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Field Studies/Study Abroad Global Education on Campus

There are numerous Global Education Events on campus planned throughout the year. Check the college's Calendar of Events, for more information.

Faculty Global Professional Development

There are many short- and long-term globally-focused opportunities for faculty, listed here.

Faculty Chair of Global Education

The Faculty Chair of Global Education provides leadership for coordinating and integrating global learning outcomes in the curriculum and facilitates opportunities for faculty professional development on campus and abroad. Contact: Shamili Ajgaonkar

Global Flicks

Global Flicks is an annual international film series held in February and March. Films are presented in their original language with English subtitles. Admission is free and open to the public. Contact: Camila Fernández or Janey Sarther

Africa and African Diaspora Committee

Africa and African Diaspora Committee promotes and educates about cultures, histories and traditions from Africa and those resulting from the historic movement of African people to other places throughout the world. Faculty contact: Robert Moorehead

Asia Committee

Asia Committee seeks to foster a richer understanding and appreciation of the cultures of Asia through interdisciplinary events that incorporate such fields as history, economics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, art, literature, and political science. Faculty contact: Naheed Rouf or Maria Ritzema

European Studies Committee

European Studies Committee promotes understanding and appreciation of European countries, languages, and cultures by hosting events in collaboration with European cultural, educational, artistic, and diplomatic organizations. Faculty contact: Miglena Nikolova

Latin American Studies Committee

Latin American Studies Committee promotes understanding and appreciation of Latin American countries and cultures through lectures, field trips and performing arts. Contact: Tim Arroyo or Elizabeth Gómez de la Casa

Middle East Committee

Middle East Committee explores the richly diverse cultures of the region and presents perspectives on current events through an academic lens. Faculty contact: Leslie Wolf

Native American Studies Committee

Native American Studies Committee fosters education in Native American history, culture and literature by sponsoring public events that give Native American educators, artists and spokespersons a forum for cross-cultural sharing. Faculty contact: John Paris

Contact Information

Field and Experiential Learning, Study Abroad and Global Education
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 3520
General inquiries: (630) 942-2356
Additional Contact Information