Find a Writing Studies course that matches your interests. Students can choose from first-year writing, professional writing, and rhetoric and writing courses.
First-Year Writing
Builds upon the rhetoric, reading, and writing concepts introduced in English Composition I by having students compose inquiry-driven research projects. In their research process, students find and select the most appropriate sources to address research questions that are intended for a discourse community. Students integrate sources meaningfully for support and present their findings via the forms of media and genre that suit the project's objectives.
Professional Writing
Workplace Writing offers strategies for addressing the rapidly changing processes for producing various modes of workplace communication, such as resumes, letters of applications, internal and external correspondence, descriptions, proposals, summaries and reports. This course is designed for those entering the workplace for the first time or for experienced professionals seeking to update their writing skills.
Technical Writing responds to the need of having the complex made clear. It focuses on usability, audience analysis, designing pages and digital screens, effective collaboration with peers, researching, interpreting and ethically presenting data, and writing clearly and persuasively. Students of any major who want to enhance their marketability, as well as current professionals looking to grow in their field, are encouraged to enroll.
Digital Writing examines the ever-evolving landscape of digital rhetoric and offers writing techniques across various digital platforms. Students construct a variety of digital projects but always with an eye towards moving an audience.
Writing in the Professions has students study the professional writing used in their future professional career. Students interview professionals in their field, observe their writing techniques, and study the writing produced. Students not only come away with an in-depth understanding of their field's professional writing but also have made real relationships with professionals in their field.
Editing in the Professions hones students' ability to edit professional texts. The course focuses on maintaining professional relationships; editing for clarity, completeness, and correctness; and taking a flexible approach to editing projects.
Writing for Nonprofits offers students the opportunity to work with and write for a local community organization. This designated service-learning course allows students to collaborate on grants, fundraising projects, and success stories with a rhetorical purpose. It is for students interested in serving their community, wanting a real hands-on experience, or seeking a career in the nonprofit sector.
Rhetoric and Writing
Experiential course designed to prepare students for writing center work through instruction in writing center theory and practice. Includes writing; observing sessions in the Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance area; tutoring; and self-reflecting on writing and research experiences.
A study of the written argument, an essential form of communication circulating everywhere today, in print and on screens, to clarify ideas, form consensus, promote values, and gain political and social power. Students will read rhetorical theorists and analyze written arguments before crafting and circulating their own written arguments.
Builds upon the rhetoric and writing skills developed in Composition I and II. Students will study and apply rhetorical theory, from the classical through the postmodern periods, in order to read and write within a variety of rhetorical situations. They will also investigate and incorporate research methodologies and prose styles used in different academic and professional discourse communities. Students will create a portfolio of work tailored to their academic and professional goals, which will include multimodal elements.
Writing Studies Courses by Semester
Semester |
Composition I | Fall, Spring, Summer |
Composition II | Fall, Spring, Summer |
Workplace Writing | Fall, Spring, Summer |
Technical Writing | Fall, Spring, Summer |
Digital Writing | Spring |
Writing in the Professions | Fall |
Editing in the Professions | Spring |
Writing for Nonprofits | Spring |
Writing Center Theory and Practice | Spring |
Argumentative Writing | Fall |
Advanced Composition | Spring |