Physics for Scientists and Engineers III
The goal of this course is for students to develop a basic understanding of the physical concepts involved in fluids, thermodynamics, special relativity, introductory quantum mechanics, nuclear physics and particle physics. A significant emphasis will be placed on the basic concepts involved. Calculations and calculus will be used as a tool to study and learn these concepts.
Class Announcements
Welcome to Physics 2115 (Spring 2024)
Please continue to monitor this space for important information and course and updates. This page will be updated on a regular basis. (Last update: January 23rd, 2025.)
- Classes start on Monday, January 27th. Your first lecture will take place in BIC-3H06 starting promptly at 12:00 Noon.
- Be sure to read the course syllabus. Click on the "Detailed Course Information" link below to access a PDF version of the syllabus. The syllabus is also posted in your Physics 2115-003 shell of Blackboard. Your continued enrollment implies that you accept the terms and conditions outlined in the course syllabus.
- Be sure to get access the your textnbook. The official textbook for this course is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th ed." authored by P. A. Tipler and G. Mosca. However, you can also use the (FREE!) Openstax University Physics textbook. Click on the "Openstax..." links below to access. If using Tipler, Read Chapter 13.1-13.2 for class on Tuesday, January 28th. (If using the Openstax, read Chapter 14.1-14.2 for class on Tuesday, January 28th. If you have access to some other calculus-based elementary physics textbook, you may use that as an additional reference.
- COD's course management platform is known as Blackboard. To access Blackboard from the COD Home Page, click on the "Quick Links" tab, and select "Blackboard. To login to Blackboard, your Username is your MyAccess ID (the prefix of your "" email address which is the stuff before the "@" in your "" address) and your Password is the same as your "" address. Once logged on to this version of Blackboard, click on "Courses" in the left column and then select your Physics 2115-003 shell.
- Your first laboratory session will take place on Monday, August 20th in BIC-3F03 starting promptly at 1:00 PM. You will be given a handout for your first session. The topic will be Archimedes' principle.
- Homework for this course will be provided using the Expert TA online platform. Click on the "ExpertTA Registraion" link below and register as a new student. The Join the couse and access your Physics 2112 homework assignments!
Class Resources:
- Detailed Class Information (Syllabus for Spring 2025)
- Blackboard (COD's classroom management platform)
- ExpertTA Registration (Registration in the ExpertTA online homework platform)
- ExpertTA (Online homework platform login)
- University Physics Volume 1 (FREE Openstax online textbook)
- University Physics Volume 2 (FREE Openstax online textbook)
- University Physics Volume 3 (FREE Openstax online textbook)