod.edu |
BIC 1550C |
(630)942-4024 |
Houdek, Joseph |
Lead PC Repair Technician |
Office & Classroom Technology |
houdek@cod.edu |
BIC 0534 |
(630)942-2044 |
Houlihan, Elizabeth |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
houlihane@cod.edu |
Houlihan, Kelly |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
houlihank316@cod.edu |
Housos, Katherine |
Programmer Analyst II |
Information Systems |
housosk@cod.edu |
SRC 2160A |
(630)942-2622 |
Hovet Dias, Anna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
hovetdiasa@cod.edu |
Howard, Kayla |
Transcript Evaluator |
Student Records |
howardk1225@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-3830 |
Howes, Christopher |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
howesc@cod.edu |
Hubbard, Danica |
Professor |
English |
hubbard@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06P |
(630)942-2101 |
Hubbard, Janet |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
hubbardj@cod.edu |
Huber, Jaimie |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
huberj892@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2675 |
Hucek, Marc |
Assistant Professor |
Welding Technology |
hucekm@cod.edu |
TEC 1057 |
(630)942-2595 |
Huffnus, Eric |
Sergeant Police Department |
Police Dept |
huffnuse@cod.edu |
HEC 1049 |
(630)942-2744 |
Huggins, Jeremy |
Graphic & Web Designer II |
Marketing & Creative Services |
hugginsj@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-2557 |
Huggins, Scott |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
hugginss3176@cod.edu |
Hughes, Sharon |
Transcript Evaluator |
Student Records |
hughess436@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-3917 |
Huiner, Cynthia |
Supervisor, Payroll |
Cash Disbursements/Payroll |
huinerc@cod.edu |
SRC 2133A |
(630)942-2278 |
Hull, Amy |
Supervisor, Greenhouse |
Horticulture |
hullamy@cod.edu |
TEC 0026 |
(630)942-3806 |
Hull, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electronics Technology |
hullj117@cod.edu |
Hum, Eric |
Vocational Skills Utility Worker |
COD Centers |
hume@cod.edu |
NC 28E |
(630)942-4700 |
Humphrey, Vera |
Administrative Assistant VI |
Administrative Affairs |
humphreyv@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-4285 |
Humphrey, Monika |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
stawskim@cod.edu |
Hunt, Ted |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
huntt@cod.edu |
Hunt, Joanne |
Box Office Assistant |
Performing Arts |
huntj307@cod.edu |
MAC 101 |
(630)942-3048 |
Hunt, Karen |
Supervisor, Addison Center |
COD Centers |
huntk555@cod.edu |
ADC 102A |
(630)942-4605 |
Hurlburt, Dorothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
hurlburtd@cod.edu |
Hurtado, Jeanett |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hurtadoj48615@cod.edu |
Husetovic, Elmir |
Lead Video Syst. Engineer |
Multimedia Services |
huseto@cod.edu |
CHC 2025D |
(630)942-2332 |
Hussain, Syed |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
hussains200@cod.edu |
Hussein, Mohammed |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electro-Mechanical Technology |
husseinm397@cod.edu |
Huth, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
huthj1544@cod.edu |
Hyatt, Jason |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
hyattj@cod.edu |
PEC 121G |
(630)942-2732 |
Hyder, Narjis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
hydern@cod.edu |
Hyer, Daniel |
Assistant Professor |
Automotive Service Technology |
hyerd@cod.edu |
TEC 1064 |
(630)942-2439 |
Iglesias Tinoco, David |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
iglesiastinocod@cod.edu |
Ill, Emily |
Administrative Assistant III |
Math Asst Area |
ille@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
Inc, Candice |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
incc@cod.edu |
Incrocci, Camillo |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
incroccic@cod.edu |
Ingebrigtsen, Kyle |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ingebrigtsenk@cod.edu |
Ingrassia, Nikko |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ingrassian@cod.edu |
Inouye, Joy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
inouyej@cod.edu |
Inserro, Anthony |
Senior Business Analyst/Project Manager |
Planning, Perform & Tech |
inserroa@cod.edu |
IRC 1030 |
(630)942-3854 |
Interrante, Nicole |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
interranten50@cod.edu |
Iqbal, Md Javed |
Professor |
Economics |
iqbalm163@cod.edu |
BIC 2H09C |
(630)942-2403 |
Isaacs, Anette |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
isaacsa1365@cod.edu |
Ismond, Jonathan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Eye Care Assistant |
ismondj@cod.edu |
Ivancic, Colleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
ivancicc@cod.edu |
Iyer, Uma |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
iyeru@cod.edu |
Jabi, Mohammad Amin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electro-Mechanical Technology |
mohammadj419@cod.edu |
Jackson, Odell |
Painter |
Facilities |
jacksono215@cod.edu |
CMC 1020 |
(630)942-2320 |
Jackson, Gordon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
jacksong784@cod.edu |
Jaco, Edith |
Professor |
Languages |
jacoed@cod.edu |
BIC 2444C |
(630)942-3332 |
Jacobo, Dagoberto |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
jacobod531@cod.edu |
Jacobs, Autumn |
Academic Division Administrative Assistant V |
Social/Behavioral Sc & Library |
jacobsa31@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06 |
(630)942-2487 |
Jacobson, Daniel |
Program Support Specialist |
Business & Applied Technology |
jacobsond@cod.edu |
TEC 1008 |
(630)942-2324 |
Jacobson, Sara |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
jacobsons163@cod.edu |
Jadzak, Nancy |
Supervisor, Print & Support Services |
Campus Services |
jadzakn@cod.edu |
BIC 0515A |
(630)942-2773 |
Jaffe, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
jaffec@cod.edu |
BIC 2E09 |
(630)942-2800 |
Jaffery, Syeda |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
jafferys108@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2106 |
Jahangir, Nabila |
Adjunct Faculty |
jahangirn265@cod.edu |
Jahntz, Pamela |
Student Accounts Representative I |
Accounts Receivable |
jahntzp@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-4190 |
Jairath, Ruchi |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
jairathr@cod.edu |
Jakubas, Christina |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
jakubasc@cod.edu |
Jalkut, Daniel |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
jalkutd@cod.edu |
Jaloszynski-Ream, Vicki |
Adjunct Faculty |
jaloszynski-reamv@cod.edu |
James, Peter |
Associate Professor |
Business |
jamesp@cod.edu |
BIC 1E09 |
(630)942-2618 |
James, Meenu |
Assistant Professor |
Nursing |
jamesm2272@cod.edu |
HSC 2207B |
(630)942-2347 |
James-Jenkin, Connie |
Reference Librarians |
Library |
james-jenkinc@cod.edu |
Janakiraman, Deepa |
Assistant Professor |
Computer & Information Science |
janakiramand@cod.edu |
BIC 1535 |
(630)942-2599 |
Jandak, Christine |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
jandakc@cod.edu |
BIC 2H01F |
(630)942-2981 |
Janich, James |
Professor |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
janich@cod.edu |
TEC 1065 |
(630)942-3313 |
Jankauski, Melissa |
Program Manager - Special Student Resources |
Student Services |
jankauskim@cod.edu |
BIC 1A02F |
(630)942-2631 |
Janusauskas, Angela |
Instructional Assistant II |
Learning Commons |
janusa@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3940 |
Jarad, Amal |
Counselor, Student Success |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
jarada@cod.edu |
SSC 3353 |
(630)942-3927 |
Jaramillo, Gerardo |
Non-Credit Instruction - Grant Funded |
Academic Affairs |
jaramillog@cod.edu |
Jarecki, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
jareckim@cod.edu |
Jaroski, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
jaroskim@cod.edu |
Jarzynski, Matthew |
Human Resource Partner |
Human Resources |
jarzynskim262@cod.edu |
SRC 2134H |
(630)942-3492 |
Jasnoch, Jason |
Operating Engineer |
Facilities |
jasnochj@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Jasso, Olivia |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
jassoo@cod.edu |
BIC 0551 |
(630)942-2694 |
Jasso-Martinez, Gerardo |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
jasso-martinezg@cod.edu |
Javaherian, Arnoush |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
javaheri@cod.edu |
Javed, Azmia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
javeda@cod.edu |
Javier, Victor |
Telecommunications Specialist |
Telecommunications |
javierv@cod.edu |
BIC 1419B |
(630)942-2707 |
Jefferson, Rhoda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
jeffersonr6@cod.edu |
Jeffrey, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
jeffreyj7@cod.edu |
Jenicek, Linda |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
jenicekl@cod.edu |
SSC 3249 |
(630)942-2154 |
Jenkins, Linda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Paralegal Studies |
jenkinsl@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Jensen, Derek |
Sergeant Police Department |
Police Dept |
jensend@cod.edu |
HEC 1049 |
(630)942-2805 |
Jimenez, Jose |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
jimenezj@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Jimenez, Rufino |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
jimenezr1111@cod.edu |
Johansen, Danielle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Microbiology |
johansend@cod.edu |
Johnson, Benjamin |
Sound & Lighting Specialist |
Performing Arts |
johnsonb2@cod.edu |
MAC 135 |
(630)942-3006 |
Johnson, Rose |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
johnsro@cod.edu |
NC 27 |
(630)942-4750 |
Johnson, Judith |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
johnsnju@cod.edu |
Johnson, Christopher |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
johnsonc1256@cod.edu |
Johnson, Carla |
Counselor, Student Success |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
johnsonc1374@cod.edu |
SSC 3348 |
(630)942-3962 |
Johnson, Candice |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
johnsonc58785@cod.edu |
Johnson, Tracey |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
johnsont@cod.edu |
(630)942-8612 |
Johnson, Latonya |
Adjunct Faculty |
johnsonl250@cod.edu |
Johnson, Jamie |
Network Analyst III |
Network Services |
johnsonj341@cod.edu |
SRC 2171 |
(630)942-2014 |
Johnson, Mary |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
johnsonm601@cod.edu |
Johnson, Joshua |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
johnsonj1106@cod.edu |
MAC 157A |
(630)942-2057 |
Johnson, Walter |
Vice President, Institutional Advancement |
Institutional Advancement |
johnsonw1169@cod.edu |
BIC 1520G |
(630)942-3416 |
Johnson, Shannon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
johnsons356@cod.edu |
Johnson, Alexandra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
johnsona641@cod.edu |
Johnson, Heather |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
johnsonh565@cod.edu |
Johnson, Alyssa |
Administrative Assistant V |
Adjunct Support |
johnsona1053@cod.edu |
BIC 2501 |
(630)942-2158 |
Johnson, Ashley |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
johnsona892@cod.edu |
Johnson, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
johnsonm494@cod.edu |
Johnson-Zalak, Julie |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
johnson-zalakj@cod.edu |
Johnston, Kristin |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
johnstonk226@cod.edu |
Jolly, Ryan |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
jollyr@cod.edu |
Jones, Sharon |
Music Archivist |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
joness347@cod.edu |
MAC 239 |
(630)942-2416 |
Jones, Ivy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
jonesi2476@cod.edu |
Jones, Harley |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
jonesh636@cod.edu |
Jones, Darvell |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
jonesd231@cod.edu |
Jones, Natasha |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
jonesn753@cod.edu |
Jones, Danielle |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
jonesd247@cod.edu |
BIC 1A06E |
(630)942-3264 |
Jones-Bibbie, Sherron |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
jones-bibbies@cod.edu |
Jonynas, Linda |
Coordinator, CTE Outreach and Career Exploration |
Business & Applied Technology |
jonynasl@cod.edu |
TEC 1034 |
(630)942-3095 |
Jordan, Angela |
Reference Assistant |
Library |
jordan@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
(630)942-3364 |
Jordan, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
jordanj29@cod.edu |
Jorgensen, Laurette |
Director, Marketing and Creative Services |
Marketing & Creative Services |
jorgensenl@cod.edu |
IRC 1060 |
(630)942-2755 |
Jost, Katherine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
jostk@cod.edu |
Joy, Jeanette |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
joyj@cod.edu |
(630)942-8632 |
Joyner, Marilyn |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
joynerm@cod.edu |
Joyner, Jermel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
joynerj207@cod.edu |
Juarez Suarez, Susana |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Marketing & Creative Services |
juarezsuarezs@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-3370 |
Judy, Mary Beth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
judym276@cod.edu |
Juhl, Nicole |
Assistant Professor |
Physical Education |
juhln@cod.edu |
BIC 2H09D |
(630)942-2056 |
Junokas, Molly |
Business Manager |
Performing Arts |
junokasm@cod.edu |
MAC 201H |
(630)942-2938 |
Jursinic, Maki |
Accounting Supervisor |
Financial Affairs & Controller |
jursinicm@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-3156 |
Juzwin, Kathryn |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
juzwink@cod.edu |
Kaatz, Pamela |
Coordinator, Employment |
Human Resources |
kaatzp@cod.edu |
SRC 2134A |
(630)942-2936 |
Kachalon, David |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kachalond@cod.edu |
Kackert, Michael |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facilities |
kackertm@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Kackert, Stephanie |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Facilities |
kackerts@cod.edu |
CMC 1001 |
(630)942-3067 |
Kaiser, Ryan |
Director, Athletics and Recreational Programs |
Athletics |
kaiserr2964@cod.edu |
PEC 121B |
(630)942-2895 |
Kalboth, Brett |
Manager, Campus Services |
Campus Services |
kalbothb@cod.edu |
IRC 1008 |
(630)942-2017 |
Kalbow, Joshua |
Event Technician |
Conference & Events Services |
kalbow@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06F |
(630)942-3954 |
Kalic, Marina |
Adjunct Faculty |
kalicm@cod.edu |
Kalic, Marko |
Adjunct Faculty |
kalicm50@cod.edu |
Kalin, Lilianna |
General Counsel |
Office of the General Counsel |
kalinl@cod.edu |
SRC 3110B |
(630)942-3860 |
Kalish, Amber |
Buyer |
Procurement Services |
kalisha@cod.edu |
IRC 1003 |
(630)942-2216 |
Kamischke, Amber |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kamischkea@cod.edu |
Kanak, Donna |
Associate Professor |
Nursing |
kanakd@cod.edu |
HSC 2202D |
(630)942-2348 |
Kanetis, Peter |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
kanetisp@cod.edu |
Kang, Leah |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
kangl2691@cod.edu |
Kant, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
kantm@cod.edu |
Kapoor, Preeti |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
kapoorp@cod.edu |
BIC 2H11 |
(630)942-3901 |
Kapustka, Brian |
Senior Academic Assistant-Tutoring |
Tutoring |
kapustkab@cod.edu |
Karamanski, Theodore |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
karamanskit@cod.edu |
Karant, Barbara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
karantb@cod.edu |
Karlen, Linda |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
karlenl@cod.edu |
(630)942-8614 |
Karnatz, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
karnatz@cod.edu |
Karpenski, Nikmarie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
karpenskin@cod.edu |
Kashiani, Noah |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
kashianin@cod.edu |
Kaslow, Laura |
Counselor, Student Success |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
leinweberl@cod.edu |
SSC 3351 |
(630)942-2541 |
Kaspar, Jayne |
Instructor |
Surgical Technology |
kasparj111@cod.edu |
HSC 2202Z |
(630)942-2504 |
Kasprzyk Szetela, Kathleen |
Manager-Adjunct Faculty Support |
Adjunct Support |
szetelak@cod.edu |
BIC 2501E |
(630)942-3797 |
Kassar, Donna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
kassard262@cod.edu |
Kast Jr, Donald |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facilities |
kastdona@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Kato, Thomas |
Non-Credit Instruction - Grant Funded |
Academic Affairs |
katot@cod.edu |
Kaufman, Samuel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
kaufmans39@cod.edu |
Kaur, Gursharan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
kaurg@cod.edu |
Kaushal, Bindiya |
Adjunct Faculty |
Microbiology |
kaushalb@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
Kaushal, Janice |
Dean, Business & Applied Technology |
Business & Applied Technology |
kaushalj2252@cod.edu |
TEC 1036 |
(630)942-3505 |
Kavooras, Clarise |
Coordinator of Radio Programming Operations |
WDCB Radio |
nickols@cod.edu |
SRC 1035 |
(630)942-3707 |
Kaye, Cathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
kayeca@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Kayser, Marie |
Front Desk/Night Clerk |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
kayserm7@cod.edu |
CHC 1007 |
(630)942-6888 |
Kazmierczak, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Engineering |
kazmierczakm1251@cod.edu |
Kee, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
keed355@cod.edu |
