emergency response image

Emergency Response

Emergencies, disasters, accidents and injuries can occur at any time and without warning. Being prepared physically and mentally to handle emergencies is an individual as well as an organizational responsibility. The Faculty and Staff Emergency Response Handbook is posted in every room of each college building. This handbook is intended for use by faculty, staff and students of College of DuPage. It has been designed to provide a quick reference in cases of emergency. All employees should become familiar with its contents. In addition to this handbook, there are detailed evacuation plans and shelter diagrams in most rooms and open areas to give direction during emergencies. The more prepared you are, the better you will respond to an emergency situation. Direct any specific questions or comments about this material to College of DuPage Police Department Administration at ext. 2000.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

Glen Ellyn

For all campus emergencies dial the Police at ext. 2000. (If the line is busy on a second try, dial "911".)

Naperville, Westmont and all other locations

Dial "911" for LOCAL police and medical emergencies. 

Emergency Situations

A medical emergency is an injury or illness that requires immediate medical attention.

Glen Ellyn Campus

Call the COD Police at ext. 2000.

Other COD Locations

Call 911.

While you wait for help to arrive, do the following:

  • Provide first aid to the best of your ability.
  • Use precautions to prevent your exposure to bodily fluids.
  • Refrain from moving the patient unless it is necessary for safety reasons.
  • If you determine that the patient is unresponsive, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Perform hands-only CPR if not trained. For CPR training go to redcross.org.
  • If possible, identify any medication the patient is prescribed.

Report all injuries to the COD Police. If necessary, notify Risk Management by calling ext. 2993.

Active violence includes, but is not limited to, shootings, knife attacks, vehicle attacks and use of improvised explosive devices. Advance warning of a violent incident is unlikely.

At all COD locations, call 911 if you can. Provide a description of the threat and direction of travel, as well as locations of casualties.

  • Run—Evacuate to a safe area, off campus and away from danger, and take protective cover. Notify anyone you encounter to do the same.
  • Hide—If not safe to evacuate, go to the nearest room.
    • Lock and block the doors.
    • Turn off the lights.
    • Stay away from doors and windows.
    • Keep quiet. Silence your phone.
    • Prepare to neutralize the threat, if the threat enters your location.
    • Stay there until assistance arrives.
  • Fight—If unable to evacuate or hide, neutralize the threat by overwhelming and overpowering the threat. Fight with everything you have in order to save your life.

All bomb threats must be taken seriously. Immediately contact the COD Police at ext. 2000.

If a bomb threat is received by telephone:

  • Remain calm, keep the caller on the phone. Do not hang up, even if the caller does.
  • If your phone has a display, copy the number and/or letters on the window display.

Ask the following questions:

  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • Where is it right now?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What will cause it to explode?
  • Did you place the bomb?
  • Why?
  • What is your address?
  • What is your name?

If possible, write a note to a colleague to call the COD Police, or, as soon as the caller hangs up, immediately notify them yourself.

If the bomb threat is received by handwritten note:

  • Call the COD Police at ext. 2000.
  • Handle the note as minimally as possible.

If the bomb threat is received by email:

  • Call the COD Police at ext. 2000.
  • Do not delete the email.

Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices

If you receive information that an individual may be carrying an explosive device, or observe a suspected explosive device on someone’s person:

  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Stand back, don’t approach.
  • Notify the COD Police at ext. 2000.
  • Discretely move potential victims.
  • Don’t take action to physically restrain the individual.
  • Become familiar with the areas you use. Before an incident occurs, know your evacuation route and where to take shelter depending on the emergency.
  • STAY CALM. Do not make the situation worse. Do not let people take foolish chances. Others will respond as you do. Set the example.
  • Control the flow of information. Evaluate what is most essential and forward only that. Have a plan to disseminate: What, Who, How, When, etc.
  • If you find yourself in charge of an area, delegate duties. Clearly communicate your needs and trust others to do their part. This will aid others who need to feel useful.
  • Use plain language during a crisis. Everyone will be under stress. Keep things simple and straightforward.
  • Be aware of those around you. Aid those who you can without added risk. Follow instructions when they are relayed.
  • Talk to each other. Simply talking to each other and discussing what could happen and how to respond prepares us for crisis.
  • Remember personalities. Stress, fear, fatigue and anger might be present in those around you. Be prepared to deal with human nature. Do not let it frustrate you.

Data breaches may occur when:

  • An employee accidentally clicks on a link in an email, introducing malware.
  • A hacker sends a bogus email asking your accounting department to change the wiring instructions for payment to an important vendor, and the money disappears after being deposited into a fraudulent bank account.
  • Someone pretending to be a company executive calls and asks your accounting department to change the payroll deposit details for the exec, and requires an email confirming the particulars.
  • A denial-of-service (DoS) attack prevents customers from access.

Prevent data compromises and breaches:

  • Beware of phishing emails.
  • Verify the sender before releasing sensitive information, wiring funds or changing account information.

