Exterior view of Student Resource Center

Service Learning Community Partners

Service learning is currently receiving unprecedented recognition for its value to students, higher education and the community, and is therefore attracting the involvement of more business and organizations than ever before.

The Service Learning program feels strongly that our community partners are co-educators in this process. We view our community partners as an adjunct "classroom," which serves as a very effective, hands-on learning tool for our students.

Benefits for Community Partners

  • Aids in community's efforts to address social issues and problems.
  • Helps community partners receive needed publicity about their needs and services.
  • Exposes and teaches communities about emerging generations of students.
  • Helps establish access and connections to other resources available at the college.
  • Helps breakdown and dispel myths and stereotypes that the community has about students.
  • Adds youth and enthusiasm to a service program/project.
  • Provides an opportunity for a community to shape students' values and to prepare students for community participation after college.\

How to Become a Community Partner

  1. Call (630) 942-2230 to set up a time to meet with a service learning staff member to discuss the program.
  2. Make a mutual agreement with the staff regarding the service learner's role, as well as expectations of both the community partner and student.
  3. Complete a Placement Description form and email it to servicelearning@cod.edu.

The Service Learning program provides us with a huge resource of volunteers as well as other contacts within the college that have greatly benefited us. It is great networking for us and the students.

Wendy CravenWestern DuPage Special Recreation Association