Keedy, Nicholas |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
keedyn@cod.edu |
Keen, Kyle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
keenk35256@cod.edu |
Keenan, Damin |
Supervisor, Academic Lab |
Office & Classroom Technology |
keenand@cod.edu |
SSC 3001 |
(630)942-3302 |
Keighron, Sean |
Non-Credit Instruction - Grant Funded |
Academic Affairs |
keighrons@cod.edu |
Keith, Sally |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
keiths176@cod.edu |
Keith, Kevin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
keithk6@cod.edu |
Keller, Pamela |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kellerp@cod.edu |
Kelley, Jennifer |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
kelleyj@cod.edu |
SRC 3134 |
(630)942-2383 |
Kelly, Christine |
Student Success Coach |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
kellyc10@cod.edu |
SRC 1111M |
(630)942-3193 |
Kelly, Megan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
kellym614@cod.edu |
Kelly, John |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kellyj231@cod.edu |
Kelly, Ileen |
Manager, Business Development Center |
Business Development Center |
kellyi421@cod.edu |
IND 241 |
(630)942-2616 |
Kembitzky, Kimberle |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kembitzkyk@cod.edu |
Kemeras, Joanne |
Payroll Coordinator |
Cash Disbursements/Payroll |
kemerasj@cod.edu |
SRC 2133B |
(630)942-2697 |
Kennedy, Mary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
kennedym@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06 |
Kent, Audrie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
lawlessa326@cod.edu |
Kent, John |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kentj163@cod.edu |
Keppler, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
keppler@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Kerby, Susan |
Coordinator of Study Abroad |
Field & Study Abroad |
kerbys@cod.edu |
BIC 3520 |
(630)942-3078 |
Kerfin, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
kerfinj@cod.edu |
Kern, Alyson |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kerna991@cod.edu |
Kernan, Sarah |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kernans@cod.edu |
Kerns, Kelli |
Coordinator of Accommodations |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
kernsk1814@cod.edu |
SRC 1140A |
(630)942-2567 |
Keros, Leslie |
Radio Announcer/Operator |
WDCB Radio |
kerosl@cod.edu |
SRC 1022A |
(630)942-3701 |
Kerr, Brian |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
kerrb@cod.edu |
Keys, Crystal |
Manager, Admissions Frontline & Campus Central, and Events |
Admission & Outreach |
keysc487@cod.edu |
SSC 2240 |
(630)942-2776 |
Khalife, Fatima |
Adjunct Faculty |
khalifef@cod.edu |
Khan, Fahad |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
khanf1484@cod.edu |
Khan, Muhammad |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
khanmuh@cod.edu |
ADC 103 |
(630)942-4600 |
Khan, Shabana |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
khans214@cod.edu |
Khan, Samina |
Administrative Assistant III |
Support Services |
khans549@cod.edu |
IRC 1001 |
(630)942-2250 |
Khan, Adam |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
khana1092@cod.edu |
Khan, Mohammed |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
khanm184@cod.edu |
Khan, Imran |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
khani989@cod.edu |
Khananisho, Danny |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
khananishod@cod.edu |
Khokher, Naila |
Adjunct Faculty |
khokhern@cod.edu |
Khoury, Dina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
khouryd@cod.edu |
Khun, Iang |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
khuni@cod.edu |
ADC 102 |
(630)942-4600 |
Kickels, Christine |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
kickels@cod.edu |
SRC 3132 |
(630)942-2313 |
Kidd, Brian |
Sergeant Police Department |
Police Dept |
kiddbr@cod.edu |
HEC 1049 |
(630)942-3926 |
Kidd, Mark |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kiddm1077@cod.edu |
Kiedaisch, Elizabeth |
Professor |
Mathematics |
kiedaisc@cod.edu |
BIC 3530C |
(630)942-3912 |
Kielbasa, Christopher |
Academic Division Administrative Assistant V |
Liberal Arts |
kielbasac@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06 |
(630)942-2052 |
Kies, Maureen |
Assistive Technology Specialist |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
pricem266@cod.edu |
SRC 1144E |
(630)942-4267 |
Kilden-Pedersen, Meriam |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
kilden-pedersenm@cod.edu |
Kile, Zachary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
kilez@cod.edu |
Kile, Corey |
Multimedia Writer/Producer/Director |
Multimedia Services |
kilec11@cod.edu |
CHC 2023D |
(630)942-2883 |
Killam, Brad |
Associate Professor |
Art Studio |
killam@cod.edu |
MAC 289 |
(630)942-2421 |
Kindelin, Dominic |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
kindelind@cod.edu |
King, Rachel |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kingr2683@cod.edu |
King, Nicolle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
cekaln@cod.edu |
King, Deon |
Bldg Maintenance Supervisor |
Facilities |
kingd680@cod.edu |
CMC 1020 |
(630)942-2320 |
King, Randolph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
kingr2197@cod.edu |
King, Alexander |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
kinga2044@cod.edu |
King-Tran, Jacqueline |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
kingj65@cod.edu |
Kinnan, Yoshie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kinnany@cod.edu |
Kinney, Ann |
Assistant Professor |
Nursing |
cowena@cod.edu |
HSC 2207J |
(630)942-3510 |
Kiraly, Daniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
kiralyd@cod.edu |
Kirchens, Jaclyn |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
kirchensj@cod.edu |
Kirkland, Nancy |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
kirklandn@cod.edu |
CSC 100A |
(630)942-4888 |
Kirkman, Carina |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kirkmanc@cod.edu |
Kirkpatrick, Beth |
Professor |
Biology |
kirkpatrickb@cod.edu |
HSC 1335 |
(630)942-3387 |
Kitner, Douglas |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kitnerd@cod.edu |
Klasen, Molly |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
klasenm@cod.edu |
Kleemann, Brian |
Senior Writer/Editor |
Public Relations & Communicati |
kleeman@cod.edu |
IRC 1057 |
(630)942-2370 |
Klehr, Gabrielle |
Credentials Specialist |
Student Records |
klehrg@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-3832 |
Klein, Dwight |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
kleind382@cod.edu |
Klein, Allison |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
kleina453@cod.edu |
Kleinman, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
kleinmand@cod.edu |
Klenk, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Engineering |
klenkm@cod.edu |
Kleppe, Svetlana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
kleppes@cod.edu |
(630)942-8631 |
Kliment, Jeffrey |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
klimentj@cod.edu |
Kline, Tracy |
Coordinator, CE |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
klinet940@cod.edu |
SRC 1112A |
(630)942-3779 |
Klingberg, Cody |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
klingbergc390@cod.edu |
Klopfenstein, Efpril |
Administrative Assistant III |
Information Technology Srvcs |
klopfensteine@cod.edu |
SRC 2155 |
(630)942-3756 |
Klose, Lori |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
klosel@cod.edu |
Klug, Anna Maria |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
kluga@cod.edu |
NC 20B |
(630)942-4700 |
Knight, Gina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
gilbertg205@cod.edu |
Knight, Patricia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
knightp9510@cod.edu |
Knight, Anne |
Assistant Professor |
Paralegal Studies |
knighta@cod.edu |
BIC 1441 |
(630)942-2502 |
Knoop, Scott |
Programmer Analyst II |
Information Systems |
knoops@cod.edu |
SRC 2160 |
(630)942-2474 |
Knowlton, Rodney |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
knowltonr@cod.edu |
Knutson, Lars |
Programmer Analyst I |
Information Systems |
knutsonl131@cod.edu |
SRC 2160H |
(630)942-2935 |
Koczka, Bryan |
Network Analyst III |
Network Services |
koczkab@cod.edu |
SRC 2171 |
(630)942-2808 |
Koenig, Paul |
Administrative Assistant III |
Math Asst Area |
koenigp553@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3339 |
Kofron, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
kofrond@cod.edu |
Kohl, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
kohls276@cod.edu |
Kohout, Tamara |
Adjunct Faculty |
kohoutt136@cod.edu |
Kolek, Deborah |
Assistant Supervisor, Patron Services |
Performing Arts |
kolekd@cod.edu |
BIC 1474C |
(630)942-4306 |
Kollmeyer, Connie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
kollmeyerc@cod.edu |
Kolski, Raven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
kolskir@cod.edu |
Konczyk, Julie |
Associate Dean CE |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
konczykj@cod.edu |
SRC 1111E |
(630)942-2207 |
Kondrath, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dance |
kondrathj@cod.edu |
Konkel, Mary |
Technical Services Librarian |
Library |
konkel@cod.edu |
SRC 2034A |
(630)942-2662 |
Kopal, Ann |
Associate Professor |
Nursing |
kopala@cod.edu |
HSC 2207D |
(630)942-2568 |
Kopec, Arthur |
Academic Assistant II - Writing, Reading, Speech |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
kopeca268@cod.edu |
Koskinaris, Tolis |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
koskinarist@cod.edu |
PEC 121G |
(630)942-2737 |
Kosrow, Lauren |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
kosrowl@cod.edu |
SRC 3138 |
(630)942-2092 |
Kostecki, James |
Associate Vice President, Planning, Performance & Analytics |
Planning, Perform & Tech |
kosteckij@cod.edu |
IRC 1029 |
(630)942-3821 |
Kostner, Robert |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
kostner@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Kostomiris, Laura |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
kostomirisl@cod.edu |
Kostuj, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anthropology |
kostuj@cod.edu |
Koteles, Colin |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
koteles@cod.edu |
SRC 3142 |
(630)942-2923 |
Kotsovos, Anna |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kotsovosa178@cod.edu |
Koureta, Evangelia |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
kouretae@cod.edu |
Kovach, John |
Non-Credit Instruction - Grant Funded |
Academic Affairs |
kovachj@cod.edu |
Koval, Ruth |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
kovalr27@cod.edu |
CSC 101 |
(630)942-4900 |
Kovalenko, Alla |
Adjunct Faculty |
kovalenkoa128@cod.edu |
Kowal, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
kowale@cod.edu |
CHC 1020 |
Kowalczyk, Diane |
Testing Specialist |
Testing Center |
kowalczykd1766@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06A |
(630)942-4365 |
Kozlowski, Kathryn |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kozlowskik971@cod.edu |
Kozlowski, Linda |
Fuel Pantry Advisor |
Student Life |
kozlowskil2729@cod.edu |
SSC 1126 |
(630)942-2393 |
Kozurek, Kathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
kozurek@cod.edu |
(630)942-8622 |
Kramer, David |
Associate Professor |
Culinary Arts |
kramerd@cod.edu |
CHC 2021D |
(630)942-2868 |
Kramer, Cathy |
Adjunct Faculty |
kramerc@cod.edu |
Krasniqi, Besa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
krasniqib@cod.edu |
Kraus, Jacqueline |
Associate Professor |
Mathematics |
krausj114@cod.edu |
BIC 3437A |
(630)942-2535 |
Krause, Erin |
Program Support Specialist |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
verscaje@cod.edu |
HSC 1216 |
(630)942-2612 |
Krawitz, Joan |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
krawitzj@cod.edu |
Kroese, David |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kroesed@cod.edu |
Krohnert, Sandra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
krohnerts@cod.edu |
Krok, Lisa |
Accounts Receivable Specialist |
Accounts Receivable |
krokl@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-3946 |
Krol, Mary |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
krolm8115@cod.edu |
ADC 106 |
(630)942-4650 |
Krouwer, Peter |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
krouwer@cod.edu |
Krstic, Ana |
Adjunct Faculty |
krstica@cod.edu |
Krueger, Clarke |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
krueger@cod.edu |
(630)942-8692 |
Krukowski, Mark |
Operations Support Specialist |
Operations Support |
krukowskim@cod.edu |
SRC 2159 |
(630)942-2224 |
Krupa, Halina |
Custodial Group Leader |
Facilities |
krupah@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
Kruski, Jason |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kruskij@cod.edu |
Kube, Michael |
Computer Operator II |
Operations Support |
kubem@cod.edu |
SRC 2159 |
(630)942-3815 |
Kubica, Francesca |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
kubicaf@cod.edu |
Kucera, Molly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
robinsonm149@cod.edu |
Kuchuris, Clementina |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kuchurisc@cod.edu |
Kuczynski, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kuczynskim275@cod.edu |
Kuehner, Karl |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
kuehnerk@cod.edu |
Kuenn, Courtney |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
kuennc@cod.edu |
Kuenstler, Kelly |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kuenstlerk@cod.edu |
Kugach, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
kugachr@cod.edu |
Kuglin Seago, Danielle |
Manager, Project Hire-Ed |
Project Hire Ed |
kuglinseagod@cod.edu |
BIC 1D02A |
(630)942-2269 |
Kuhn, Joseph |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kuhnj1013@cod.edu |
PEC 118 |
(630)942-2748 |
Kuhs, Edward |
Multimedia Lead Writer/Creative Supervisor |
Multimedia Services |
kuhsed@cod.edu |
CHC 2023H |
(630)942-2255 |
Kulach, Barbara |
Custodial Group Leader |
Facilities |
kulachb@cod.edu |
BIC 0551 |
(630)942-2694 |
Kulanjiyil, Thomas |
Professor |
Philosophy |
kulanj@cod.edu |
BIC 2E08E |
(630)942-3511 |
Kumar, Sushane |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kumars3053@cod.edu |
Kuncheria, Mini |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
kuncheriam@cod.edu |
Kurby, Sandra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
kurbys@cod.edu |
Kurtzweil, Kayla |
Program Support Specialist |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
kurtzweilk760@cod.edu |
MAC 259A |
(630)942-2882 |
Kuzel, Glenn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
kuzelg@cod.edu |
Kuzmenko, Rita |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
kuzmenkor@cod.edu |
Kwon, Hyukse |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
kwonh267@cod.edu |
Labno, Margaret |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
labnom@cod.edu |
Labut, Celina |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
labutc@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Lacey, Jerome |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
laceyj@cod.edu |
Lachcik, Melissa |
Supervisor, Reference Support |
Library |
lachcikm2211@cod.edu |
SRC 3150 |
(630)942-2659 |
LaCivita, Emily |
Supervisor, Learning Commons-Naperville |
Learning Commons |
lacivitae@cod.edu |
NC 27A |
(630)942-4752 |
LaCognata, Nicole |
Executive Director-Stud Financial Asst, Vet Svcs,Scholarship |
Student Financial Aid |
lacognatan@cod.edu |
SSC 2251 |
(630)942-2725 |
Ladendorf, Karen |
Assistant Professor |
Education |
ladendorfk@cod.edu |
BIC 2H09A |
(630)942-2057 |
Ladewski, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Lecture |
ladewskim@cod.edu |
Ladonski, Thomas |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facilities |
ladonskit@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-4220 |
Laffey, Mary |
Reference Assistant |
Library |
laffeym651@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
(630)942-3364 |
LaHaie, Jana |
Compensation Analyst |
Human Resources |
lahaiej@cod.edu |
SRC 2134L |
(630)942-2656 |
Laird, Jeffrey |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
lairdj405@cod.edu |
Lally, Kelly |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lallyk104@cod.edu |
Lama Handal, Roberto |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
lamahandalr@cod.edu |
Lamb, Colin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
lambc1740@cod.edu |
Lamm, Ashley |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
lamma@cod.edu |
Lamoureux, Hampton |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
lamoureuxh@cod.edu |
Lanagan, Thomas |
Assistant Professor |
Manufacturing Technology |
lanagant@cod.edu |
TEC 1055 |
(630)942-2038 |
Landando, Douglas |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
landandod@cod.edu |
Lang, Jessica |
Program Support & Admissions Specialist |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
langj@cod.edu |
HSC 1218 |
(630)942-2447 |
Lang, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electro-Mechanical Technology |
langr582@cod.edu |
Lange, Jennifer |
Youth Program Coordinator |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
langej89@cod.edu |
SRC 1112B |
(630)942-2769 |
Langford, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
langfordj1545@cod.edu |
Langman, Joyce |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
langmanj@cod.edu |
Langman, Andrew |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
langmana@cod.edu |
Lanners, Brian |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
lannersb@cod.edu |
Lanute, Joseph |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lanutej2553@cod.edu |
Lappa Haas, Karen |
Content Writer/Editor |
Marketing & Creative Services |
lappahaask@cod.edu |
IRC 1068 |
(630)942-2372 |
Lara, Andrea |
Supervisor, Learning Commons, Addison |
Learning Commons |
laraa228@cod.edu |
ADC 106 |
(630)942-4653 |
