FPD Advisory Committee Charge
The role of the FPD Advisory Committee is to support and inform the Faculty Chair of Professional Development in defining, meeting and assessing the goals of the FPD program.
Membership will consist of a faculty member from each division to ensure that the needs of each are represented. The Committee meets once a month on Fridays from noon to 1 p.m. Appointments are for a two year term.
FPD Advisory Committee
Faculty Chair of Professional Development: Jennifer Kelley, Library
- Arts, Communication, and Hospitality: Natilie Williams, Speech Communication
- Business and Applied Technology: Dejang Liu, Computer & Information Science
- Counseling and Advising: Laura Kaslow, Counseling
- Liberal Arts: Jill Salas, English
- Library: Christine Kickels, Library
- Nursing and Health Sciences: Ann Kopal, Nursing
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math: Erica Hotsinpiller, Mathematics
- Social Behavioral Sciences: Sarah Butler, Psychology
Global Education Faculty Liaison
- Shamili Ajgaonkar, Biology
Instruction Committee Liaison
- Or'Shaundra Benson, Psychology
Ex Officio Members
- Judy Coates, Manager, Employee Development Center
- Jorge Nieto, Associate Vice President, Assessment and Student Success
- Lisa Stock, Assistant Provost of Instruction
- Sonia Watson, Dean of Adjunct Faculty
- Michelle Whitman, Manager, Learning Technologies
Contact Information
Faculty Chair of Professional Development
(630) 942-2383
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1107
Email: fpd@cod.edu
Learning Technologies
(630) 942-2490
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 3401
Email: learningtech@cod.edu
Adjunct Faculty Support
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2051
Email: oafs@cod.edu
Employee Development Center
(630) 942-3805
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1105/1107
Email: edc@cod.edu