In high school, Eileen Kelly took some courses that piqued her interest in business.
After starting at College of DuPage, she took a semester off to determine what she truly wanted to pursue. It turned out to be business management.
“The teachers gave me direction toward achieving my goals and following my career path,” she said. “By personally getting to know me, the teachers allowed me to be more willing to ask questions.”
Kelly decided to attend COD because of the savings in regards to tuition, the variety of programs offered, the convenient location and regional centers, and the people. She has since received her associate’s degree with honors and completed COD’s 3+1 program with Benedictine University, earning a bachelor’s degree in business management.
Armed with her degree, Kelly felt prepared to take advantage of any opportunity that came her way. She now works as an accident management specialist for a fleet company.
“I work on taking accidents from drivers, getting certificates of insurance for our clients, ensuring that our clients have a report that shows the risk of each driver of their fleet, and ensuring the training modules for the drivers as well,” she said. “I am truly grateful for this position.”
Kelly’s advice to other students is to take a chance.
“College of DuPage is a great school and has a great staff to accompany it. As long as you put your mind toward achieving your goals, COD is there and willing to guide you,” she said. “COD helped me meet my goals by offering classes that fit into my schedule. They also helped by having classes at satellite locations, which were more convenient for me.
“COD is a great school that pushed me to continue creating new goals.”
Learn more about the Business/Management/Marketing program at College of DuPage