Large, Brenda |
Manager, Youth Academy and Adult Enrichment Programs |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
largeb@cod.edu |
SRC 1112C |
(630)942-3076 |
Lark, Janice |
Senior Academic Assistant-WRSC |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
suchj862@cod.edu |
Larkin, Brock |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
larkinb2426@cod.edu |
Larry, Carter |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
larryc306@cod.edu |
Larson, Tamara |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
larsont92@cod.edu |
Larson, Eric |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
larsone683@cod.edu |
LaRusso, Regina |
Adjunct Faculty |
larusso@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Laska, Kristine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
laskak@cod.edu |
Latif, Hina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
latifh@cod.edu |
(630)942-8672 |
Latocha, Halina |
Custodial Group Leader |
Facilities |
latochah@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Latocha, Stanislaw |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
latochas1048@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Latoria, Joseph |
Enrollment Admissions Specialist - Operations |
Admission & Outreach |
latoriaj@cod.edu |
SSC 2255P |
(630)942-2721 |
Latta, Nancy |
Assistant Professor |
Interior Design |
lattan@cod.edu |
TEC 1047 |
(630)942-2508 |
Lauer, Abigail |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lauera806@cod.edu |
Lavorato, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Real Estate |
lavoratom1196@cod.edu |
Lawrence, Carla |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
lawrencec333@cod.edu |
Lawrence, Johnson |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
lawrencej494@cod.edu |
Lawson, Maggie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lawsonm767@cod.edu |
Leahy, Patrick |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
leahyp314@cod.edu |
PEC 121G |
(630)942-2734 |
Leavy, Veronica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
leavyv@cod.edu |
LeClaire, Ryan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
leclairer@cod.edu |
Lee, Miran |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
leem195@cod.edu |
Lee, Angela |
Assistant Professor |
Interior Design |
leea382@cod.edu |
TEC 1063 |
(630)942-3495 |
Lee, Ji Hye |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
leej853@cod.edu |
Lee, Grace |
Assistant Professor |
Biology |
leeg3223@cod.edu |
HSC 1329 |
(630)942-3520 |
Lee, Jung Su |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
leej463@cod.edu |
Lee, Denise |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
leed1056@cod.edu |
Lefkovitz, Aaron |
Adjunct Faculty |
Humanities |
lefkovitza@cod.edu |
Leganski, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
leganskij@cod.edu |
Legg, Beatriz |
Adjunct Faculty |
leggb@cod.edu |
Lehan, Robert |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lehanr@cod.edu |
Leigvold, Karsten |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
leigvoldk@cod.edu |
Leismer, Melissa |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
leismerm@cod.edu |
Leli, Christopher |
Painter |
Facilities |
lelic@cod.edu |
CMC 1020 |
(630)942-2320 |
Leon, Elijah |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
leone297@cod.edu |
Leonard, Patricia |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
leonardp55110@cod.edu |
Leonard, Andreea |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
leonarda200@cod.edu |
(630)942-8696 |
Leonard, Kevin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
leonardk678@cod.edu |
Leonardo Ownby, Laura |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
leonardoownbyl@cod.edu |
Leone, Mary Beth |
Professor |
Hospitality & Tourism |
leonem@cod.edu |
CHC 2021E |
(630)942-2059 |
Leonor, Jonathan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
leonorj@cod.edu |
Leopaldi-Aleman, Daniela |
Graduation Specialist |
Student Records |
leopaldi-alemand@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-3828 |
Lepkowski, Craig |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lepkowskic@cod.edu |
LePoire, David |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lepoired@cod.edu |
Lerdal, Laura |
Culinary Market & Lab Coord. |
Culinary Arts |
lerdal@cod.edu |
CHC 1015 |
(630)942-2359 |
Lesko, Anne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
leskoa@cod.edu |
Lesnicki, Natalya |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
lesnickin@cod.edu |
L'Esperance-Skrypek, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
lesper@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Leszczewicz, Tara |
Professor |
Biology |
leszczewiczt@cod.edu |
HSC 2335 |
(630)942-2265 |
Levaggi, Jason |
AV Repair Technician |
Office & Classroom Technology |
levaggij@cod.edu |
BIC 0534 |
(630)942-2919 |
Levine, Laura |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Information Technology |
levinel6384@cod.edu |
Levinson, Lindsay |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
levinsonl@cod.edu |
Lexow, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
lexowc@cod.edu |
Leyva Barley, Guillermo |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dance |
leyvabarleyg@cod.edu |
Lezondra, David |
SBDC Manager |
Business Development Center |
lezondrad@cod.edu |
IND 237 |
(630)942-2630 |
Li, Yan |
Research Analyst |
Research & Analytics |
liy610@cod.edu |
IRC 1037 |
(630)942-3862 |
Li, Jia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
lij474@cod.edu |
Lichy, Paul |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lichyp@cod.edu |
Lickel, Kyle |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lickelk@cod.edu |
Lidinsky, Kelly |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
lidinskyk@cod.edu |
BIC 2536D |
(630)942-3248 |
Limberis, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
limberist@cod.edu |
Limberis, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
limberisj@cod.edu |
Linardakis, John |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
linardakisj@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Linares, Priscila |
Coordinator, Enrollment Support Center |
Enrollment Management |
linares@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04N |
(630)942-3987 |
Lindsay, Debra |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
kwiatkowskid77@cod.edu |
Lindsay, Reynisha |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
lindsayr296@cod.edu |
Lindsey, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Legal Studies |
lindseyj154@cod.edu |
Lingenfelter, Scott |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
lingenf@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Link, Diane |
Administrative Assistant III |
Human Resources |
linkd239@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-4355 |
Linneweh, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
linnewehd@cod.edu |
Linsner, Kelly |
Adjunct Faculty |
linsner@cod.edu |
Lipari, Jemima |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
liparij1162@cod.edu |
Lipman, Bruce |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lipmanb@cod.edu |
Lipskie, Larry |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
lipskiel@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
(630)942-8619 |
Liu, Zhi-Ying |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
liuzhi@cod.edu |
(630)305-9661 |
Liu, Dejang |
Professor |
Computer & Information Science |
liudejan@cod.edu |
BIC 1550D |
(630)942-3270 |
Liu, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
lium1612@cod.edu |
Llereza, Joseph |
Technical Service Supervisor |
Conference & Events Services |
llereza@cod.edu |
(630)942-3951 |
Llewellyn, Ann |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
llewell@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
LoBue, Rick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
lobuer@cod.edu |
Lockhart, Aisling |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
lockharta225@cod.edu |
Loder, Bonnie |
Associate Professor |
Languages |
loderb@cod.edu |
BIC 2430F |
(630)942-3040 |
Loftus, Laurel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
loftus@cod.edu |
Loftus, Diana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Cosmetology |
loftusd996@cod.edu |
Logan, Robert |
Laboratory Assistant I - MPTV |
Motion Picture/Television |
loganr@cod.edu |
MAC 173 |
(630)942-2162 |
Logan, Jerry |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
loganj303@cod.edu |
Logsdon, Diane |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
logsdond@cod.edu |
Lohman, Kathleen |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
lohmank@cod.edu |
HTC 1003 |
(630)942-3723 |
Lomeli, Sebastian |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
lomelis495@cod.edu |
Long, Douglas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Theater |
longdou@cod.edu |
Long, Linda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
longl16@cod.edu |
Long, Jean |
Adjunct Faculty |
longj648@cod.edu |
Loos, Christine |
Academic Assistant II - MAST |
Math Asst Area |
loosc119@cod.edu |
Lopez, Michael |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
lopezmi@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Lopez, Kelly |
Adjunct Faculty |
lopezk92@cod.edu |
Lopez, Diana |
Administrative Assistant V |
AVP Academic Affairs |
lopezd3143@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-3249 |
Lopez, Miguel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
lopezm198@cod.edu |
Lopez Pacheco, Roberto |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
lopezr@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Lorenzo, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
lorenzod@cod.edu |
Losacco, Michael |
Professor |
losacco@cod.edu |
BIC 1544C |
(630)942-3277 |
Losacco, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
losaccoj579@cod.edu |
Losik, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
losikr@cod.edu |
Lott, Chercy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
lottc1104@cod.edu |
Lottie, Craig |
Enrollment Coach |
Admission & Outreach |
lottiec172@cod.edu |
SSC 2256 |
(630)942-3557 |
Loughlin, Judith |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
loughlinj@cod.edu |
Love, Beverly |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
loveb1431@cod.edu |
Loverher, Marie |
Laboratory Assistant I, Cosmetology |
Cosmetology |
andrewsm@cod.edu |
ADC 130 |
(630)942-4400 |
Lowe, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
lowec306@cod.edu |
Loyd, Ryan |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
loydr@cod.edu |
Loza, Kiantra |
Executive Director-Admissions,CampusCentral/International S |
Admission & Outreach |
lozak3090@cod.edu |
SSC 2250 |
(630)942-2093 |
Lubke, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Lecture |
lubkea@cod.edu |
Lucheck, Ludmilla |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lucheckl@cod.edu |
Lucki, John |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
luckij@cod.edu |
Luczynski, Kathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
luczynsk@cod.edu |
(630)942-8659 |
Ludden, James |
Professor |
Biology |
ludden@cod.edu |
HSC 2333 |
(630)942-4073 |
Ludtke, Anastasia |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ludtkea@cod.edu |
Ludwig, Zachary |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ludwigz@cod.edu |
PEC 121G |
(630)942-2736 |
Luetger-Schlewitt, Caitlin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Humanities |
luetgerc@cod.edu |
Lukose, Alexia |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
lukosea592@cod.edu |
Lukritz, Michael |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lukritzm3616@cod.edu |
Luna, Jody |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
lunaj184@cod.edu |
Lungu, Gheorghe |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
lungug@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
Luxion, Linda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
luxionl@cod.edu |
BIC 2H11F |
(630)942-3189 |
Lynch, Matthias |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
lynchm@cod.edu |
(630)942-8678 |
Lynch, Maureen |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
lynchm667@cod.edu |
(630)942-4800 |
Lynn, Michael |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
lynnm18@cod.edu |
Lyttle, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
lyttle@cod.edu |
MacDonald, Carmen |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
macdonaldc3@cod.edu |
Machacek, Sherry |
Coordinator, Academic Testing Services |
Testing Center |
machacek@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06B |
(630)942-3725 |
Mack, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
mackkim@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Mack, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
mackm156@cod.edu |
(630)942-8665 |
Mack, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
mackj401@cod.edu |
Mackey, Lori |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mackeyl1234@cod.edu |
Macklin, Tunisia |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
macklint@cod.edu |
MacRae, John |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
macrae@cod.edu |
Madanowski, Karina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
madanowskik@cod.edu |
Maday, Kari |
Accounts Payable Specialist |
Cash Disbursements/Payroll |
madayk2239@cod.edu |
SRC 2132 |
(630)942-4294 |
Madden, Elizabeth |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
maddene1058@cod.edu |
Maddox, Susan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
maddox@cod.edu |
Maddox, Michael |
Associate Professor |
Culinary Arts |
maddoxm@cod.edu |
CHC 2021K |
(630)942-2546 |
Madigan, James |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
madiganj7@cod.edu |
Madsen, Jenny |
Financial Aid Specialist - SAP |
Student Financial Aid |
madsenj477@cod.edu |
SSC 2270 |
(630)942-2304 |
Maeda, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
maedap@cod.edu |
Magnier, Robert |
Radio Dispatcher |
Police Dept |
magnierr@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
Magoon-Makela, William |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
makelaw@cod.edu |
Mahoney, Jonathan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
mahoneyj177@cod.edu |
Mahoney, Ryan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
mahoneyr411@cod.edu |
Maka, Luisa |
Registration Assistant |
Registration Services |
makal@cod.edu |
SSC 2261D |
(630)942-3290 |
Malca, Shaiska |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
malcas@cod.edu |
Malcolm, Genevieve |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
leinoneng@cod.edu |
Maldonado, Heriberto |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
maldonadoh@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Malhotra, Alka |
Adjunct Faculty |
malhotra@cod.edu |
Malik, Sufiya |
Administrative Assistant III |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
maliks191@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-2212 |
Malik, Michelle |
Career Services Specialist |
Career Services |
malikm392@cod.edu |
SSC 3362 |
(630)942-2079 |
Malik, Ali |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
malika156@cod.edu |
Malkin, Bruce |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
malkin@cod.edu |
Malkovich, Amber |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
malkovicha@cod.edu |
Mallasi, Zaki |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
mallasiz@cod.edu |
Maloney, Wendy |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
maloney@cod.edu |
(630)942-8681 |
Maloney, Susan |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Learning Commons |
maloneys@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-2674 |
Manafi, Mohammad |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electronics Technology |
manafim@cod.edu |
Mancao, Arturo |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
mancaoa@cod.edu |
Manesiotis, Sophia |
Digital Marketing Specialist I |
Marketing & Creative Services |
manesiotiss@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-2783 |
Mansaku, Alketa |
Adjunct Faculty |
mansakua@cod.edu |
Manuel, Sarah |
Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Specialist |
Academic Partnerships |
manuels688@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04K |
(630)942-3562 |
Manzano, John |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
manzanoj943@cod.edu |
Mao, Wen-Chen |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
maow@cod.edu |
Mardegan, Christine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
mardeganc@cod.edu |
Marek, Robert |
Financial Affairs Analyst |
Central Accounting |
marekr@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-2655 |
Mares, Elizabeth |
Professor |
Languages |
marese@cod.edu |
BIC 2430G |
(630)942-3937 |
Marin, Janice |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Lecture |
marinj1019@cod.edu |
Marino, Samantha |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
marino@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Marino, John |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
marinoj391@cod.edu |
Marino, Nicholas |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
marinon87@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Mariscal, Maricela |
Adjunct Faculty |
mariscalm661@cod.edu |
Mark, Sarah |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
marks@cod.edu |
Markevicius, Vaiva |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
markeviciusv@cod.edu |
Marku, Bora |
Adjunct Faculty |
markub@cod.edu |
Marlovits, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
marlov@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Marlowe, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
marlowee@cod.edu |
Marquez, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
marqueze81636@cod.edu |
Marsh, Dolores |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
marshd@cod.edu |
(630)942-8646 |
