Three students walking outside

Spanish for Educators Courses

College of DuPage offers Spanish for Educators courses for school personnel, teachers and administrators who comprehend or speak little to no Spanish. Spanish for Educators gives educational professionals the chance to develop basic conversational skills to communicate effectively in the school and community. Emphasis is on the ability to speak, understand, read and write Spanish in cultural contexts.

This course is part of a wider initiative to develop Spanish for the Workplace courses that addresses growing educational needs in areas such as Spanish for Health Professionals, Business, Horticulture, Law, Hospitality, and more. Individuals who are interested in learning how to understand and communicate with people in intercultural settings will also find these courses valuable.

Spanish 1112: Spanish for Educators I

This three-credit course is usually offered fall term. After taking it, you will be able to navigate basic situations with Spanish-speaking students, parents, and community members. The course also introduces students to the culture and customs of the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish 1113: Spanish for Educators II

This three-credit course is usually offered spring term. It expands on your ability to navigate basic situations in educational settings, and builds foundations for greater fluency in dealing with Spanish speakers. It continues to introduce students to the culture and customs of the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish 1112 Learning Expectations

Practical Conversational Tools

  • Use Spanish to greet students, parents, and community members.
  • Give directions and indicate where things are located.
  • Talk about physical and personality traits, daily routines, and chores.
  • Explain dress codes, safety codes, and rules in educational settings.

Grammatical Highlights

  • Refer to people and construct sentences.
  • Communicate about activities in the present and past tenses.
  • Make affirmations and negations.
  • Describe people, places, and things.
  • Express possession.
  • Talk about what is happening now.
  • Make requests and give directions.

Cultural Aspects

  • Learn how to meet, greet, and invite people appropriately.
  • Practice using Hispanic names and titles.
  • Examine cultural concepts of family and social relationships.
  • Identify workplace norms and etiquette.
  • Understand how Spanish uses formal and informal forms of address.
  • Recognize regional variations of Spanish.

Spanish 1113 Learning Expectations

Practical Conversational Tools

  • Use vocabulary related to health, health care, and community resources.
  • Talk about field trips outside of the school setting.
  • Compare the metric system to the imperial system.
  • Discuss social interactions and emotional issues.
  • Explain rules and safety in educational settings.
  • Review topics covered in Spanish 1112.

Grammatical Highlights

  • Form clear sentences.
  • Communicate about past activities.
  • Indicate for whom an action is performed.
  • Construct complex sentences using specific words.
  • Identify who performs an action and the motives.
  • Give polite recommendations and express wishes.
  • Review topics covered in 1112.

Cultural Aspects

  • Compare and contrast social conventions, cultural concepts of family, work, and social relationships within Hispanic and non-Hispanic contexts.
  • Understand cultural and regional implications of formal and informal forms of address.
  • Use appropriate etiquette for educational settings.
  • Understand linguistic regionalisms and cultural expectations of Spanish-speaking people from different countries

Contact Information

Liberal Arts Division Office
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2E06
(630) 942-2047