Student Stories: Sakshi Sehdev

Sakshi Sehdev

Major: Respiratory Care

Sakshi Sehdev was interested in a health care career but did not know which one to pursue.

Health Science Admissions

“Initially, I was advised to look into respiratory care by my neighbor’s daughter, who was in the program at College of DuPage,” she said. “I researched this program but initially did not have a clear vision of the profession and what it did. However, I always wanted to work in cardiology, so this turned out to be a great option as I was able to learn and work with the lungs and heart.”

She also faced her own medical issues and was unsure about pursuing any medical profession. After discussing her concerns with Respiratory Care Program Coordinator Barbara Coe, Sehdev felt more confident about her choice.

“Professor Coe made sure it was possible for me to be in the program, and I was able to fulfill all the requirements,” she said. “Without the help of the coordinator and clinical director, I don’t think completing this program and achieving my goals would have been possible.”  

Sehdev initially worked two jobs while attending school, and she qualified for student aid after completing her FAFSA, which helped her financially. As a student, she started working at a level one trauma facility during the pandemic.

This program was indeed very challenging, but the tremendous professors will make sure you succeed.

Sakshi Sehdev

“This helped me so much to understand the job, and I learned time management because working as a therapist is completely different than just being an A+ student,” she said. “I had amazing learning experiences through my clinical rotations, which were at community hospitals. I had a lot of hands-on duties because they had cases other than COVID patients, which the students were not allowed to see.”

Having earned her Associate in Applied Science in Respiratory Care, Sehdev now lives in Texas and works as an emergency department and ICU respiratory therapist. She also is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in health care management at Concordia University Chicago through the 3+1 online program. Her ultimate goal is to complete a master’s degree and become either a physician’s assistant or an ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) specialist.

Sehdev advices students wanting a career in health care to consider the Respiratory Care program at COD.

“Don’t be afraid of challenges and keep pushing, because I know how it feels,” she said. “I thought my health problems seemed so huge that I never thought I would finish anytime soon. But I never quit.

“Throughout my entire school career, I’ve experienced good and some not-so-good professors. But when I came to COD and the Respiratory Care program, I don’t think I would have completed it without Professor Coe and the others. This program was indeed very challenging, but the tremendous professors will make sure you succeed.”

Learn more about the Respiratory Care program at College of DuPage