Marshall, Ryan |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
marshallr146@cod.edu |
Marshall, Jeffrey |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
marshallj4@cod.edu |
Marshall, Mary |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
marshallm10@cod.edu |
Marshall, Brandon |
Supervisor, Circulation Services |
Library |
marshallb190@cod.edu |
SRC 2045 |
(630)942-3728 |
Martin, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
martinm@cod.edu |
Martin, Melina |
Professor |
English |
probstm@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06M |
(630)942-2288 |
Martin, Tiana |
Administrative Assistant V, Naperville |
COD Centers |
martint214@cod.edu |
NC 28 |
(630)942-4748 |
Martin, Mghnon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Paralegal Studies |
martinm3371@cod.edu |
Martin, Mallory |
Coordinator, Student Services |
martinm320@cod.edu |
SRC 1111C |
(630)942-2992 |
Martincic, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
martincicj@cod.edu |
Martinez, Jacqueline |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
martinezj1663@cod.edu |
Martinez, Anthony |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
martineza1403@cod.edu |
Martinez, Diana |
Director, McAninch Arts Center |
Performing Arts |
martinezd59@cod.edu |
MAC 201A |
(630)942-3007 |
Martinez, Francisco |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
martinezf60@cod.edu |
PEC 121G |
(630)942-2710 |
Martinez, Salvador |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
martinezs78@cod.edu |
Martinez, Jenny |
Adjunct Faculty |
martinezj1275@cod.edu |
Martinez, Cynthia |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
martinezc426@cod.edu |
Martinez, Rolando |
Associate Director, Admission & Outreach |
Admission & Outreach |
martinezr287@cod.edu |
SSC 2242 |
(630)942-2837 |
Martinez Sanchez, Luis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
martinezsanchezl@cod.edu |
Martino, Alexander |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
martinoa1500@cod.edu |
Marzullo, Anna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
marzulloa@cod.edu |
Mason, Bruce |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
masonb17131@cod.edu |
Mason, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
masonj45@cod.edu |
Massa, Joseph |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facilities |
massaj191@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Massingill, Brandon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Marketing |
massingillb@cod.edu |
Matel, Alina |
Enrollment Coach |
Admission & Outreach |
matela@cod.edu |
SSC 2259 |
(630)942-3598 |
Matheny, Callie |
Manager, CEJA Aurora Network Hub |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
mathenyc456@cod.edu |
(630)942-3715 |
Matiasek, Jennifer |
Research and Evaluation Coordinator |
Research & Analytics |
matiasekj@cod.edu |
IRC 1039 |
(630)942-2455 |
Matkovich, Justin |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
matkovichj@cod.edu |
Matos, Nicole |
Professor |
English |
matosn@cod.edu |
BIC 2444B |
(630)942-4175 |
Maurer, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
maurerj1584@cod.edu |
Maxwell, Barbara |
Administrative Assistant V |
Academic Outreach |
maxwellb@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04L |
(630)942-3259 |
May, Carolyn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
maycar@cod.edu |
May, Jennifer |
Radio Dispatcher |
Police Dept |
mayj3135@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
May, Kerry |
Administrative Assistant II |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
mayk1004@cod.edu |
SSC 3200 |
(630)942-2774 |
Mayanil, Chandra Shekhar |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
mayanilc@cod.edu |
Maye, Abdikarim |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
mayea@cod.edu |
Mayer, Dennis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
mayerd353@cod.edu |
Mazzone, Gina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
mazzoneg@cod.edu |
McAdams, Emmi |
Academic Assistant II - MAST |
Math Asst Area |
mcadamse@cod.edu |
McAllister, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
mcallistera407@cod.edu |
McBeth, Maureen |
Professor |
Accountancy |
mcbeth@cod.edu |
BIC 1451A |
(630)942-2879 |
McBride, Marybeth |
Administrative Assistant III |
Student Records |
mcbridem5@cod.edu |
SSC 2150 |
(630)942-2340 |
McCabe, Jenifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
mccabej@cod.edu |
McCabe, Michael |
Assistant Professor |
Mathematics |
mccabem85@cod.edu |
BIC 3436B |
(630)942-2152 |
McCaffrey, Charles |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
mccaffreyc594@cod.edu |
McCallum, Daniel |
Instructional Designer II |
Learning Technologies |
mccallumd384@cod.edu |
BIC 3401 |
(630)942-3906 |
McCambridge, Wendy |
Director, Legislative Relations and Spec. Asst. to the Presi |
President's Office |
mccambridgew@cod.edu |
SRC 2141 |
(630)942-2227 |
McCarty, Leslie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
mccartyl@cod.edu |
(630)942-8701 |
McClain, Tamara |
Associate Vice President, Acad Partnerships & Learning Res |
AVP Academic Affairs |
mcclaint57@cod.edu |
BIC 3400A |
(630)942-2442 |
McCleary, Stephanie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcclearys61@cod.edu |
McClelland, Pamela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
mcclellandp@cod.edu |
McCollum, Matthew |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mccollumm267@cod.edu |
McCombs, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
mccombsp29@cod.edu |
McCoy, Douglas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
mccoyd230@cod.edu |
McCrum, Angela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
corbetta@cod.edu |
McDaniel, Danuta |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
mcdaniel@cod.edu |
McDermott, Morgan |
Adjunct Faculty |
mcdermottm1343@cod.edu |
McDonald, Aaron |
Associate Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math |
mcdonalda136@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06F |
(630)942-4076 |
McDonough, Peter |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
mcdonoughp1094@cod.edu |
McDowell, Ian |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
mcdowelli@cod.edu |
McFadden, Kelly |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcfaddenk231@cod.edu |
McFadzean-Dockens, Emily |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
ebye150@cod.edu |
McFarland, Christine |
Adjunct Faculty |
mcfarlan@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
McFarland, Bridget |
Program Support Specialist |
Business & Applied Technology |
mcfarl@cod.edu |
BIC 1436A |
(630)942-8419 |
McGarrity, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Horticulture |
mcgarrityt@cod.edu |
McGhee, Levi |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcgheel@cod.edu |
HEC 2034 |
(630)942-3109 |
McGivern, Cynthia |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcgivernc@cod.edu |
McGowan, Pamela |
Employee Development Center Specialist |
Employee Development Center |
mcgowanp295@cod.edu |
SRC 1107B |
(630)942-2637 |
McGowan, Sara |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
mcgowans55@cod.edu |
McGrath, Jacqueline |
Professor |
English |
mcgrathj@cod.edu |
BIC 2447E |
(630)942-2709 |
McGrath, Aimee |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
mcgratha@cod.edu |
McGrath, Danice |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
mcgrathd370@cod.edu |
BIC 1A03G |
(630)942-3929 |
McGregor, Laurette |
Assistant Professor |
Mathematics |
mcgregorl@cod.edu |
BIC 3436D |
(630)942-3375 |
McGuan, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Paralegal Studies |
mcguane@cod.edu |
McGuigan, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcguiganm@cod.edu |
McGuire, Danny |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcguired1649@cod.edu |
McGuire, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Engineering |
mcguirej2685@cod.edu |
McHugh, Megan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
mchughm@cod.edu |
McHugh, Louis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
mchughl64@cod.edu |
McIntosh, Jennifer |
Associate Dean, Library |
Library |
mcintoshj144@cod.edu |
SRC 3120D |
(630)942-2353 |
McKanna, Kellie |
Program Specialist, Math Assistance |
Math Asst Area |
mckannak367@cod.edu |
SRC 2114 |
(630)942-3194 |
McKay, Rachel |
Coordinator, Events |
Institutional Advancement |
mckayr424@cod.edu |
BIC 1525D |
(630)942-2461 |
McKeen, Sandra |
Registration Operations Assistant |
Registration Services |
mckeens@cod.edu |
SSC 2235G |
(630)942-2237 |
McKellin, Maren |
Manager, Field & Exper Learning, Study Abroad & Global Educ |
Field & Study Abroad |
mckellin@cod.edu |
BIC 3520C |
(630)942-3762 |
McKeown-Welsh, Cara |
HRIS/Systems Analyst |
Human Resources |
mckeown-welshc@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-3576 |
McKinney, Amy |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mckinneya153@cod.edu |
McKirdie, Melissa |
Assistant Professor |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
mckirdiem@cod.edu |
HSC 2202C |
(630)942-3608 |
McKissack, Michael |
Internal Communications Specialist |
Public Relations & Communicati |
mckissackm@cod.edu |
IRC 1051 |
(630)942-2376 |
McKoy, Angela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
mckoya@cod.edu |
McLaughlin, Ashley |
Systems Coordinator - ABE/GED/ESL |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
mclaughl@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-2209 |
McLaughlin, Patrick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
mclaughlinp266@cod.edu |
McLaughlin, Linda |
Administrative Assistant III - Tutoring Services |
Tutoring |
mclaughlinl213@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
McLaughlin, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
mclaughlinr264@cod.edu |
McLean, Bonnie |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
mcleanb720@cod.edu |
McLemore, Stephanie |
Assistant Professor |
Cosmetology |
mclemores@cod.edu |
BIC 1454A |
(630)942-2298 |
McManus, Lisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
mcmanusl@cod.edu |
McMonigle, Clarisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
mcmoniglec@cod.edu |
McMullen, Kenneth |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcmullenk114@cod.edu |
McNally, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
mcnall@cod.edu |
McNamara, Lori |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
mcnamaral41@cod.edu |
McNamara, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
mcnamarad390@cod.edu |
McQueary, Mark |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mcquearym@cod.edu |
McRae, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Language Pathology Asst |
mcraek@cod.edu |
McSweeney, Conor |
Learning Assessment Assistant - Career and General Education |
Assessment |
mcsweeneyc@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-2235 |
McVane, Megan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
mcvanem@cod.edu |
McWilliams, Jill |
Corporate Development Manager/Director |
Institutional Advancement |
mcwilliamsj1883@cod.edu |
BIC 1525G |
(630)942-3413 |
Meacham, Jeffrey |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
meachamj2199@cod.edu |
ADC ADC 10 |
(630)942-4600 |
Meah, Abdulrahman |
Digital Print Operator II |
Print Services |
meahab@cod.edu |
BIC 0515 |
(630)942-2299 |
Mechelle, Valerie |
Grounds Maint. Supervisor |
Facilities |
mechelle@cod.edu |
CMC 1022 |
(630)942-2305 |
Mecker, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
meckers@cod.edu |
Medvedkov, Dmytro |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
medvedkovd@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Mefferd, Thomas |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mefferdt@cod.edu |
Megow, Karla |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
megowk@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Megow, Elizabeth |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
megowe@cod.edu |
Mehmeti-Nees, Mirela |
Adjunct Faculty |
mehmetim@cod.edu |
Meirhofer, Wayne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Respiratory Care |
meirhofe@cod.edu |
Meisenburg, Ethan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
meisenburge@cod.edu |
Meissner, Travis |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
meissnert@cod.edu |
Meister, Lynn |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
meisterl1368@cod.edu |
Meitz, Adela |
Workforce Development/Student Resources Specialist |
Academic Affairs |
meitza@cod.edu |
(630)942-2389 |
Mejia, Jelymar |
Student Club Specialist |
Student Life |
mejiaj742@cod.edu |
SSC 1124 |
(630)942-3920 |
Melgar, Wendy |
Graphic Designer, Digital Content & Group Sales Coordinator |
Performing Arts |
melgarw@cod.edu |
MAC 201J |
(630)942-3166 |
Mellenthin, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
mellenthinm@cod.edu |
Melnyk, Yuli |
Electronic Resources Coordinator |
Library |
melnyky@cod.edu |
SRC 3151 |
(630)942-3874 |
Meloche, Eric |
Assistant Professor |
Physics |
melochee@cod.edu |
BIC 3E04A |
(630)942-3346 |
Melton, Carldale |
Supervisor, Custodial Operations |
Facilities |
melton@cod.edu |
BIC 0549 |
(630)942-2757 |
Melvin, Brian |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
melvinb@cod.edu |
Mendoza, Elvira |
Fixed Assets Accountant I |
Fixed Assets |
mendozae3@cod.edu |
SRC 2130 |
(630)942-2717 |
Mendoza, Mario |
CDL Program Coordinator |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
mendozam1191@cod.edu |
ADC 5 |
(630)942-4899 |
Mendoza, Rafael |
Adjunct Faculty |
mendozar1548@cod.edu |
Mennecke, Angela |
Media Outreach & Digital Content Specialist |
Community Engagement |
menneckea@cod.edu |
IRC 1059 |
(630)942-3134 |
Meranda, Michael |
AV Repair Technician |
Office & Classroom Technology |
merandam@cod.edu |
BIC 0534 |
(630)942-2912 |
Merkel, Eric |
Operating Engineer |
Facilities |
merkel@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Merritt, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
merrittj990@cod.edu |
Mertes, Lilia |
Adjunct Faculty |
guzmanl@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Messina, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
messinac880@cod.edu |
Messina, Nicole |
Adjunct Faculty |
schroedern298@cod.edu |
Metcalf, Heidi |
Assistant Professor |
Interior Design |
metcalfh@cod.edu |
TEC 1059 |
(630)942-3049 |
Metcalf, Taylor |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
metcalft@cod.edu |
Metoyer, Tonia |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
metoyert@cod.edu |
SRC 1140 |
(630)942-4261 |
Mettenburg, Evan |
Transcript Intake Specialist |
Student Records |
mettenburge@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-3831 |
Metz, Janel |
Administrative Assistant II |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
metzj@cod.edu |
SSC 3204 |
(630)942-2836 |
Meyer, Marlene |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
meyerma@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Meyer, Joshua |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
meyerj51@cod.edu |
Meyers, Timothy |
Professor |
Culinary Arts |
meyerst@cod.edu |
CHC 2021C |
(630)942-3223 |
Meza, Judith |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
mezaj2212@cod.edu |
Micheli, Max |
Multimedia Project Specialist |
Multimedia Services |
michelim874@cod.edu |
CHC 2023 |
(630)942-3089 |
Michels, Maci |
Administrative Assistant III |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
michelsm748@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-4194 |
Michiels, Pierre |
Career Services Specialist |
Career Services |
michielsp@cod.edu |
SSC 3363 |
(630)942-4276 |
Miene, James |
Division Support Specialist |
Liberal Arts |
mienej@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06M |
(630)942-3803 |
Mikels, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
mikelsm@cod.edu |
Mikrut, Donna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Manufacturing Technology |
mikrutd@cod.edu |
Miley, Harker |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
mileyh@cod.edu |
Milkovich, Scott |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
milkovichs@cod.edu |
Milkovich, Nicholas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Engineering |
milkovichn@cod.edu |
Miller, Larisa |
Supervisor, Acquisitions |
Library |
millerl@cod.edu |
SRC 2034E |
(630)942-3664 |
Miller, Christopher |
Professor |
Speech Communication |
millerc@cod.edu |
BIC 2E07G |
(630)942-2823 |
Miller, Deborah |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
millerd39@cod.edu |
Miller, Adam |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
millera90@cod.edu |
Miller, Joshua |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
millerj2728@cod.edu |
Miller, Sabrina |
Adjunct Faculty |
millers143@cod.edu |
Miller, Cacie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
willhoftc@cod.edu |
Miller, Jessie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
millerj1257@cod.edu |
Millhouse, Daniel |
Assistant Professor |
Theater |
millhoused@cod.edu |
MAC 186C |
(630)942-2137 |
Millies, Teresa |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
milliest@cod.edu |
Milligan, Lauren |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
milliganl66@cod.edu |
Mills, Richard |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
millsr@cod.edu |
Mills, Mary Ellen |
Adjunct Faculty |
millsm106@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3697 |
Mills, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Accountancy |
millsc318@cod.edu |
Minnick, Traci |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
minnickt@cod.edu |
Minton, Janet |
Laboratory Asst. III |
minton@cod.edu |
HSC 2316 |
(630)942-2410 |
Minton, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
mintonm@cod.edu |
Mira-Diaz, Giselle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
mira-diazg@cod.edu |
Miranda, Anna |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
mirandaa@cod.edu |
SRC 2039 |
(630)942-2675 |