What to do if you suspect a data compromise or data breach:

  • Notify Information Technology by calling (630) 942-2470.
  • Unplug your machine if you suspect it has been infected by a virus.

Inside a building

  • Drop down to the ground onto your hands and knees, so the earthquake doesn’t knock you down. Cover your head and neck with your arms to protect yourself from falling debris.
  • If you are in danger from falling objects, and you can move safely, crawl for additional cover under a sturdy desk or table.
  • If there is low furniture or an interior wall or corner nearby, and the path is clear, these may also provide some additional cover.
  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as light fixtures or furniture.
  • Hold on to any sturdy covering so you can move with it until the shaking stops. Stay where you are until the shaking stops.


  • Move away from buildings, streetlights and utility wires.
  • Drop, cover and hold on.
  • Stay there until the shaking stops.


  • Pull over to the side of the road and stop.
  • Avoid overpasses, underpasses, power lines and other hazards.
  • Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over.

Certain emergencies, such as fire, bomb threats or hazardous material incidents might require evacuation of College facilities.

If evacuation is required, a notification will be made using the College’s public address system, COD Alerts and email.

When evacuation is required

  • Remain calm.
  • Collect personal belongings ONLY if doing so does not expose you to unnecessary risk.
  • Calmly exit the building.
  • Once outside, stay away from the College buildings.
  • Wait for additional instructions from law enforcement or College officials.
  • Do not re-enter until an all-clear message is broadcast on the College’s public address system.

When evacuation is required, individuals with mobility impairments, who are not on the ground floor, may need assistance.

Individuals with Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities might impair rapid building evacuation. Examples include those who are blind or deaf, or whose mobility is restricted by use of walkers or crutches. Assistance to individuals with disabilities can be provided by guiding them to a stairwell, waiting until a clear passage is established, and helping them down or up the stairs to the designated meeting area.

Non-Ambulatory Individuals

  • Non-ambulatory individuals are those with disabilities that require the use of wheelchairs. To assist those individuals, proceed as follows:
  • In Glen Ellyn call the COD Police at ext. 2000. Provide as much information as possible. Most importantly, provide the individual’s location.
  • Move the impaired individual near the stairwell and await assistance if there is no immediate danger within the vicinity of the stairs.
  • If not possible to evacuate the individual and the hazard becomes life threatening, move the individual into a room that provides shelter and close the door. Notify the COD Police of the location of the individual as soon as possible.
  • If evacuation is deemed necessary, attempt to gain volunteer assistance and proceed to evacuate by way of the established route.

NOTE: In the case of fire or other emergency situations that might affect electricity, DO NOT USE ELEVATORS for evacuation.

If the entire Glen Ellyn campus needs immediate evacuation, there will be a lag time for some individuals with disabilities to arrange for immediate transportation. These individuals should be relocated to a single location until arrangements can be made for their transportation off campus.

For a main campus location

Individuals with disabilities should be relocated to the Main Cafeteria, Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1140. West campus location: Homeland Security Education Center (HEC) lobby.

For an off-campus site

Individuals with disabilities should be relocated by the campus fleet vehicles to St. James the Apostle Church, 480 Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn. If the facility is not open at the time, college fleet buses can be used as temporary shelter for those in need.

Immediately evacuate the building using established evacuation routes while remaining alert for other potential threats. Move away from buildings and parking lots.

Account for all building or room occupants. Do not disturb, move or touch any suspicious boxes or packages.

In Glen Ellyn, call the COD Police, ext. 2000, or dial 911 at other locations. If the COD Police line is busy after a second attempt, dial 911. Provide as much information as possible, and if it is safe to do so, stay on the line with the dispatcher.

Other locations should, in addition to dialing 911, call the COD Police at (630) 942-2000.


  • Upon discovering fire, smoke or an explosion in the building, stay calm and activate the nearest Fire Alarm.
  • On the Glen Ellyn campus call the Police at ext. 2000; other locations dial "911" for the fire department. Be prepared to give information on location, size and cause of the incident, as well as the nature of injuries.
  • Follow posted room evacuation routes and account for all occupants of the room. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS, as electrical power might be cut off.
  • If trapped in a room, retreat and close as many doors as possible between you and the fire. Place cloth material around/under the door to stop smoke from coming in. Signal from windows, but DO NOT break the glass unless absolutely necessary.
  • Provide assistance to mobility-impaired individuals. If necessary, notify the Police at ext. 2000 of special assistance needs.
  • If the fire is beyond the means at your disposal (local fire extinguishers), do not stay to fight the fire.
  • If forced to travel through smoke, stay low and breath shallowly using a shirt or jacket as a filter.
  • If a closed door feels hot to the touch, DO NOT OPEN IT.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the building or leave the campus until accounted for and/or instructed to do so. 

Preplanning is essential when working with chemicals and other hazardous materials. Know what substances are in your work area and the dangers that they present. Detailed
safety procedures are located in all campus laboratories where dangerous materials are used and stored.

