Tutoring is available for the following courses throughout the Spring 2025 semester. Study Skills Sessions are also available for students to learn strategies to improve their skills in organization, time management, test taking and studying.
Contact the Learning Commons at (630) 942-3940 or email learningcommons@cod.edu if your course is not listed below and you are seeking assistance with your course. Course tutoring is subject to change without notice.
- Accounting
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Anthropology - In addition to Tutoring Services, Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Anthropology.
- Arabic
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry- In addition to Tutoring Services, students can visit Math Assistance for the following Chemistry courses: 0485, 1105, 1211, 1551, and 1552.
- Computer and Information Science (CIS) - In addition to Tutoring Services, students can visit Math Assistance for the following CIS courses: 2531 and 2532.
- Computer and Information Technology (CIT)
- College Skills (COLLG)
- Criminal Justice - In addition to Tutoring Services, Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Criminal Justice.
- Earth Science
- Economics - In addition to Tutoring Services, Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Economics.
- Education - Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Education.
- Electro-Mechanical & Electronics Technology
- Engineering
- English - Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance provides support for English.
- English Language Acquisition (ELA) and English Language Studies (ELS) - Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance provides support for ELA/ELS.
- Fashion Studies
- French
- German
- Graphic Design
- Health Science 1110 (Biomedical Terminology)
- History - In addition to Tutoring Services, Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for History.
- Humanities - In addition to Tutoring Services, Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Humanities.
- Interpreting
- Italian
- Legal Studies (formerly Paralegal Studies)
- Mathematics - In addition to Tutoring Services, students can visit Math Assistance.
- Meteorology
- Microbiology 1420
- Motion Picture Television
- Music
- Nursing
- Office Technology Information (OFTI)
- Organic Chemistry
- Philosophy - In addition to Tutoring Services, Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Philosophy.
- Photography
- Physics - In addition to Tutoring Services, students can visit Math Assistance.
- Psychology
- Reading - Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance provides support for Reading.
- Religious Studies - Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Religious Studies.
- Respiratory Care
- Sign Language
- Sociology - In addition to Tutoring Services, Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance offers writing, reading, and speaking support for Sociology.
- Spanish
- Speech - Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance provides support for Speech.
- Study Skills Sessions
- Welding
Contact Information
Learning Commons
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2102
Call: (630) 942-3940
Email: learningcommons@cod.edu
Hours of Operation
Mathematics Assistance
(630) 942-3339
Email: math-assist@cod.edu
Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance
(630) 942-3355
Email: wrsa@cod.edu
Tutoring Services
(630) 942-3686
Email: tutoring@cod.edu