Miroballi, Crystal |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
miroballic60@cod.edu |
Mirza, Sakeena |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
mirzas84@cod.edu |
Misbah, Asma |
Adjunct Faculty |
Philosophy |
misbaha@cod.edu |
Mishra, Manjari |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
mishram@cod.edu |
Misialek, Lawrence |
Adjunct Faculty |
Microbiology |
misialek@cod.edu |
Misraraj, Rachana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
misrarajr@cod.edu |
Mitchell, Kristen |
Adjunct Faculty |
mitchelk@cod.edu |
Mitchell, Barbara |
Administrative Assistant VI |
Public Relations & Communicati |
mitchell@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-2373 |
Mitchell, Amber |
Adjunct Faculty |
Theater |
mitchella96829@cod.edu |
Mitrani, V Samuel |
Professor |
History |
mitraniv@cod.edu |
BIC 2433B |
(630)942-3131 |
Mixon, Kristy |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mixonk@cod.edu |
Mizia, Sandra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
mizias@cod.edu |
Mocchi, Shelly |
Assistant Professor |
Interior Design |
mocchi@cod.edu |
TEC 1067 |
(630)942-2538 |
Modica, Cristina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
modicac592@cod.edu |
Moen, Cheryl |
Enrollment Associate-Admin Assistant III Campus Central |
Campus Central |
moenc9@cod.edu |
SSC 2261I |
(630)942-4518 |
Mohammad, Kainat |
Homework Help YC/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
mohammadk@cod.edu |
Mohammad, Rameen |
Testing Specialist II |
Testing Center |
mohammadr@cod.edu |
BIC 2A08 |
(630)942-2401 |
Mohammad, Reema |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
mohammadr468@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Mohammad, Rafi |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
mohammadr260@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Mohammad, Jasmine |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
mohammadj@cod.edu |
Mohd, Danna |
Adjunct Faculty |
mohdd@cod.edu |
Mohring, Michael |
Client Solutions Supervisor |
Office & Classroom Technology |
mohringm1306@cod.edu |
SRC 2174 |
(630)942-4108 |
Mojica, Katherine |
Homework Help HS/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
mojicak@cod.edu |
Molenhouse, Kara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
molenh@cod.edu |
(630)942-8643 |
Molina, Amber |
Administrative Assistant III - Abe/Ged/Esl |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
molinaa262@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3776 |
Molina, Michelle |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
molinam895@cod.edu |
BIC 1A03A |
(630)942-3596 |
Moll, Susan |
Testing Specialist |
Testing Center |
mollsu@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06 |
(630)942-2580 |
Mondelli, John |
Program Manager |
Homeland Security |
mondellij@cod.edu |
HTC 1007 |
(630)942-3721 |
Monnier, Christine |
Professor |
Sociology |
monnier@cod.edu |
BIC 2557C |
(630)942-2438 |
Montag, Ruth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
montagr@cod.edu |
Montalbano, Vincent |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
montalbanov315@cod.edu |
Montalbano, Rosemary |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
montalbanor@cod.edu |
Montanile, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
montanilej@cod.edu |
Montes, Nathania |
Associate Vice President and Dean, Student Services |
Student Affairs |
montes@cod.edu |
BIC 1417D |
(630)942-2492 |
Montgomery, Jeremy |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
montgomeryj4@cod.edu |
Montgomery, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
montgomerym121@cod.edu |
Montoya, Rosemarie |
Adjunct Faculty |
montoya@cod.edu |
Moore, Michelle |
Professor |
English |
moorem@cod.edu |
BIC 2447C |
(630)942-2793 |
Moore, Victor |
Enrollment Mgmt. & Technology Asst. |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
moorev@cod.edu |
SRC 1132 |
(630)942-3970 |
Moore, Ernest |
Lab Software Specialist II |
Office & Classroom Technology |
mooree83@cod.edu |
BIC 1A08 |
(630)942-3338 |
Moore, Mary |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
moorem15@cod.edu |
Moore, Nancy |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
mooren248@cod.edu |
BIC 1A07B |
(630)942-3595 |
Moorehead, Robert |
Professor |
Sociology |
mooreheadr@cod.edu |
BIC 2557A |
(630)942-2032 |
Morado, Agustin |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
moradoa@cod.edu |
Morales, Elias |
Events Production Specialist |
Performing Arts |
moralese387@cod.edu |
MAC 133 |
(630)942-4255 |
Morales, Marisela |
Career Services Specialist |
Career Services |
moralesm1792@cod.edu |
SSC 3361 |
(630)942-2608 |
Morales-McGowan, Claudia |
Adjunct Faculty |
moralescl@cod.edu |
Morales-Studnicka, Raquel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Surgical Technology |
moralesr6547@cod.edu |
Moran, Brian |
Professor |
History |
moranb@cod.edu |
BIC 2433D |
(630)942-3044 |
Moran, Scott |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
morans247@cod.edu |
Moran, Joseph |
Athletic Grounds Technician |
Facilities |
moranj389@cod.edu |
CMC 1035 |
(630)942-2319 |
Moravec, Claire |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
moravecc@cod.edu |
Mordel, Barbara |
Custodial Group Leader |
Facilities |
mordelb@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Moriarty, Patrick |
Web Developer & Programmer |
Marketing & Creative Services |
moriartyp@cod.edu |
IRC 1064 |
(630)942-2464 |
Morici, Dylan |
Manager-Hotel |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
moricid@cod.edu |
CHC 1007 |
(630)942-6885 |
Moritz, Jonathan |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
moritzj1112@cod.edu |
Morovati, Mohammad |
Professor |
Computer & Information Science |
morovatm@cod.edu |
BIC 1550A |
(630)942-2478 |
Morris, Kimberly |
Coordinator, Costume & Makeup |
Performing Arts |
morrisk178@cod.edu |
MAC 226 |
(630)942-3024 |
Morris, Marlon |
Media Lab Monitor |
Library |
morrism426@cod.edu |
SRC 2030 |
(630)942-3085 |
Morris, Sonia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Ophthalmic Technician |
morriss158@cod.edu |
Morrison, Rebecca |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
morrisonr298@cod.edu |
Morrissette, Peter |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
morrissettep@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
Morrow, Marina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physics |
morrowm@cod.edu |
Morser, Tracy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
morser@cod.edu |
Morton, Richard |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mortonr5@cod.edu |
SRC 1126 |
Morton, Stephanie |
Assistant Professor |
Dental Hygiene |
mortons136@cod.edu |
HSC 2202Q |
(630)942-3253 |
Morton, Trevin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Marketing |
mortont449@cod.edu |
Mory, Zachary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
moryz@cod.edu |
Moser, Tara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
mosert@cod.edu |
Moser, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
moserm579@cod.edu |
Mosley, Steven |
Academic Assistant II - Writing, Reading, Speech |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
mosleys200@cod.edu |
Mosqueda, Miguel |
Warehouse Wrkr/Driver II |
Warehouse Services |
mosqueda@cod.edu |
BIC 0517 |
(630)942-2550 |
Motorga, Narcis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
motorgan@cod.edu |
Motta Meira, Debora |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
mottameirad@cod.edu |
Mouritsen, Melissa |
Professor |
Political Science |
mouritsenm@cod.edu |
BIC 2537B |
(630)942-2670 |
Mowrer, Brian |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mowrerb@cod.edu |
Moxley, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
moxleye@cod.edu |
Muell, Kurt |
Lead Syst Anlyst Progrmr |
Information Systems |
muellk@cod.edu |
SRC 2162 |
(630)942-2636 |
Mueller, Sabine |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
muellers1061@cod.edu |
Muhammad, Dawn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
muhammadd1034@cod.edu |
Muhammad, Eugene |
Adjunct Faculty |
Religious Studies |
muhammade300@cod.edu |
Muir, Douglas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
muird@cod.edu |
Mulcahy, Mary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
mulcahy@cod.edu |
(630)942-8676 |
Mullarkey, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
mullarke@cod.edu |
(630)942-4444 |
Muller, Denise |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
mullerd224@cod.edu |
Mullin, Kathleen |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
mullink@cod.edu |
(630)942-2208 |
Mumford, Peter |
Supervisor, Westmont Center |
COD Centers |
mumford@cod.edu |
WC 26E |
(630)942-4829 |
Mun, Jeong |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
munj1097@cod.edu |
Munguia, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
munguiam449@cod.edu |
Munn, John |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
munnj54@cod.edu |
Munoz, Cheryl |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
munozc3171@cod.edu |
Munro, Nora |
Adjunct Faculty |
munron@cod.edu |
Munsterman, Kent |
Chief of Police |
Police Dept |
munsterm@cod.edu |
HEC 1043 |
(630)942-3975 |
Murata, Patricia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
murata@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Murff, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Language Pathology Asst |
murffj@cod.edu |
Murley, Cassie |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
murleyc608@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3339 |
Murphy, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
murphye@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Murphy, Velva |
Library Monitor |
Library |
murphyv1104@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2106 |
Murr, Robert |
Police Department Technical Specialist |
Information Technology Srvcs |
murrro@cod.edu |
HEC 2030 |
(630)942-3575 |
Murray, Daniel |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
murrayd11903@cod.edu |
Murray, Thomas |
Supervisor, Patron Services |
Performing Arts |
murrayt166@cod.edu |
BIC 1474A |
(630)942-3072 |
Murtaugh, Jane |
Professor |
Business |
murtaugh@cod.edu |
BIC 1E06 |
(630)942-2821 |
Musacchio, Amanda |
Associate Professor |
Library & Information Tech |
musacchioa@cod.edu |
SRC 3137 |
(630)942-3787 |
Myers, Barbara |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
myersb208@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06H |
(630)942-3186 |
Myers, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Human Services |
myersm825@cod.edu |
Nackovic, Angela |
Admissions Representative |
Admission & Outreach |
nackovic@cod.edu |
SSC 2264 |
(630)942-2398 |
Nadel, Jonathan |
Manager, Institutional Advancement (dir. Adv-Cultural Arts) |
Institutional Advancement |
nadelj@cod.edu |
BIC 1525E |
(630)942-2466 |
Nadelhoffer, Matthew |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
nadelhofferm171@cod.edu |
Nader, Jacob |
Academic Assistant II - Tutoring |
Tutoring |
naderj117@cod.edu |
SRC 2102 |
(630)942-3686 |
Nagle, Lynda |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Admission & Outreach |
naglel@cod.edu |
SSC 2255O |
(630)942-2441 |
Najeeb, Arij |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
najeeba@cod.edu |
Nance, Angelica |
Coordinator of Operations, Outreach & Technical Support |
Learning Commons |
nancea@cod.edu |
SRC 2120 |
(630)942-3456 |
Nang, Freedy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
nangf@cod.edu |
Napolski, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
napolski@cod.edu |
Naqvi, Nazia |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
naqvin@cod.edu |
BIC 1E13 |
(630)942-2081 |
Narayanan, Usha |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
narayananu@cod.edu |
Nardini, Robert |
House Manager/Volunteer Coordinator |
Performing Arts |
nardinir@cod.edu |
MAC 204 |
(630)942-3705 |
Nasca, David |
Assistant Professor |
Art |
nascad@cod.edu |
MAC 166A |
(630)942-2423 |
Nastal, Jessica |
Assistant Professor |
English |
nastalj@cod.edu |
BIC 2444J |
(630)942-3406 |
Naughton, Eric |
Multimedia Producer/Production Specialist |
Multimedia Services |
naughtone@cod.edu |
CHC 2023 |
(630)942-2254 |
Nault, Kristie |
Assistant Professor |
Earth Science |
naultk@cod.edu |
BIC 3530F |
(630)942-3015 |
Nava, Ileana |
Program Assistant, Project Hire-Ed |
Project Hire Ed |
navai278@cod.edu |
BIC 1D02 |
(630)942-2953 |
Navarro Munoz, Abigail |
Adjunct Faculty |
navarromunoza@cod.edu |
Nawoski, Frank |
Adjunct Faculty |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
nawoskif@cod.edu |
Nayfeh, Fadwa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Microbiology |
nayfehf@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Neary, Brandon |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
nearyb@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2675 |
Neathawk, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
neathawkj@cod.edu |
Nehls, James |
Deputy Chief of Police |
Police Dept |
nehlsj156@cod.edu |
HEC 1045 |
(630)942-4277 |
Nehls, Joseph |
Chaparral Fitness Assistant |
Athletics |
nehlsj189@cod.edu |
PEC 200 |
(630)942-2633 |
Nelson, Roger |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
nelsonr@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Nelson, Ruth |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
nelsonr458@cod.edu |
Nelson, Ronald |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
nelsonr8214@cod.edu |
Nelson, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
nelsont116@cod.edu |
Nelson, Madison |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
nelsonm1334@cod.edu |
Nemec, Sheryl |
Site Supervisor, Off Campus |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
nemecs@cod.edu |
Nemecek-Kowalski, Carol |
Adjunct Faculty |
American Sign Language |
nemecek-kowalskic@cod.edu |
Nemeth, Todd |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
nemetht@cod.edu |
HEC 1018 |
(630)942-2107 |
Neris, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
nerise@cod.edu |
Neubauer, Julie |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Human Resources |
neubauerj122@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-2639 |
Neuburger, Veronica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
colbyv@cod.edu |
Neuner, Frank |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
neunerf@cod.edu |
Neuner, Pamela |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
neunerp@cod.edu |
Newberg, Mary |
Professor |
Chemistry |
newberg@cod.edu |
HSC 3331 |
(630)942-4066 |
Newbill, Angela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
newbilla@cod.edu |
Newman, Kyle |
Lab Software Specialist II |
Office & Classroom Technology |
newmank5464@cod.edu |
BIC 1A08 |
(630)942-2540 |
Newton, Roy |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
newtonr@cod.edu |
HEC 2021 |
(630)942-2190 |
Nicholas, Robert |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
nicholas@cod.edu |
HEC 2021 |
(630)942-2024 |
Nichols, Stephanie |
Chap Fitness Ctr Supervisor/Trainer |
Athletics |
nicholss487@cod.edu |
PEC 202B |
(630)942-2364 |
Nickelson, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
nickelsonm@cod.edu |
Nicodem, Jennifer |
Learning Disabilities Specialist Evaluator |
Testing Center |
nicodemj@cod.edu |
SRC 2113 |
(630)942-3161 |
Nicolosi, Michael |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
nicolosim@cod.edu |
NieKamp, David |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Niekelski, Judith |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
niekel@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-3672 |
Nielsen, David |
Operations Support Specialist |
Operations Support |
nielsend468@cod.edu |
Niemiec, Daniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Tec |
niemiecd@cod.edu |
Nieto, Jorge |
Associate Vice President-Assessment & Student Success |
AVP Academic Affairs |
nietoj1404@cod.edu |
BIC 3400G |
(630)942-4120 |
Niezgoda, Richard |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
niezgodar79@cod.edu |
Nigohosian, Patricia |
Administrative Assistant V, Academic Partnerships & Lrn Rsrc |
AVP Academic Affairs |
nigohosianp@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-2407 |
Niklos, John |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
niklosj@cod.edu |
PEC 121E |
(630)942-4358 |
Nikolopoulos, Demosthenes |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
nikolopoulosd1240@cod.edu |
Nikolova, Miglena |
Associate Professor |
Languages |
nikolovam@cod.edu |
BIC 2430D |
(630)942-3273 |
Niles, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
nilesj91@cod.edu |
Nio, Melissa |
Administrative Assistant II |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
niom@cod.edu |
SSC 3200 |
(630)942-3084 |
Nisar-Weller, Cierra |
Academic Division Business Associate |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
nisarc@cod.edu |
MAC 219 |
(630)942-2816 |
Noble, Jamie |
Assistant Professor |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
noblej4169@cod.edu |
HSC 2202AA |
(630)942-3065 |
Nocera, James |
Manager, Multi-Media Center |
Multimedia Services |
nocera@cod.edu |
CHC 2023J |
(630)942-4033 |
Nogowski, Janet |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
nogowski@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Nordstrom, Suzann |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
nordstroms@cod.edu |
Norris, Susan |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
norriss10847@cod.edu |
Norris, William |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
norrisw@cod.edu |
(630)942-8611 |
Norris, Yusuf |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
norrisy@cod.edu |
Norris, Mia |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
norrism3243@cod.edu |
Norton, Rebecca |
Adjunct Faculty |
nortonr278@cod.edu |
Novak, Suzanne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
novaks1083@cod.edu |
Nowak, Marcella |
Coordinator, Patron Systems |
