Services Satisfaction Survey

Let us know what you think.

Please make sure your internet browser is up to date.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Have you had contact with the COD Polic officers in the last 12 months? (Choose one)
Was the officer courteous?
Was the officer helpful?
Was the officer able to resolve the issue in question?
Overall, how would you rate the experience?
Did you know the Police Department has a bike patrol unit?
Did you know the Police Department performs and escort service upon request?
Do you feel officers have a visible presence on campus?
How safe do you feel on campus?
Sex (Optional)
What best describes you?



Contact Information

Police Department
Police Department Dispatch
Open 24 hours 7 days a week.
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2100
(630) 942-2000

Police Department Office
Robert J. Miller Homeland Security Education Center (HEC), Room 1040
(630) 942-2000