Physics 1100

The goal of this course is for students to enhance their view of the physical world by allowing them to acquire a basic understanding of the physical concepts involved with motion and forces, momentum and energy, rotation, gravitation, properties of matter, heat and thermodynamics, waves and sound, electricity and magnetism, light, and atomic/nuclear physics.

This course will focus on conceptual understanding rather than mathematical manipulation. However, as mathematics is the language of science, it is expected that you can perform basic algebraic calculations and recognize basic geometric relations throughout the course.

Class Announcements

Welcome to Physics 1100-001 & -002 (Fall 2024)

Please continue to monitor this space for important information and course and updates.  This page will be updated on a regular basis.  (Last update: January 22nd, 2025.)  This page is currently under construction.  However, here are a few thing to help get you started:

  • Classes start on Monday, January 27th.  Your first lecture will take place in BIC-3535 starting prompty at 9:00 AM.
  • Be sure to read the course syllabus.  Click on the "Detailed Course Information" link below to access a PDF version of the syllabus.  The syllabus is also posted in your Physics 1100-001 or -002 shell of Blackboard.  Your continued enrollment implies that you accept the terms and conditions outlined in the course syllabus.  (Besides, your first homework assignment is all about the course syllabus!)
  • COD's course management platform is known as Blackboard.  To access Blackboard from the COD Home Page, click on the "Quick Links" tab, and select "Blackboard.  To login to Blackboard, your Username is your MyAccess ID (the prefix of your "" email address which is the stuff before the "@" in your "" address) and your Password is the same as your "" address.  Once logged on to this version of Blackboard, click on "Courses" in the left column and then select your Physics 1100-001 shell (if you are enrolled in the Thursday Lab) or Physics 1100-002 shell (if you are enrolled in the Tuesday Lab).
  • Be sure to access the (free!) online textbook.   The official textbook for this course is Conceptual Physics, authored by Pasquale, Fazzini, and Bennett.  Click on the "Conceptual Physics"  link below to access.  Be sure to read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the "Conceptual Physics" text for class on Wednesday, January 29th.  Be prepared to answer a few short questions (a.k.a. reading quiz) regarding the content of Chapter 1 at the start of class (that is, 9:00 AM) and the content of Chapter 2 later during the class period.
  • Tuesday Lab Group (Section 002): Your first laboratory session will take place on Tuesday, January 28th in BIC-3F03 starting promptly at 9:00 AM.  Laboratory activities will be provided on this webpage.  Scroll down to "Lab Activities" to find "Investigation 1."  Click on the three links: "Pre-lab 1," "Lab 1 Acticvities," and "Lab 1 Homework" to access and print your lab materials for Investigation 1 PRIOR to entering the lab on Tuesday. The Pre-lab #1 will be due at the start (9:00 AM) on Tuesday in BIC-3F03.
  • Thursday Lab Group (Section 001): Your first laboratory session will take place on Thursday, January 30th in BIC-3F03 starting promptly at 9:00 AM.  Laboratory activities will be provided on this webpage.  Scroll down to "Lab Activities" to find "Investigation 1."  Click on the three links: "Pre-lab 1," "Lab 1 Acticvities," and "Lab 1 Homework" to access and print your lab materials for Investigation 1 PRIOR to entering the lab on Thursday.  The Pre-lab #1 will be due at the start (9:00 AM) on Thursday in BIC-3F03.
  • Homework for this course will be provided using the MyOpenMath online platform.  Click on the "My OpenMath" link below and register as a new student.  You will be asked to enter a username, set and confirm a password, enter your first and last name, and enter a valid email address.  When prompted for your the CourseID, enter 254287.  You will need the following enrollment key: 1100Sp25FD (case sensitive).  Join the couse and access your Physics 1100 homework assignments!  The Homework 1: Syllabus will become available starting on Monday, January 27th at 7:00 AM.
  • The MyOpenMath Homework 1: Syllabus will be due on Friday, January 31st by 8:30 AM.  After the cut-off time you will no longer be any to make changes to the assignment for credit.

Class Resources

Lab Resources

Investigation #1: Variables, Measurements and Graphs

Pre-lab 1 Due at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, January 28th at 9:00 AM (Sec. 002) or Thursday, January 30th (Sec. 001).

Lab 1 Activities

Section 002: Needed at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, January 27th and due at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, February 4th.

Section 001: Needed at 9:00 AM on Thursday, January 29th and due at 9:00 AM on Thursday, February 6th.

Lab 1 Homework

Due at 9:00 AM Tuesday, August 27th at 9:00 AM (Sec. 001) or Thursday, August 29th (Sec. 002).

General Resources