Call the COD Police, ext. 2000; other locations, dial Police at “911.” Be prepared to describe:

  • Location and type of spill
  • Injuries
  • Approximate amount of material involved
  • Any identifiable reaction
  • Who was in contact with spilled substance

Do not walk into or touch any spilled material.

  • Avoid inhaling fumes, smoke and vapors.

Isolate the area by sealing it off or closing doors.

  • Extinguish open flames.
  • Notify people in neighboring offices and classrooms.
  • If necessary, request that Facilities shut off the ventilation system by calling ext. 4440.
  • Most chemicals are odorless so remember just because you can’t smell it doesn’t mean it’s not harming you.

Evacuate the affected area or building and do not re-enter the area until told to do so by authorized emergency personnel.

Account for students and employees in your area.

If direct contact is made with a spilled substance, immediately remove contaminated clothing. Flush any point of bodily contact with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Report the injury using the guidelines as described in this chart under Medical Emergency.

Immediately evacuate the building if this action does not put you in greater danger. Carefully avoid the attention of those taking hostages.

If personally involved in a hostage crisis:

  • Take no action to intervene.
  • Remain calm.
  • Obey the hostage taker’s orders. Do not become antagonistic or confrontational.
  • Be courteous and polite.
  • Do not debate, argue or discuss political issues.
  • Speak in a normal voice.
  • Keep movement to a minimum.
  • Locate students and yourself as far away from windows, doors and the hostage taker as possible.
  • Inform hostage taker of any medical conditions.
  • If there is a law enforcement person in the room, do not point them out to anyone.
  • Attempt to notify the COD Police by calling ext. 2000, or 911, but not if doing so places lives at risk.
  • If the police enter the room, get as low to the ground as possible.


In the event of a mental health emergency constituting an immediate threat to self or others, call ext. 2000 if on the Glen Ellyn campus and 911 if off campus.


  • Stay calm.
  • Give undivided attention.
  • Be empathetic and non-judgmental. Don’t argue.
  • Be caring and concerned.
  • Respect personal space.
  • If in Glen Ellyn, notify the Counseling Services office by calling ext. 2259.
  • If the situation escalates, contact the COD Police at ext. 2000. All other COD locations, call 911.

Concerning behaviors to watch for

  • Drastic changes in behavior
  • Significant changes in academic or work performance
  • Changes in hygiene, speech, attentiveness or social interaction
  • Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Excessive drinking or drug use
  • Severe loss of emotional control
  • Excessively morbid, violent or depressing themes in written assignments
  • Expression of suicidal or violent thoughts

Report concerning behaviors to the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) by submitting a Student Concern/Incident Report or by calling ext. 3224.

  • Do not touch, handle, shake, open, empty or move the item.
  • Do not use a cell phone or two-way radios, as they can trigger a potential explosive device.
  • Leave the immediate area; direct others to do the same.
  • In Glen Ellyn, notify the COD Police by calling ext. 2000. At other COD locations, call 911.
  • Wash any exposed skin areas with soap and water. Remove any contaminated clothing and seal it in a plastic bag.

Signs of suspicious packages

  • No return address
  • Excessive postage
  • Stains
  • Strange odor
  • Strange sounds
  • Unexpected delivery
  • Poor handwriting
  • Misspelled words
  • Incorrect titles
  • Foreign postage
  • Restrictive notes

WATCH: Conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather in the area.

WARNING: Life-threatening weather has been observed or detected by radar, and is a substantial threat to the area.

  • Listen for instructions from the College’s PA system.
  • Remain calm.
  • Move to a place of safety. Lead students/employees by following directions posted in the room. Account for all students and employees in your area.
  • Stay indoors, away from windows and large, unsupported ceilings.
  • If outside, take shelter inside the nearest building.
  • After the storm has passed, in Glen Ellyn call the campus police, ext. 2000; other locations dial Police at “911” to report any injuries or damage to buildings.
  • If the building is severely damaged, evacuate the building as soon as possible after the storm has passed.

In Glen Ellyn

In case of a utility failure (electrical, water, gas or telephone), notify Facilities at ext. 4440 or COD Police at ext. 2000.

At other campus sites dial

  • For GAS leaks or outages: (888) 642-6748
  • For ELECTRIC outages: (800) 334-7661
  • For PHONE outages, attempt to make notification by use of the college computer network.
  • For WATER outages, contact the local Public Works Department.

Power Outage

  • Remain calm, move cautiously to a lighted area, and listen for instructions from PA announcements.
  • In laboratories, secure all electrical equipment, fully close fume hoods and shut off any gases.
  • Re-enter ONLY when directed by the COD Police.

Gas Leaks

  • Evacuate and stay far away from buildings.
  • In laboratories, secure all electrical equipment, fully close fume hoods and shut off any gases.
  • Re-enter ONLY when directed by the COD Police.

Contact Information

Police Department
Police Department Dispatch
Open 24 hours 7 days a week.
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2100
(630) 942-2000
Email: munsterm@cod.edu

Police Department Office
Robert J. Miller Homeland Security Education Center (HEC), Room 1040
(630) 942-2000