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Prairie Light Review

Prairie Light Review, the Liberal Arts Journal of College of DuPage, has been published for over 40 years. This free publication, funded by Student Activities fees, is the venue for creative work in District 502. It is a partnership between Student Life and the Liberal Arts Division. 

Prairie Light Review is a juried magazine that is produced twice a year in December and May by a class of student editors enrolled in English 2210. Student editors evaluate blind entries and strive to bring to the magazine’s readers the most engaging and creative work being produced in District 502. 

The magazine welcomes original fiction, nonfiction, essays, and drama of 1,600 words or less; poetry of 62 lines or less; graphic essays of 12 panels or less; black and white and color photography; and 2D and 3D artwork of any medium. 

In January 2019, 2021 and 2022, The Prairie Light Review was honored with the First Place Magazine award from the American Scholastic Press Association.

Print editions of Prairie Light Review can be picked up on campus in the BIC and outside of the library's main entrance in the SRC as well as the MAC during regular college operating hours.

PLR Submissions

Submissions for Spring 2025 are due by Saturday, Feb. 22.

Email for more information.

Formatting and General Guidelines

  • Please do not send a .pdf. All literary work should be submitted as a .doc, .docx, or rtf. All visual art must be submitted as a high resolution .jpg.
  • Also, do not submit work that was previously published in PLR.  
  • Entrants may submit up to four pieces of original works in the following categories: fiction, nonfiction, essays, and drama of 1,600 words or less; poetry of 62 lines or less; graphic essays of 12 panels or less; black and white and color photography; and 2D and 3D artwork of any medium. No more than two works by the same author/artist will be published in any given journal.
  • Artworks and writing must be completely original. We will not consider drawings, paintings, or other media if made from photos or other images not created by the artist (unless secured by the submitting artist and also included in your submission email). Collages are, of course, acceptable with substantial changes made to the original images being used.
  • No glorification of sensitive topics
  • No discrimination/inflammatory rhetoric toward marginalized communities
  • No images of self-harm/mutilation/deceased individuals

Written Submission Guidelines

Criteria for written submissions change semester to semester and are determined by the editorial team.

Judging Criteria for Written Submissions

  • Flow/Consistency
  • Style/Voice/Uniqueness
  • Technique/Form
  • Purpose/Meaning
  • Emotion/Engagement

Other Written Submissions Guidelines

  • Title all entries.
  • Enter up to four creative works per entrant per issue of original fiction, nonfiction, essays, and drama of 1,600 words or less; poetry of 62 lines or less; graphic essays of 12 panels or less.
  • Compose copy in Times New Roman 12 point only, without special effects. Follow MLA 9 guidelines.
  •  All entries must be the original work of the artist.
  • Only works emailed and in a digital format will be considered.
  • Indicate if you are a College of DuPage student.
  • All entries should include an artist bio.

Written Submissions Email instructions

  • Include the following information in the subject line of the email: first name and last name.
  • Include in the body of the email: your full address with zip code; contact telephone number; an alternate email address.
  • Provide the title, genre, and word count of each entry.
  • Remove your name and any other identifying information from all headers.
  • Attach files as a .doc, .docx, rtf, or pdf.
  • Along with your submission, provide a one sentence statement describing either what your piece is about, who you are, or how you came to create your submission. Thank you.

Foreign Language Poetry

Prairie Light Review welcomes poetry in an author’s native language as long as an English language translation accompanies the entry. Although grammar and punctuation of foreign language poetry will not be judged, PLR editors will judge the English language translation the same as any entry. At their discretion, the PLR editors may verify the content of the entry with foreign language experts. 

In addition to the Submission Guidelines for all written work, foreign language poetry must adhere to the following rules:

  • An author may enter only one foreign language poem per issue.
  • The language of the poem must be indicated.
  • All characters and diacritical marks must be features available in standard computer fonts.
  • A full and accurate English translation must accompany all foreign language poems; otherwise, the work will not be considered.

Visual Submission Guidelines

Judging Criteria for visual submissions

  • Purpose/Meaning/Intention
  • Craftsmanship/Technique/Style
  • Cohesion
  • Emotion/Engagement
  • Subject/Context/Relevance

Other Visual Submission Guidelines

  • Enter up to four creative works per entrant per issue of drawings, cartoons, graphics, charcoal drawings, etchings, paintings, murals, collages, sculptures, ceramics, fashion, jewelry, and all new media.
  • Title all entries.
  • Remove your name and any other identifying information from all artwork.
  • Photograph all physical art as you want it to appear in the magazine.
  • Prairie Light Review reserves the right to digitally crop, enlarge, or reduce photographs to accommodate the magazine’s page size limitations.
  • NOTE: SCANNED ART IS PREFFERED to ensure quality.

Visual Submissions Email instructions

  • Best sizes are 8”x11” or larger at 300 dpi or at least 2550x3300 resolution 
  • Include the following information in the subject line of the email: first name and last name
  • Include in the body of the email: your full address with zip code; contact telephone number; an alternate email address.
  • Title all entries.
  • Use only .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .png, or .gif file types.
  • Name the file: title.filetype. ex: WheatfieldWithCrows.jpeg
  • Describe the medium.
  • Along with your submission, provide a one sentence statement describing either what your piece is about, who you are, or how you came to create your submission. Thank you.

Entrants maintain the rights to their work and may subsequently offer their work to any publication.

Twice a year for the December and May issues, all students, faculty, staff, and the College of DuPage District 502 community may enter up to four creative works per entrant per issue of original fiction, nonfiction, essays, and drama of 1,600 words or less; poetry of 62 lines or less; graphic essays of 12 panels or less; black and white and color photography; and 2D and 3D artwork of any medium. 

A class of student editors who are enrolled in English 2210 reads blind entries. Written work is viewed as a finished product; copy editing is kept to a minimum to respect the author’s intentions. Please carefully proofread your written entries. Selected work is published, subject to space limitations.

Send all entries to:

Only works submitted by email will be considered.

Prairie Light Review on Digital Commons

Contact Information

Trina Sotirakopulos, Advisor
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2E09H
(630) 942-2177