Library |
nowakmar@cod.edu |
SRC 2039 |
(630)942-3603 |
Nowak, Dariusz |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
nowakd507@cod.edu |
Nowak, Jeanne |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
nowakj780@cod.edu |
Nowakowski, Pamela |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
nowakowskip3972@cod.edu |
Nunes, Alicia |
Custodian II |
Facilities |
nunesa@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Nush, Clancy |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
nushc@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2675 |
Oakes, Danielle |
Supervisor, Media Lab |
Library |
oakesd@cod.edu |
SRC 2030b |
(630)942-2392 |
Oakley, Kimberly |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
oakley@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04E |
(630)942-3554 |
Oboikovitz, Vicki |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
oboikovitzv@cod.edu |
Ochoa, Robert |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ochoar637@cod.edu |
Ockrassa, Frederick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
ockrassaf@cod.edu |
O'Connell, Abby |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
smitha520@cod.edu |
O'Connor, Patrick |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
oconnorp10@cod.edu |
(630)942- |
Odom, Bonzell |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
odomb2876@cod.edu |
O'Donnell, Colleen |
Student Accounts Representative I |
Accounts Receivable |
odonnellc355@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-3394 |
Oei, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
oeid@cod.edu |
Ogden, Robert |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ogdenr@cod.edu |
Ogden, Danielle |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
ogdend@cod.edu |
Ogrodny, Magdalena |
Director, Business Services |
Business Services |
ogrodnym@cod.edu |
IRC 1007 |
(630)942-2233 |
Oh, Shukmei |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
ohs2736@cod.edu |
O'Heron, Robert |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facilities |
oheronr@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
O'Keefe, Justin |
Enrollment Associate-Admin Assistant III Campus Central |
Campus Central |
okeefej331@cod.edu |
SSC 2261H |
(630)942-3107 |
Okoli, Edmund |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
okolie@cod.edu |
Okrasinski, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
okrasinskij@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06H |
Oldham, Thomas |
Assistant Professor |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
oldhamt@cod.edu |
HSC 2207C |
(630)942-2074 |
O'Leary, Michael |
Client Solutions Specialist II |
Office & Classroom Technology |
olearym@cod.edu |
SRC 2157 |
(630)942-3304 |
Oliva, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
olivac44@cod.edu |
Oliver, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
oliverr182@cod.edu |
Oliver-Tucci, Karan |
Assistant Professor |
Biology |
olivert@cod.edu |
HSC 2329 |
(630)942-2274 |
Olsen, Alfred |
STEM Instructional Specialist |
Learning Commons |
olsena9807@cod.edu |
SRC 2119 |
(630)942-3437 |
Olson, Jennifer |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
olsonj808@cod.edu |
Olson, Tiffany |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
olsontif@cod.edu |
Olson, Tiffany |
Adjunct Faculty |
olsont790@cod.edu |
Olson, Diane |
Chaparral Fitness Center Supervisor/Personal Trainer |
Athletics |
olsond226@cod.edu |
PEC 202B |
(630)942-2692 |
Olson Rzeminski, Michelle |
Director, HR Operations & Talent Aquisition |
Human Resources |
olsonrzeminskim@cod.edu |
SRC 2134G |
(630)942-4529 |
Olsson, Jane |
Laboratory Assistant I, Sustainable Urban Agriculture |
Horticulture |
olssonj439@cod.edu |
TEC 0025 |
(630)942-3822 |
Olusoji, Niyi |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
olusojin@cod.edu |
Olvera, Rocio |
ECACE Project Coordinator |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
olverar533@cod.edu |
BIC 2H01A |
(630)942-3169 |
O'Malley, Kathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
omalleyk@cod.edu |
(630)942-3250 |
Omar, Marwan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
omarm159@cod.edu |
O'Mayes, Shannon |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
omayess@cod.edu |
BIC 1A03C |
(630)942-3325 |
Omerod, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
omerod@cod.edu |
O'Neill, Donna |
Administrative Assistant II |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
oneilld1277@cod.edu |
SSC 3200 |
(630)942-2259 |
O'Neill, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
oneillk3377@cod.edu |
Ordman, Jilana |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
ordmanj@cod.edu |
Orenic, Kenneth |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
orenick@cod.edu |
SRC 3133 |
(630)942-2338 |
Origitano, Nina |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
origitanon@cod.edu |
BIC 1A05E |
(630)942-3918 |
Orlando, Robert |
Mail Clerk |
Mail Services |
orlandor374@cod.edu |
BIC 0535 |
(630)942-2249 |
Ornelas, Juan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
ornelasj3251@cod.edu |
Orrick, Mercedes |
Assistant Professor |
Nursing |
orrickm162@cod.edu |
HSC 2207L |
(630)942-3337 |
Orszulak, Maria |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
orszulakm834@cod.edu |
BIC 0551 |
(630)942-2742 |
Orta, Maria |
Adjunct Faculty |
ortam@cod.edu |
Ortega, Edward |
Bilingual Admissions Representative |
Admission & Outreach |
ortegae149@cod.edu |
SSC 2268 |
(630)942-2075 |
Ortega, Alejandra |
Assistant Professor |
English |
ortegaa406@cod.edu |
BIC 2444G |
(630)942-3958 |
Ortiz, Marilyn |
Testing Office Supervisor |
Testing Center |
ortizm328@cod.edu |
BIC 2A08 |
(630)942-3765 |
Ortiz, Ivette |
Financial Aid Representative |
Student Financial Aid |
ortizi520@cod.edu |
SSC 2277 |
(630)942-2830 |
Ortiz-Romero, Nancy |
Student Success Coach HS |
Human Services |
ortiz-romeron@cod.edu |
BIC 2557B |
(630)942-2772 |
Ortiz-Shoda, Marivi |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
ortiz-shodam@cod.edu |
Ortlund, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
ortlundj262@cod.edu |
Orzechowski, Kathryn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Language Pathology Asst |
orzechowskik197@cod.edu |
O'Shea, Michelle |
Adjunct Faculty |
olivarezm@cod.edu |
O'Shea, Patrick |
Associate Professor |
Music |
osheap709@cod.edu |
MAC 136 |
(630)942-2552 |
Oskerka, Bruce |
Production Spec./Radio Announcer |
WDCB Radio |
oscar@cod.edu |
SRC 1027 |
(630)942-2091 |
Ostarello, Kenneth |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ostarellok@cod.edu |
Ostergaard, Jane |
Professor |
Architecture |
osterg@cod.edu |
TEC 1048 |
(630)942-2331 |
Otto, Kristen |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
ottok596@cod.edu |
CSC 101 |
(630)942-4900 |
Ouellette, David |
Professor |
Art Studio |
ouelletted@cod.edu |
MAC 155A |
(630)942-2586 |
Pacenti, Dominic |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
pacenti@cod.edu |
TEC 1060 |
(630)942-2138 |
Pacha, Sherry |
Administrative Assistant V, Westmont |
COD Centers |
pachas@cod.edu |
WC 26D |
(630)942-4805 |
Page, Christina |
Enrollment & Registration Training Specialist |
Registration Services |
pagec69@cod.edu |
SSC 2235E |
(630)942-3284 |
Page, Marguerite |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
pagem1218@cod.edu |
Palermo, Nenette |
Dental Hygiene |
palermon396@cod.edu |
Paley, Laura |
Project Hire Ed-Case Manager |
Project Hire Ed |
paleyl@cod.edu |
BIC 1D02 |
(630)942-2884 |
Pallasch, Irene |
Administrative Assistant V |
WDCB Radio |
pallasch@cod.edu |
SRC 1010 |
(630)942-4295 |
Pallock, Andrew |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pallocka@cod.edu |
Palluzzi, Theresa |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
palluzzit@cod.edu |
Palmer, Yakima |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Information Technology |
palmery@cod.edu |
Pandya, Katin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
pandyak@cod.edu |
Pangan, John |
Intramural Coordinator/Chaparral Fitness Operations Asst |
Athletics |
pangan@cod.edu |
PEC 202C |
(630)942-2476 |
Pangilinan, Richard |
Programmer Analyst I |
Information Systems |
pangilinanr@cod.edu |
SRC 2160L |
(630)942-2443 |
Panici, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
panicit@cod.edu |
Panzek, Annette |
Adjunct Faculty |
Real Estate |
panzeka@cod.edu |
Paoli, Kenneth |
Professor |
Music |
paolik@cod.edu |
MAC 293 |
(630)942-2584 |
Papanikolla, Nina |
Administrative Assistant III - Abe/Ged/Esl |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
papanikollan@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3978 |
Papanikolla, Itri |
Adjunct Faculty |
papanikollai@cod.edu |
HSC 1216 |
(630)942-2612 |
Pappademetriou, Vasilios |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
pappademetriouv@cod.edu |
Pappas, Spiro |
Operating Engineer |
Facilities |
pappass4@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Paprocki, Leslie |
Human Services Program Specialist |
Human Services |
paprockil1258@cod.edu |
BIC 2536 |
(630)942-2070 |
Paquette-Hooker, Tanya |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Pardun, Julie |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pardunj@cod.edu |
Parenti-Eichwald, Kathryn |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
parenti-eichwaldk@cod.edu |
Parikh, Jitin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
parikhj@cod.edu |
Paris, John |
Associate Professor |
History |
parisj@cod.edu |
BIC 2433C |
(630)942-2064 |
Paris, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
parisd@cod.edu |
Park, Jong-Hee |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
parkj224@cod.edu |
HSC 3310 |
Parker, Kenneth |
Coordinator (Grant-funded), Adjunct Faculty Recruitment |
Adjunct Support |
parkerk@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
(630)942-4532 |
Parks, Wendy |
Vice President, Public Relations,Communications & Marketing |
Public Relations & Communicati |
parksw@cod.edu |
IRC 1047 |
(630)942-2371 |
Parlatore, Susanna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
parlat@cod.edu |
(630)942-3250 |
Parra, Susan |
Transcript and Verifications Specialist |
Student Records |
parras895@cod.edu |
SRC 2150 |
(630)942-2431 |
Parsa, Ramin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
parsar@cod.edu |
Parsons, Adrienne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
parsonsa@cod.edu |
Parsons, Fisher |
Audio Production Specialist |
Performing Arts |
parsonsf@cod.edu |
MAC 135 |
(630)942-4215 |
Parveen, Sameena |
Manager, Enrollment/Admissions - Operations |
Admission & Outreach |
parveens430@cod.edu |
SSC 2249 |
(630)942-2924 |
Pasciak, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pasciakm117@cod.edu |
Pasieka, Jeffrey |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
pasiekaj@cod.edu |
Pasqua, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electro-Mechanical Technology |
pasqua@cod.edu |
Pasquale, Alyssa |
Professor |
Engineering |
pasqualea185@cod.edu |
BIC 3E01 |
(630)942-3902 |
Pastoor, Catherine |
Media Outreach Writer |
Community Engagement |
pastoorc@cod.edu |
IRC 1048 |
(630)942-3059 |
Pate, Heather |
Adjunct Faculty |
Education |
pateh@cod.edu |
Patel, Jigna |
Supervisor, Periodicals |
Library |
patelj@cod.edu |
SRC 2034 |
(630)942-2240 |
Patel, Sachin |
Voc Skills Utility Worker |
Facilities |
patelsac@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Patel, Rita |
Professor |
Mathematics |
patelr35@cod.edu |
BIC 3437D |
(630)942-3903 |
Patel, Shabina |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
patelsha@cod.edu |
NC 20B |
(630)942-4700 |
Patel, Nikita |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
pateln294@cod.edu |
Patel, Mickinch |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
patelm1156@cod.edu |
Patel, Sheetal |
Assistant Director, Student Financial Assistance |
Student Financial Aid |
patels158@cod.edu |
SSC 2237 |
(630)942-2726 |
Patel, Sonal |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
patels576@cod.edu |
Patel, Keval |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
patelk391@cod.edu |
Paterno, Cari |
Assistant Professor |
Psychology |
paternoc@cod.edu |
BIC 2556H |
(630)942-2016 |
Patnaude, Lori |
Coordinator, Academic Testing Operations |
Testing Center |
patnaude@cod.edu |
BIC 2A06A |
(630)942-2849 |
Patterson, Courtney |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pattersonc213@cod.edu |
Patton, Matthew |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
pattonm203@cod.edu |
Patwardhan, Vandana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
patwardhanv@cod.edu |
Paul, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
paulj1368@cod.edu |
Pauley, Dean |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pauleyd14@cod.edu |
Pausch, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electro-Mechanical Technology |
pauschr@cod.edu |
Pawl, Thomas |
Assistant Professor |
Automotive Service Technology |
pawlt@cod.edu |
TEC 1066 |
(630)942-2857 |
Pawlak, Jordan |
Laboratory Assistant I - Welding |
Welding Technology |
pawlakj1134@cod.edu |
Pawlisch, Deanne |
LT Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pawlischd@cod.edu |
Payne, Channing |
Program Support Specialist |
Business & Applied Technology |
paynec1312@cod.edu |
TEC 1008 |
(630)942-4286 |
Pearson, Mark |
Professor |
Architecture |
pearson@cod.edu |
TEC 1050 |
(630)942-2763 |
Pearson, Karen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
pearsonk@cod.edu |
(630)942-8652 |
Pearson, Laura |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
seeberl@cod.edu |
PeBenito, Ruta |
Coordinator, Adult Education, Workforce Develop/Transitions |
jonusait@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3796 |
Peczkowski, Charlotte |
Receptionist, Dental Hygiene |
Dental Hygiene |
peczkowskic@cod.edu |
HSC 1122 |
(630)942-3250 |
Pelayo, Efren |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pelayoe156@cod.edu |
Pellegrino, Mark |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
pellegrinom1552@cod.edu |
Pellicano, Alexander |
Assistant Professor |
Architecture |
pellican@cod.edu |
TEC 1049 |
(630)942-4124 |
Pelzer, Elyse |
Coordinator, Writing/Reading/Speech Assistance Areas |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
neriel@cod.edu |
SRC 2104 |
(630)942-3322 |
Peng, Yuanying |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
pengyu@cod.edu |
Peretti, Christopher |
Supervisor, Custodial Operations |
Facilities |
peretti@cod.edu |
BIC 0551 |
(630)942-2742 |
Perez, Kevin |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
perezk372@cod.edu |
Perez, Sharon |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
perezs292@cod.edu |
Perez, Allyssa |
Administrative Assistant IV |
AVP Academic Affairs |
pereza96@cod.edu |
HSC 1235 |
(630)942-3371 |
Perez, Nathaniel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
perezn52@cod.edu |
Perona, Margarita |
Reference Librarians |
Library |
peronam1098@cod.edu |
Perreault, Leon |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
perreaultl@cod.edu |
Perrine, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
perrined@cod.edu |
Persky, Karen |
Professor |
Biology |
persky@cod.edu |
HSC 2321 |
(630)942-3932 |
Peters, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
moteauj@cod.edu |
Peters, Anna |
Adjunct Faculty |
petersa444@cod.edu |
Peterson, Christy |
Professor |
Mathematics |
petersnc@cod.edu |
BIC 3437C |
(630)942-2167 |
Peterson, James |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
petersonj1222@cod.edu |
Petges, Nancy |
Associate Professor |
Nursing |
petgesn@cod.edu |
HSC 2202V |
(630)942-3287 |
Petges, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Language Pathology Asst |
petgesj@cod.edu |
Phelan, Michael |
Senior Academic Assistant-MAST |
Math Asst Area |
phelanm@cod.edu |
Phelan, Thomas |
Laboratory Assistant I - Photography |
Photography |
phelant@cod.edu |
MAC 278 |
(630)942-2317 |
Phillips, Bradley |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
phillipsb211@cod.edu |
(630)942-4800 |
Phipps, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
phippst@cod.edu |
Picchietti, Lesley |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
Pichay, Abigail |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
pichaya@cod.edu |
Pickens, Colin |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pickensc@cod.edu |
Piechota, Matthew |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
piechotam@cod.edu |
Piehl, Jennifer |
Professor |
Motion Picture/Television |
piehlje@cod.edu |
MAC 171 |
(630)942-2109 |
Pieniak, Beau |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pieniakb@cod.edu |
Pierce, James |
Coordinator, WDCB Underwriting Sales |
WDCB Radio |
piercej35@cod.edu |
SRC 1031 |
(630)942-3717 |
Pierson, Steven |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
pierson@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Pierson, Jill |
Registrar |
Student Records |
piersonj129@cod.edu |
SRC 2150G |
(630)942-2620 |
Pilafas, Peter |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
pilafasp@cod.edu |
HEC 1030 |
(630)942-2196 |
Pilaski, Gregory |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pilaskig@cod.edu |
Pilling, Sydney |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
pillings@cod.edu |
Pinchuk, Carolyn |
Learning Assessment Assistant - Career and General Education |
Assessment |
pinchukc@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-2235 |
Pineda Pelayo, Alfredo |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
pinedapelayoa@cod.edu |
BIC 0551 |
(630)942-2742 |
Pinkston, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
pinkstond@cod.edu |
Pinson, Craig |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
pinsonc@cod.edu |
Plank, Robert |
Assistant Professor |
Computer & Information Technol |
plankr@cod.edu |
BIC 2H07D |
(630)942-3417 |
Plautz, Brian |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
plautzb@cod.edu |
Plavsic, Vesna |
Site Supervisor, Off Campus |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
plavsicv@cod.edu |
Plefka, Kelsey |
Assistant Athletics Director, Student Eligibility & Services |
Athletics |
plefkak@cod.edu |
PEC 121Q |
(630)942-2426 |
Plesha, Julie |
Coordinator, Adjunct Faculty Recruitment |
Adjunct Support |
pleshaj@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
(630)942-3292 |
Pliml, Dawn |
Specialized Testing Assistant |
Testing Center |
plimld@cod.edu |
BIC 2A08 |
(630)942-2401 |
Plumridge, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fashion Studies |
plumridgej@cod.edu |
Pochocki, Kenneth |
Administrative Assistant II |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
pochockik@cod.edu |
BIC 1A02 |
(630)942-3502 |
Pohl, Benjamin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
pohlb@cod.edu |
TEC 1060 |
(630)942-2138 |
Pohlman, Eric |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
pohlmane@cod.edu |
Pointon, Scott |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pointons@cod.edu |
Polanco, Sandra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Paralegal Studies |
polancos@cod.edu |
Poland, Stephanie |
Institutional Advancement Grants Specialist |
Institutional Advancement |
polands@cod.edu |
BIC 3436H |
(630)942-2432 |
Polites, Andrea |
Associate Professor |
Human Services |
politesa@cod.edu |
BIC 2536A |
(630)942-2103 |
Polkinghorn, Brian |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
polkinghornb@cod.edu |
Poor, Ruth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art |
poorr@cod.edu |
Pope, Deborah |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
poped480@cod.edu |
Poromanska, Margarita |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
poroman@cod.edu |
(630)942-8649 |
Posejpal, Shelly |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
posejpals@cod.edu |
Poston, Sarah |
Professor |
Speech Communication |
postons@cod.edu |
BIC 2E07H |
(630)942-3296 |
Pothiawala, Sana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
pothiawalas@cod.edu |
Potter, Ditha |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rimadiputrid@cod.edu |
Poulsen, Brian |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
poulsenb@cod.edu |
Powell, Jonathan |
Student Accounts Supervisor |
Accounts Receivable |
powellj199@cod.edu |
BIC 2424 |
(630)942-2680 |
Pozen, Julie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
pozenj371@cod.edu |
Pratscher, Mary |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pratscherm304@cod.edu |
Prechter, Christina |
Adjunct Faculty |
prechterc@cod.edu |
Prentice, Alyssa |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
prenticea@cod.edu |
Prescott, Emily |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
prescotte@cod.edu |
Price, Joshua |
Assistant Professor |
Humanities |
pricej@cod.edu |
BIC 2537E |
(630)942-2695 |
Price, Breanna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
priceb879@cod.edu |
Priest, Courtney |
Manager, Articulation and Partnerships |
AVP Academic Affairs |
hatcherc@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04M |
(630)942-2651 |
Prignano, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
prignanoe86@cod.edu |
Prindle, Carolyn |
Senior Marketing Web Editor |
Marketing & Creative Services |
jonesc868@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-2758 |
Priscu, James |
Adjunct Faculty |
American Sign Language |
priscuj@cod.edu |
Prochaska, James |
Senior Project Manager, Construction |
Facilities |
prochaskaj150@cod.edu |
CMC 1036 |
(630)942-2066 |
Propp, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
proppj709@cod.edu |
Proulx, Rachael |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
proulxr@cod.edu |
Provax, Adrienne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
provaxa@cod.edu |
Przybyl, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
przybylj@cod.edu |
Przybysz, Madelene |
Gallery Assistant |
Performing Arts |
przybyszm@cod.edu |
BIC 1474D |
(630)942-3913 |
Psiharis, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Architecture |
psiharist@cod.edu |
Pszotka, Kathryn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
pszotkak15952@cod.edu |
Puetz, Larry |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
puetzl@cod.edu |
Pugsley, Jonathan |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pugsleyj@cod.edu |
Pullara, Kelly |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
pullarak1018@cod.edu |
Purcell, Susan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
purcells207@cod.edu |
Purcell, Nicollette |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
purcelln@cod.edu |
Qayyum, Erum |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
qayyume@cod.edu |
Quam, Joel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Geography |
quamjoel@cod.edu |
Quattrochi, Anthony |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
quattrochia1564@cod.edu |
Quesada Glanz, Emily |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
quesadae@cod.edu |
Quinn, Katharine |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
quinnk353@cod.edu |
Quintero, Abraham |
Chaparral Fitness Assistant |
Athletics |
quinteroa46@cod.edu |
PEC 202B |
(630)942-2633 |
Quintos, Bruce |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
quintosb@cod.edu |
Quirk, Stephanie |
Coordinator, Student Activities |
Student Life |
quirks@cod.edu |
SSC 1123 |
(630)942-2647 |
Rachford, Andrew |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rachford@cod.edu |
(630)942-2208 |
Rafacz, Mark |
Automotive Lab Coordinator |
Business & Applied Technology |
rafaczm@cod.edu |
TEC 0039 |
(630)942-3696 |
Rahn, Matthew |
Head Football Coach |
Athletics |
rahnm@cod.edu |
PEC 121F |
(630)942-4367 |
Raia, Terri |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
raiat@cod.edu |
Rainville, Amy |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
rainvillea@cod.edu |
Rakestraw, Marcelina |
Assistant Professor |
rakestrawm@cod.edu |
BIC 1443A |
(630)942-3614 |
Rakow, Amanda |
Coordinator, Education & Community Engagement |
Performing Arts |
rakowa@cod.edu |
MAC 201D |
(630)942-3018 |
Ramesh, Maya |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
rameshm@cod.edu |
Ramirez Miranda, Diana |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
ramirezmirandad@cod.edu |
Ramirez-Humphreys, Jazmin |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
ramirez-humphreysj@cod.edu |
CSC 100 |
(630)942-4888 |
Ramirez-Thompson, Eric |
Professor |
Criminal and Justice Studies |
thompsne@cod.edu |
HEC 1029 |
(630)942-3360 |
Ramos, Jannie Faye |
Adjunct Faculty |
Welding Technology |
ramosj192@cod.edu |
Ramsdell, Stephen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
ramsdell@cod.edu |
Rana, Sapna |
Compensation Specialist II |
Human Resources |
ranasa@cod.edu |
SRC 2134 |
(630)942-2866 |
Rand, Stefan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
rands@cod.edu |
Randa, Lynda |
Associate Professor |
Biology |
randal@cod.edu |
HSC 1327 |
(630)942-2706 |
Randall, Diane |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
randalld@cod.edu |
Rangel, John |
Professor |
Motion Picture/Television |
rangel@cod.edu |
MAC 169 |
(630)942-2910 |
Rangel, Jessica |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
rangelj63@cod.edu |
Rangel, Susan Elizabeth |
Sign Language Interpreter |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
rangels226@cod.edu |
Rangel Gutierrez, Jacqueline |
Student Life Front Desk Specialist |
Student Life |
rangelj7781@cod.edu |
SSC 1114 |
(630)942-3733 |
Rao, Veena |
Adjunct Faculty |
raov289@cod.edu |
Rash, David |
Administrative Assistant II |
WDCB Radio |
rashda@cod.edu |
SRC 1018 |
(630)942-3736 |
Rasmussen, Leif |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
rasmussenl779@cod.edu |
Rath, Jennifer |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rathj717@cod.edu |
Rathwell, Bridget |
Coordinator, Math Asst. Acad Support |
Math Asst Area |
rathwellb@cod.edu |
SRC 2103 |
(630)942-3730 |
Ratliff, Timothy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
ratliff@cod.edu |
(630)942-8640 |
Raulli, Ashley |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
raullia@cod.edu |
Rawicka, Renata |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
rawickar@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Reabe, Emily |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
reabee@cod.edu |
BIC 1A07F |
(630)942-3569 |
Ream, Julie |
Conf & Event Specialist- PE |
Conference & Events Services |
reamj449@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06K |
(630)942-3319 |
Recchia, Paola |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
recchia@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Reddington, Karol |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
redding@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Reece, Rebecca |
Reference Librarian |
Library |
reecer@cod.edu |
SRC 3109 |
(630)942-2337 |
Reed, Kiyah |
Adjunct Faculty |
Physical Education |
reedk884@cod.edu |
Reed, Hannah |
Financial Aid Assistant |
Student Financial Aid |
reedh@cod.edu |
SSC 2261L |
(630)942-4119 |
Refakes, Eugene |
Manager, Accounting Operations & Financial Systems |
Cash Disbursements/Payroll |
refakese@cod.edu |
SRC 2130E |
(630)942-3263 |
Regan, Patrick |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
reganp206@cod.edu |
HEC 1040 |
(630)942-2000 |
Rehmann, Tyler |
Enrollment Reporting Specialist |
Student Records |
rehmannt@cod.edu |
SRC 2150C |
(630)942-2261 |
Reich, John |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
reichj665@cod.edu |
Reid, Rhonda |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
reidr153@cod.edu |
Reid, Bobbi |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
reidb274@cod.edu |
Reid, Jason |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
reidj605@cod.edu |
(630)942-8662 |
Reid, Jacqueline |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
reidj93@cod.edu |
Reif, Kiersten |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
reifk456@cod.edu |
Reilly, Jessica |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
reillyj@cod.edu |
ADC 102 |
(630)942-4600 |
Reinhiller, Mark |
Sports Information Coordinator |
Athletics |
reinhillerm@cod.edu |
PEC 121C |
(630)942-3761 |
Reinke, Rebecca |
Adjunct Faculty |
Psychology |
reinker@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Reinoso Sanchez, Odeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
reinososanchezo@cod.edu |
Reis, Thomas |
Network Analyst IV |
Network Services |
reistom@cod.edu |
SRC 2171 |
(630)942-2614 |
Rende, Angela |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
rendea@cod.edu |
Renello, Christa |
Coordinator, Employment |
Human Resources |
renelloc2021@cod.edu |
SRC 2134A |
(630)942-2253 |
Reniche, Valerie |
Registration Associate |
Registration Services |
renichev@cod.edu |
SSC 2261C |
(630)942-3438 |
Repsholdt, Regan |
Helpdesk Specialist I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
repsholdtr@cod.edu |
SRC 2012 |
(630)942-2926 |
Resnick, Michelle |
Manager, Accounts Receivable |
Accounts Receivable |
resnickm@cod.edu |
SRC 2130B |
(630)942-3052 |
Reyes, Edgardo |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
reyese298@cod.edu |
BIC 0400 |
(630)942-2694 |
Reyes, Isaiah |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
reyesi42@cod.edu |
HEC 1040 |
(630)942-2000 |
Reyes, Isabella |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
reyesi874@cod.edu |
Reyes Benitez, Leonel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
reyesl@cod.edu |
Reynolds, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
reynoldsj242@cod.edu |
Reynolds, Seth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
reynoldss2336@cod.edu |
Reynolds, Joel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Culinary Arts |
reynoldsj878@cod.edu |
Rezac, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
rezacm@cod.edu |
Rezania, Eiraj |
Director, Information Security |
Security Office |
rezaniae@cod.edu |
SRC 2169 |
(630)942-3055 |
Rhoades, Todd |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dance |
rhoadest@cod.edu |
Rice, Cynthia |
Assistant Professor |
ricecyn@cod.edu |
BIC 2H01C |
(630)942-2388 |
Rice, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
riced295@cod.edu |
Rice, Royden |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ricer6@cod.edu |
Richert, Sara |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
richerts477@cod.edu |
Richesin, Dean |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
richesind@cod.edu |
(630)942-8655 |
Richlinski, Amy |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
richlinskia@cod.edu |
Ricker, David |
Operating Engineer |
Facilities |
ricker@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Riesenbeck, Bridget |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
riesenbeckb@cod.edu |
BIC 1A01E |
(630)942-3542 |
Rieser, Kirsten |
Radio Dispatcher |
Police Dept |
rieserk@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
Riewer, Matthew |
Multimedia Writer/Producer/Director |
Multimedia Services |
riewerm@cod.edu |
CHC 2023G |
(630)942-2448 |
Riker, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Business |
rikera@cod.edu |
Riley, Jacqueline |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rileyj114@cod.edu |
Rische, Daniel |
Accommodations Specialist |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
risched@cod.edu |
SRC 1144A |
(630)942-2306 |
Rissman, Melody |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rissmanm@cod.edu |
Rissman, Eric |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rissmane@cod.edu |
Ritzema, Maria |
Professor |
History |
ritzemam@cod.edu |
BIC 2433E |
(630)942-3283 |
Rivera, Reynaldo |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
riverar574@cod.edu |
Rivera, Hudson |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electronics Technology |
riverah868@cod.edu |
Rivera, Armando |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
riveraa535@cod.edu |
Rivers, Patrick |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
riversp@cod.edu |
Rivers, Justin |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
riversj430@cod.edu |
Roach, Daniel |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
roachd126@cod.edu |
Robbins, Jennifer |
Senior Manager, Advising and Transfer Services Operations |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
suchj528@cod.edu |
BIC 1A02J |
(630)942-2797 |
Roberson, Charles |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
robersonc159@cod.edu |
(630)942-8691 |
Roberts, Ellen |
Vice President for Administrative Affairs |
Administrative Affairs |
roberts@cod.edu |
SRC 2130H |
(630)942-2218 |
Roberts, Kevin |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
robertsk17@cod.edu |
Roberts, Jacob |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
robertsj273@cod.edu |
HEC 1040 |
(630)942-2000 |
Roberts, Kathleen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Sociology |
robertsk84@cod.edu |
Roberts, Michael |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
robertsm2635@cod.edu |
Roberts, Sean |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
robertss561@cod.edu |
Robertson, John |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
robertsonj102@cod.edu |
Robertson, Richard |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
robertsonr131@cod.edu |
HEC 2026 |
(630)942-2677 |
Robertson, Monica |
Administrative Assistant III |
Adjunct Support |
sturgeonm192@cod.edu |
BIC 2A07 |
(630)942-2840 |
Robinson, Melanie |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
robinson@cod.edu |
Robinson, Polina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
robinsonp98@cod.edu |
Robinson, Joseph |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
robinsonj1698@cod.edu |
Robinson-Chan, A. |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
robinson-chana@cod.edu |
Robson, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
Economics |
robson@cod.edu |
Rocha, Rafael |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rochar@cod.edu |
Rock, Lance |
Adjunct Faculty |
Heating/Ven/AC/Refrigeration |
rockl@cod.edu |
Rockaitis, Kelly |
Adjunct Faculty |
rockaitisk@cod.edu |
Rodriguez, Sophia |
Academic Assistant II - Writing, Reading, Speech |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
rodriguezs1010@cod.edu |
Rodriguez, Julia |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
rodriguezj322@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Rodriguez, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
rodriguezj1173@cod.edu |
Roebuck, Zachariah |
Courier |
Warehouse Services |
roebuckz278@cod.edu |
BIC 0517 |
(630)942-2550 |
Rogers-Green, Clara |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
rogersg@cod.edu |
Rohn, Nicole |
Administrative Assistant IV |
Suburban Law Enforcement Acad. |
rohnn341@cod.edu |
HEC 2034 |
(630)942-2811 |
Rokos, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
rokosd@cod.edu |
Roller-Schmidt, Janet |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
roller-schmidtj@cod.edu |
Romacka, Albana |
Homework Help HS/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
romackaa@cod.edu |
Romano, Salvatore |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
romanos20002@cod.edu |
Romano, Joseph |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
romanoj842@cod.edu |
Romero, Gregory |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
romerog10818@cod.edu |
Romero, Carlo |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
romeroc450@cod.edu |
Roose, Tamara |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
rooset2504@cod.edu |
Rosa, Ixtaccihuatl |
Senior Academic Assistant-WRSC |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
rosai@cod.edu |
Rose, Norman |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
roseno@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Rose, Julie |
Assistant Professor |
Health Sciences |
rosej82@cod.edu |
HSC 2207E |
(630)942-2124 |
Roskos, Victoria |
Adjunct Faculty |
roskosv@cod.edu |
Ross, Michael |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rossm299@cod.edu |
Rosypal, Eugene |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
rosypale@cod.edu |
Rouf, Naheed |
Professor |
Psychology |
hasann@cod.edu |
BIC 2556E |
(630)942-2028 |
Rozsa, Gabriel |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
rozsag@cod.edu |
Rozynek, Katarzyna |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
rozynekk@cod.edu |
Ruble, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
American Sign Language Interpr |
rublep@cod.edu |
Ruby, Emily |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
rubye@cod.edu |
Rudauskas, Kyle |
Patrol Officer |
Police Dept |
rudauskask70@cod.edu |
HEC 1040 |
(630)942-2000 |
Rudisill, Mark |
rudisill@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06E |
(630)942-3334 |
Rufo, Gary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
rufog@cod.edu |
Ruiz, Alfonso |
Adjunct Faculty |
ruiza686@cod.edu |
Ruiz, Beatriz |
Financial Aid Operations Manager |
Student Financial Aid |
ruizb925@cod.edu |
SSC 2253 |
(630)942-2824 |
Rullman, Elmer |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
rullmane@cod.edu |
Rumbaut, Madeline |
Administrative Assistant V |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
rumbautm@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04A |
(630)942-2489 |
Russo, Mark |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
russom489@cod.edu |
Russo, Robin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
russor270@cod.edu |
Rutledge, Tandra |
PATH Grant Program Recruiter |
Nursing and Health Sciences |
rutledget1123@cod.edu |
HSC 1220 |
(630)942-2512 |
Ruyyashi, Buthaina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
ruyyashib75@cod.edu |
Ryan, Kayla |
Adjunct Faculty |
ryank211@cod.edu |
Ryan, Heather |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
ryanh1155@cod.edu |
Rybinski, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Electronics Technology |
rybinski@cod.edu |
Saadiq, Muhammed |
Adjunct Faculty |
English Language Studies |
saadiqm@cod.edu |
Sabatelli, Madison |
Adjunct Faculty |
Interior Design |
sabatellim@cod.edu |
Sabatini, Nancy |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
sabatinin@cod.edu |
Sabherwal, Yamini |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
sabherwaly@cod.edu |
Sabo, Christina |
Web Content Editor |
Learning Technologies |
saboc@cod.edu |
BIC 3401 |
(630)942-2368 |
Sabo, John |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facilities |
saboj935@cod.edu |
BIC 0525 |
(630)942-2129 |
Sacco, Carol |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
saccoc670@cod.edu |
Sage, Dennis |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
saged91@cod.edu |
Saha, Biswajit |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
sahab@cod.edu |
Sahagun, Claudia |
Adjunct Faculty |
sahagunc@cod.edu |
Sahdev, Bikram |
Adjunct Faculty |
Diagnostic Medical Imaging |
sahdevb@cod.edu |
Salas, Jill |
Assistant Professor |
English |
salasj261@cod.edu |
BIC 2447A |
(630)942-3096 |
Salas, Gidget |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
salasg171@cod.edu |
Saleem, Mehvish |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
saleemm3383@cod.edu |
Sall, Colleen |
Coordinator, Procurement Technical Assistance Program |
Business Development Center |
sallc@cod.edu |
IND 242 |
(630)942-2184 |
Saltiel, Lisa |
Program Support Specialist |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
saltiell@cod.edu |
MAC 250A |
(630)942-3303 |
Salvador, Gina |
Adjunct Faculty |
Early Childhood Ed & Care |
salvadorg@cod.edu |
Salvato, Samantha |
Director, Access & Accomodations |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
salvatos24@cod.edu |
SRC 1140A |
(630)942-3540 |
Samore, Elizabeth |
Dental Hygiene |
samore@cod.edu |
(630)942-3250 |
Sampey, Sean |
Senior Database Analyst |
Information Systems |
sampey@cod.edu |
SRC 2162 |
(630)942-4176 |
Samuel, Ellen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Paralegal Studies |
samuele541@cod.edu |
Sanchez, Jason |
Enrollment Admissions Specialist - Operations |
Admission & Outreach |
sanchezj521@cod.edu |
SSC 2255N |
(630)942-2252 |
Sanchez, Patricia |
Associate Director, Student Financial Assist & Scholarship |
Student Financial Aid |
sanchezp283@cod.edu |
SSC 2269 |
(630)942-2296 |
Sanchez Amay, Christian |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
sanchezamayc@cod.edu |
Sanders, Antonio |
Adjunct Faculty |
Graphic Design |
sandersa198@cod.edu |
Sandoval, Omar |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Technol |
sandovalo59@cod.edu |
Sandy, Kristin |
Program Coordinator |
sandyk@cod.edu |
SRC 1132 |
(630)942-3781 |
Sanford, William |
Coaches Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
sanfordw@cod.edu |
Sanghera, Marcus |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
sanghera@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Santello, Stephen |
Professor |
Computer & Information Science |
santellos@cod.edu |
BIC 1433A |
(630)942-2654 |
Santiago, John |
Professor |
Philosophy |
santiag@cod.edu |
BIC 2E08D |
(630)942-2961 |
Santiago, Joshua |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
santiagoj277@cod.edu |
Santillan, Kristin |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
santillank@cod.edu |
BIC 1A06I |
(630)942-2408 |
Santini, Eileen |
Culinary Market Assistant |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
santinie@cod.edu |
CHC 1011 |
(630)942-3809 |
Santoria, Vincent |
Administrative Supervisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
santoriav@cod.edu |
BIC 1A07D |
(630)942-3490 |
Santos, Christine |
CTE Program Specialist |
Academic Affairs |
santosc489@cod.edu |
BIC 3400 |
(630)942-3226 |
Sarhan, Ghazi |
Adjunct Faculty |
Mathematics |
sarhang@cod.edu |
Sarkar, Supriti |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
sarkars@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Sarna, Zofia |
Custodian I |
Facilities |
sarnaz@cod.edu |
BIC 0501 |
(630)942-2694 |
Sarther, Lorena |
Coordinator, Marktg, Patron Services and Community Engagemen |
Performing Arts |
sarther@cod.edu |
MAC 201E |
(630)942-4525 |
Sater, Randy |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
saterr@cod.edu |
Sato, Justin |
Adjunct Faculty |
American Sign Language Interpr |
satoj@cod.edu |
Satsutani, Shingo |
Professor |
Languages |
satsutan@cod.edu |
BIC 2430B |
(630)942-2019 |
Saucedo, Rio |
Admissions Representative |
Admission & Outreach |
almaria@cod.edu |
SSC 2263 |
(630)942-2396 |
Savage, Patricia |
Program Coordinator |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
savagep@cod.edu |
BIC 1A04B |
(630)942-2682 |
Savegnago, Kira |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
savegnagok@cod.edu |
Sbertoli, Christopher |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
sbertolic@cod.edu |
Sbertoli, Tricia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
sbertolit@cod.edu |
Scalzitti, Nicole |
Financial Aid Specialist - Operations |
Student Financial Aid |
scalzittin@cod.edu |
SSC 2255I |
(630)942-3574 |
Scardina, Marie |
Digital Marketing Supervisor |
Marketing & Creative Services |
galvanm64@cod.edu |
IRC 1045 |
(630)942-2752 |
Scavone, Jennifer |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
scavonej@cod.edu |
Scescke, Patricia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
scesckep@cod.edu |
Schaefer, Katherine |
Assistant Professor |
Fashion Studies |
schaeferk3164@cod.edu |
SRC 1007 |
(630)942-2619 |
Schaffer, Carolyn |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
schafferc1595@cod.edu |
Schau, Nathan |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Language Pathology Asst |
schaun@cod.edu |
Scheidemantel, Tricia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
scheidemantelt@cod.edu |
Schenkel, Cheyanne |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
schenkelc@cod.edu |
Schennum, Isaac |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
schennumi@cod.edu |
Scheri, Nancy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing Assistant |
scherin@cod.edu |
Schertz, Melissa |
Career Services Manager |
Career Services |
weberm118@cod.edu |
SSC 3371 |
(630)942-3086 |
Schiffman, Robyn |
Dean, Liberal Arts |
Liberal Arts |
schiffmanr@cod.edu |
BIC 2E06G |
(630)942-2171 |
Schilf, Candy |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
schilfc755@cod.edu |
Schindlbeck, Joshua |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
schindlbeckj@cod.edu |
Schink, Benjamin |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
schinkb@cod.edu |
Schirmer, Gary |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
schirmer@cod.edu |
Schlifke, Audrey |
Lead Syst Anlyst Progrmr |
Information Systems |
schlifke@cod.edu |
SRC 2162 |
(630)942-2750 |
Schmeckpeper, Gregory |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
schmeckpeperg@cod.edu |
Schmidt, Lisa |
Financial Aid Assistant |
Student Financial Aid |
schmidtl525@cod.edu |
SSC 2261N |
(630)942-2273 |
Schmitz, Rachel |
Massage Therapy Program Manager |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
schmitzr141@cod.edu |
SRC 1130 |
(630)942-3818 |
Schneider, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
schneiderj1193@cod.edu |
Schnetzler, Kane |
Adjunct Faculty |
Speech Communication |
schnetz@cod.edu |
(630)942-8687 |
Schoeberlein, Christin |
Adjunct Faculty |
osheac7600@cod.edu |
Schoen, Lorraine |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
schoenl@cod.edu |
Schoettle, Kari |
Project Manager - MAC Special Projects |
Performing Arts |
schoettlek@cod.edu |
MAC 201K |
(630)942-2914 |
Schooley, Jack |
Grounds Horticulture Technician |
Facilities |
schooleyj@cod.edu |
CMC 1035 |
(630)942-2319 |
Schramm, Christopher |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
schrammc@cod.edu |
Schraufnagel, Richard |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
schrauf@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Schreiber, Adam |
Facilities Events Supervisor |
Facilities |
schreibera@cod.edu |
BIC 0549 |
(630)942-2777 |
Schreier, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
schreier@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Schreiner, Olivia |
Adjunct Faculty |
Art Studio |
schreinero@cod.edu |
Schreurs, Brianalynne |
Course Accommodation Aide |
Ctr for Access/Accommodations |
schreursb@cod.edu |
Schrofer, Bryce |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
schroferb@cod.edu |
Schuber, Amy |
Adjunct Faculty |
schumachera980@cod.edu |
Schubert, Jane |
Director, Learning Support Services |
Learning Support Services |
schuber@cod.edu |
SRC 2123 |
(630)942-3369 |
Schultz, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
schultz@cod.edu |
Schultz, Eric |
Manager, Conference & Events Services |
Conference & Events Services |
schultze399@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06G |
(630)942-3956 |
Schultz, Angela |
Adjunct Faculty |
schultza764@cod.edu |
Schumacher, Ellen |
Adjunct Faculty |
schumac@cod.edu |
Schumacher, William |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
schumacherw@cod.edu |
Schumacher, Jordan |
Adjunct Faculty |
schumacherj933@cod.edu |
Schumann, Mia |
Coordinator, Programming and Marketing |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
schumannm192@cod.edu |
SRC 1111J |
(630)942-2067 |
Schuppan, Scott |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
schuppan@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Schwartz, Jenna |
Reference Assistant |
Library |
schwartzj20@cod.edu |
SRC 3100 |
(630)942-3364 |
Schweig, Robert |
T a Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
schweigr@cod.edu |
Schwerer, Stacey |
Adjunct Faculty |
Health Sciences |
schwerer@cod.edu |
Scianna, Dawn |
Adjunct Faculty |
English |
sciannad@cod.edu |
Scontrino, Maurizio |
Adjunct Faculty |
Languages |
scontrinom@cod.edu |
Scott, Kenneth |
Coordinator, Radio Market/Fndrsng |
WDCB Radio |
scottk@cod.edu |
SRC 1033 |
(630)942-3716 |
Scott, Rebecca |
Adjunct Faculty |
Library & Information Tech |
scottr2433@cod.edu |
Scott, Aaron |
Field Studies Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
scotta254@cod.edu |
Scully, Laura |
Adjunct Faculty |
Dental Hygiene |
scullyl1965@cod.edu |
Scurlock, Taurus |
Adjunct Faculty |
Religious Studies |
scurlockt132@cod.edu |
Scurte, Jack |
Adjunct Faculty |
Computer & Information Science |
scurte@cod.edu |
Seal, Lawton |
Adjunct Faculty |
Chemistry |
seall@cod.edu |
Searle, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Automotive Service Technology |
searle@cod.edu |
Sebenste, Gilbert |
Meteorology Support Analyst |
Office & Classroom Technology |
sebensteg@cod.edu |
BIC 3501 |
(630)942-3321 |
Seccombe, Douglas |
HSTI Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
seccombed3387@cod.edu |
Sedlacek, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Earth Science |
sedlacekm236@cod.edu |
Seeman, Jacob |
SLEA Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
seemanj@cod.edu |
Segiet, Debra |
Non-Credit Instruction - Grant Funded |
Academic Affairs |
segietd@cod.edu |
Seidelman, Eric |
Advisor |
Counseling,Advising, Transfer |
seidelmane@cod.edu |
BIC 1A01C |
(630)942-3573 |
Seigel, Charles |
Adjunct Faculty |
Political Science |
seigelc@cod.edu |
Seitz, Philip Franz |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
seitzp@cod.edu |
Sekerka, Joyce |
Supervisor, Accounts Payable |
Cash Disbursements/Payroll |
sekerkaj@cod.edu |
SRC 2132A |
(630)942-2293 |
Selby, Justin |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
selbyj@cod.edu |
Selenica, Anisa |
Adjunct Faculty |
Motion Picture/Television |
selenicaa@cod.edu |
Self, Sarah |
Library Assistant I |
Library |
selfs@cod.edu |
SRC 2042 |
(630)942-2106 |
Seljakov, Cedomir |
Adjunct Faculty |
seljakovc@cod.edu |
Selvey, Joel |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
selveyj@cod.edu |
Selzer, Susan |
Adjunct Faculty |
selzers@cod.edu |
Sempowicz, Kimberly |
Adjunct Faculty |
Anatomy & Physiology |
kaliebek@cod.edu |
Senese-Burns, Gabriella |
Adjunct Faculty |
seneseg425@cod.edu |
Serafino, Franklin |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
serafinof@cod.edu |
Sergey, Thomas |
Adjunct Faculty |
Music |
sergey@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Serna, Sandy |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
sernas1331@cod.edu |
Serrano, Anna |
Associate Professor |
Languages |
serranoa902@cod.edu |
BIC 2430E |
(630)942-3116 |
Servatius, Emma |
Adjunct Faculty |
Nursing |
servatiuse3158@cod.edu |
Servin-Garcia, Daniela |
Scholarship Coordinator |
Student Financial Aid |
servin-garciad@cod.edu |
SSC 2238 |
(630)942-2283 |
Settje, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
History |
settjed@cod.edu |
Sewick, Bruce |
CRSS Project Coordinator (grant funded) |
Human Services |
sewick@cod.edu |
BIC 2E09G |
(630)942-3326 |
Seymour, Laura |
Homework Help YC/Site Supervisor |
Cont Ed/Extended Learning |
seymourl@cod.edu |
SRC 1111 |
(630)942-3424 |
Shaabneh, Nevien |
Vice President, Organizational Development |
President's Office |
shaabnehn@cod.edu |
SRC 2137 |
(630)942-2211 |
Shadis, Eden |
Enrollment Coach |
Admission & Outreach |
shadise@cod.edu |
SSC 2260 |
(630)942-3548 |
Shaffer-McCarthy, Elizabeth |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
shaffer-mccarthye@cod.edu |
Shahabuddin, Syed |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
shahab@cod.edu |
Shahpar, Masoumeh |
Helpdesk Specialist I |
Office & Classroom Technology |
shahpar@cod.edu |
SRC 2012 |
(630)942-3964 |
Shamberg, Todd |
Adjunct Faculty |
Hospitality & Tourism |
shambergt@cod.edu |
Shamim, Ambreen |
Instructional Assistant III |
Learning Commons |
shamima808@cod.edu |
NC 27 |
(630)942-4750 |
Shamsuddin, Sheikh |
Professor |
shamsudd@cod.edu |
BIC 1537 |
(630)942-2940 |
Shanahan, Matthew |
Associate Professor |
Automotive Service Technology |
shanan@cod.edu |
TEC 1056 |
(630)942-3080 |
Shanahan, Jennifer |
Administrative Assistant III |
COD Centers |
shanahanj1102@cod.edu |
CSC 100 |
(630)942-4888 |
Shariff, Sabeeha |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
shariffs252@cod.edu |
Sharp, Michael |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |
sharpm341@cod.edu |
Shaykh, Mashouf |
Adjunct Faculty |
Biology |
shaykh@cod.edu |
(630)942-2800 |
Shcherbakova, Marta |
Assistant Professor |
English Language Studies |
shcherbakovam@cod.edu |
BIC 2C06B |
(630)942-2536 |
Sheffield, Cassandra |
Adjunct Faculty |
Management |
sheffieldc@cod.edu |
Sherrick, Lauren |
Adjunct Faculty |
Aviation |
sherrickl@cod.edu |
Shevitz, Matthew |
Associate Professor |
Music |
shevitzm@cod.edu |
MAC 137 |
(630)942-2369 |
Shimojima, Anne |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
shimojimaa@cod.edu |
Shirani, Alireza |
Supervisor, Computer Support |
Library |
shirani@cod.edu |
SRC 2023 |
(630)942-2665 |
Shirley, Robert |
Adjunct Faculty |
shirleyr@cod.edu |
Shkribliak, Valentyna |
Adjunct Faculty |
khalanchukv@cod.edu |
Shorter, Tiffany |
Adjunct Faculty |
shortert@cod.edu |
Shriner, Luz |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
shrinerl@cod.edu |
Shubert, Jessica |
Academic Assistant II - Writing, Reading, Speech |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
shubertj24@cod.edu |
Shukin, Paul |
Adjunct Faculty |
Photography |
shukin@cod.edu |
Shukin, Theodora |
Academic Assistant I - WRSC |
Writing,Reading,Speech Asst |
shukint@cod.edu |
Shumak, Zoia |
Academic Assistant/Tutor 1 |
Tutoring |
shumakz@cod.edu |
Siafa, Princess |
Hotel Supervisor, Operations |
Arts, Communications & Hosp |
siafap@cod.edu |
CHC 3009B |
(630)942-6417 |
Siedor, Greig |
CE Non-Credit Instruction |
Academic Affairs |
siedorg@cod.edu |
Sieffert, Joseph |
Radio Dispatcher |
Police Dept |
sieffertj@cod.edu |
SRC 2100 |
(630)942-2000 |
Siegman, Cheryl |
Supervisor, Copy Cataloging & Proc. |
Library |
siegman@cod.edu |
SRC 2034D |
(630)942-4776 |
Sievers, Stephen |
Adjunct Faculty |
Fire Science |